"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."
~ Wayne Dyer
Basic Pages:
-Home Page
-Site Map (You are here.)
-Contact Page
-Archive Page
-Science Fiction Page discussing various TV series, movies, and concepts.
-Doctor Who Page listing the latest reviews and products
-Star Trek Page listing the latest reviews and products
-Sliders Page listing the episodes, latest reviews and products
-Stargate Page
-Astronomy Page introducing various documentary series and concepts.
-"The Universe" Episode Guide Catalogue for a documentary series packed with astronomy info and super CGI graphics.
-"Cosmos" Episode Guide Catalogue covering both Carl Sagan's 1980 original and Neil deGrasse Tyson's 2014 sequel.
-"How the Universe Works" Episode Guide Catalogue for a beginner's astronomy documentary series.
The Fourth Density - demystifying the evolution of human consciousness & finding it inside your own lifespan.
The Maldek Files - an exploration of the fifth planet of our solar system,
now reduced to an asteroid belt.
Recipe for Health - a ridiculously simple model for balancing physical ingredients with emotional instructions.
The Evolution of Political Ideals - how fourth density principles could raise the consciousness of government.
Green Control - why trust and allowingness need to be part of our environmental strategy.
Monetary Reform - what scheming bankers don't want you or your government to know about your currency.
The Philadelphia Experiment - Why
bending space-time may be less effective than
mastering the present moment...
E=mc2 - if you think the speed of light
represents speed here, you've not
outgrown Newtonian Physics as intended....
Animal Whispering - how the differences between 2nd and 3rd density communication can hint at the 4th...
The Brown Dwarf That Almost Made Exoplanet History
Dr. Budwig's Flax Oil Secrets
"The Future of Food"
Dr. Deepak Chopra
Dr. Stephen Covey - lessons for interpersonal and business growth.
Dr. Bruce Lipton
-What the Bleep Do We Know at Lyratek.com?
Catalogue for Anthony Robbins' Powertalk!
Daz 3D - An easy start to awesome 3D graphics
on your computer.
Hair Add-ons for Daz 3D
LookSon ver 0.1 - deciphering Notator music files
The Sims 2 Piano Songs Chart - attempting a complete list of all folk, classical, jazz, and ragtime songs in the game.
The Space Adventure Releases details page.
Doctor Who Music CD's page
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Collection Music CD page,
comparing the 11-disc version with the 2- and 4-disc versions.
Star Trek Music: Main CD Catalogue
Star Trek Music: TOS - The Original Series Soundtrack Collection
Star Trek Music: The Ron Jones Project 14-CD box set details & mp3 catalogue
Harmonic Odyssey
A new age instrumental music CD composed, performed and
produced by Martin Izsak.
Episode Guide Catalogues of Available Doctor Who DVD's, Videos, & Music Releases:
William Hartnell Era 1963-1966, BW
...plus: -
William Hartnell Era Individual Episode Titles Page
Patrick Troughton Era 1966-1969, BW
Jon Pertwee Era 1970-1974, Colour
Tom Baker Era 1975-1981, Colour
Peter Davison Era 1981-1984, Colour
Colin Baker Era 1984-1986, Colour
Sylvester McCoy Era 1987-1989, Colour
Christopher Eccleston Era 2005, Colour
David Tennant Era 2005-2009, Colour
Matt Smith Era 2010-2013, Colour
Peter Capaldi Era 2014..., Colour
Jetzt auch auf deutsch:
Erster Doktor - William Hartnell 1963-1966, schwarzweiss
F�nfter Doktor - Peter Davison 1981-1984, farbig
Sechster Doktor - Colin Baker 1984-1986, farbig
Siebter Doktor - Sylvester McCoy 1987-1989, farbig
Documentary Data Capsule Summaries:
The Universe:
1: Secrets of the Sun
2: Mars - The Red Planet
4: Jupiter - The Giant Planet
7: Mercury & Venus - The Inner Planets
8: Saturn - Lord of the Rings
11: The Outer Planets
13: Search for E.T.
14: Beyond the Big Bang
15: Alien Planets
18: The Milky Way
19: Alien Moons
21: Astrobiology
29: Wildest Weather in the Cosmos
32: Cosmic Apocalypse
34: Parallel Universes
35: Light Speed
37: Alien Faces
41: Another Earth
42: Strangest Things
Season Three Rankings
49: The Hunt for Ringed Planets
53: Liquid Universe
56: Extreme Energy
57: 7 Wonders of the Solar System
58: Mars - The New Evidence
60: Time Travel
61: Secrets of the Space Probes
63: Total Eclipse
Season Five Rankings
74: Our Place in the Milky Way
75: Deep Freeze
Season Six Rankings
Cosmos - by Carl Sagan:
1: The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean
2: One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue
3: Harmony of the Worlds
4: Heaven and Hell
5: Blues for a Red Planet
6: Travellers' Tales
7: The Backbone of Night
8: Journeys in Space and Time
9: The Lives of the Stars
10: The Edge of Forever
11: The Persistence of Memory
12: Encyclopedia Galactica
13: Who Speaks for Earth?
1986: A Special Edition
How the Universe Works:
5: [Extreme] Planets
7: [Alien] Solar Systems
8: [Alien] Moons
E-Space: Fact or Fiction?
Alien Earths
Ancient Aliens
NASA: 50 Years of Space Exploration
Sci-Fi Review Articles:
The Matrix saga:
The Matrix in-depth philosophical review.
The Animatrix: The Second Renaissance review.
The Animatrix: Kid's Story review.
The Animatrix: Program review.
The Animatrix: World Record review.
The Animatrix: Beyond review.
The Animatrix: A Detective Story review.
The Animatrix: Matriculated review.
The Animatrix: Final Flight of the Osiris / Enter the Matrix review.
The Matrix 2: Reloaded in-depth philosophical review.
The Matrix 3: Revolutions in-depth philosophical review.
documentary: "Return to Source - Philosophy and the Matrix" review.
Original Star Trek crew (Kirk, Spock, McCoy):
Star Trek Season 1 reviews begin with "The Cage".
Star Trek Season 1 - Time Travel article & reviews.
Star Trek Season 1 - Prime Directive Origins article & reviews.
Star Trek Season 2 reviews begin with "Catspaw".
Star Trek Season 2 - Rise of the Prime Directive article & reviews.
Star Trek Season 3 reviews begin with "Spectre of the Gun".
Star Trek Season 3 - Prime Directive article & reviews.
Star Trek Season 3 - Time Travel article & reviews.
Star Trek Season 4 reviews begin with "Yesteryear".
Star Trek Season 4 - Prime Directive article & reviews.
Star Trek 1: The Motion Picture in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek Prime Directive: The Genesis Project article & review.
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country in-depth analysis review.
The Next Generation (Picard, Riker, Data):
Star Trek TNG Season 1 reviews.
Star Trek TNG Season 1 - Evolution of the Prime Directive article & reviews.
Star Trek TNG Season 2 reviews.
Star Trek TNG Season 3 reviews.
Star Trek Prime Directive: "Who Watches the Watchers" article & review.
Star Trek TNG Season 4 reviews.
Star Trek TNG Season 5 reviews.
Star Trek TNG Season 6 reviews.
Star Trek TNG Season 7 reviews.
Star Trek 7: Generations in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 8: First Contact in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 9: Insurrection in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 10: Nemesis in-depth analysis review.
Deep Space Nine (Sisko, Kira, Odo):
Star Trek DS9 Season 1 - Emissary review.
Star Trek DS9 More Season 1 reviews.
Star Trek DS9 Season 2 reviews.
Star Trek DS9 Season 3 reviews.
Star Trek DS9 Season 4 reviews.
Star Trek DS9 Season 5 reviews.
Star Trek DS9 Season 6 reviews.
Star Trek DS9 Season 7 reviews.
Star Trek DS9 Season 7 - Ten-part Finale reviews.
Star Trek Voyager (Janeway, Chakotay, Tom Paris):
Star Trek Voyager Season 1 reviews.
Star Trek Voyager Season 2 reviews.
Star Trek Voyager Season 3 reviews.
Star Trek Voyager Season 4 reviews.
Star Trek Voyager Season 5 reviews.
Star Trek Voyager Season 6 reviews.
Star Trek Voyager Season 7 reviews.
Star Trek Enterprise (Archer, T'Pol, Trip):
Star Trek Enterprise Season 1 reviews.
Star Trek Enterprise Season 2 reviews.
Star Trek Enterprise Season 3 reviews, covering
the Xindi saga.
Star Trek Enterprise Season 4 reviews.
Bar-room Brawl Universe (Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto):
Star Trek 11 (untitled) in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek 12: Into Darkness in-depth analysis review.
Star Trek Episode Reviews:
-Star Trek 1: "The Cage"
-Star Trek 2: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"
-Star Trek 3: "The Corbomite Maneuver"
-Star Trek 4: "Mudd's Women"
-Star Trek 5: "The Enemy Within"
-Star Trek 6: "The Man Trap"
-Star Trek 7: "The Naked Time"
-Star Trek 8: "Charlie X"
-Star Trek 9: "Balance of Terror"
-Star Trek 13: "The Conscience of the King"
-Star Trek 16: "The Menagerie"
-Star Trek 20: "The Alternative Factor"
-Star Trek 21: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"
-Star Trek 22: "The Return of the Archons"
-Star Trek 23: "A Taste of Armageddon"
-Star Trek 27: "Errand of Mercy"
-Star Trek 28: "The City On the Edge of Forever"
-Star Trek 29: "Operation -- Annihilate!"
-Star Trek TOS Season 1 rankings
-Star Trek 30: "Catspaw"
-Star Trek 32: "Friday's Child"
-Star Trek 33: "Who Mourns for Adonais?"
-Star Trek 38: "The Apple"
-Star Trek 39: "Mirror, Mirror"
-Star Trek 43: "Bread and Circuses"
-Star Trek 45: "A Private Little War"
-Star Trek 46: "The Gamesters of Triskelion"
-Star Trek 49: "A Piece of the Action"
-Star Trek 52: "Patterns of Force"
-Star Trek 54: "The Omega Glory"
-Star Trek 55: "Assignment: Earth"
-Star Trek TOS Season 2 rankings
-Star Trek 56: "Spectre of the Gun"
-Star Trek 57: "Elaan of Troiyus"
-Star Trek 58: "The Paradise Syndrome"
-Star Trek 63: "The Empath"
-Star Trek 65: For the World is Hollow & I Have Touched the Sky
-Star Trek 78: "All Our Yesterdays"
-Star Trek 79: "Turnabout Intruder"
-Star Trek TOS Season 3 rankings
-Star Trek 22003: "Yesteryear"
-Star Trek 22009: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu"
-Star Trek 22010: "The Time Trap"
-Star Trek 22018: "Bem"
-Star Trek 22022: "How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth"
-Star Trek 22023: "The Counter-Clock Incident"
-Star Trek TOS Season 4 rankings
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 101-102: "Encounter at Farpoint"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 104: "Code of Honor"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 106: "Where No One Has Gone Before"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 109: "Justice"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 110: "The Battle"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 112: "Too Short a Season"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 115: "Angel One"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 116: "11001001"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 117: "Home Soil"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 123: "Symbiosis"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 124: "We'll Always Have Paris"
-Star Trek TNG 1 - 126: "The Neutral Zone"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 127: "The Child"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 135: "The Measure of a Man"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 136: "The Dauphin"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 139: "Time Squared"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 141: "Pen Pals"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 142: "Q Who"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 147: "Peak Performance"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - 148: "Shades of Gray"
-Star Trek TNG 2 - Season Two Ranking
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 150: "Evolution"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 152: "Who Watches the Watchers"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 157: "The Vengeance Factor"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 159: "The Hunted"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 160: "The High Ground"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 163: "Yesterday's Enterprise"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 167: "Captain's Holiday"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - 173: "Transfigurations"
-Star Trek TNG 3 - Season Three Rankings
-Star Trek TNG 3/4 - 174-175: "The Best of Both Worlds"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - 178: "Family"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - 179: "Remember Me"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - 188: "Clues"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - 189: "First Contact"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - 195: "The Drumhead"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - 196: "Half a Life"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - 199: "In Theory"
-Star Trek TNG 4 - Season Four Rankings
-Star Trek TNG 4/5 - 200-201: "Redemption"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 202: "Darmok"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 203: "Ensign Ro"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 207-208: "Unification"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 209: "A Matter of Time"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 213: "The Masterpiece Society"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 216: "Ethics"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 217: "The Outcast"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 218: "Cause and Effect"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 221: "The Perfect Mate"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 223: "I, Borg"
-Star Trek TNG 5 - 225: "The Inner Light"
-Star Trek TNG 5/6 - 226-227: "Time's Arrow"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - The Perils and Permutations of Blu-ray"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 228: "Realm of Fear"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 235: "The Quality of Life"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 236: "Chain of Command"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 240: "Face of the Enemy"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 241: "Tapestry"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 248: "Suspicions"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 249: "Rightful Heir"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - 251: "Timescape"
-Star Trek TNG 6 - Season Six Rankings
-Star Trek TNG 6/7 - 252-253: "Descent"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 254: "Liaisons"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 256-257: "Gambit"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 263: "Parallels"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 265: "Homeward"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 266: "Sub Rosa"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 268: "Thine Own Self"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 272: "Journey's End"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 273: "Firstborn"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 276: "Preemptive Strike"
-Star Trek TNG 7 - 277/278: "All Good Things..."
-Star Trek TNG 7 - Season Seven Rankings
-Star Trek DS9 1 - 401/402: "Emissary"
-Star Trek DS9 1 - 406: "Captive Pursuit"
-Star Trek DS9 1 - 408/409: "Dax" / "The Passenger"
-Star Trek DS9 1 - 413: "Battle Lines"
-Star Trek DS9 1 - 414: "The Storyteller"
-Star Trek DS9 1 - 415: "Progress"
-Star Trek DS9 1 - 420: "In the Hands of the Prophets"
-Star Trek DS9 2 - 422: "The Circle"
-Star Trek DS9 2 - 429: "Second Sight"
-Star Trek DS9 2 - 433: "Armageddon Game"
-Star Trek DS9 2 - 438: "Profit and Loss"
-Star Trek DS9 2 - 440/441: "The Maquis"
-Star Trek DS9 2 - 444: "The Collaborator"
-Star Trek DS9 3 - 447/448: "The Search"
-Star Trek DS9 3 - 452: "The Abandoned"
-Star Trek DS9 3 - 457/458: "Past Tense"
-Star Trek DS9 3 - 461: "Destiny"
-Star Trek DS9 3 - 463: "Visionary"
-Star Trek DS9 4 - 476: "The Visitor"
-Star Trek DS9 4 - 480: "Little Green Men"
-Star Trek DS9 4 - 485: "Crossfire"
-Star Trek DS9 4 - 487: "The Sons of Mogh"
-Star Trek DS9 4 - 489: "Accession"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - 503: "Trials and Tribble-ations"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - 506: "Things Past"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - 508: "Rapture"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - 511: "For the Uniform"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - 520: "Children of Time"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - 523: "In the Cards"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - 524: "Call to Arms"
-Star Trek DS9 5 - Season Five Rankings
-Star Trek DS9 6 - 525: A Time to Serialize
-Star Trek DS9 6 - 530: "Sacrifice of Angels"
-Star Trek DS9 6 - 535: "Waltz"
-Star Trek DS9 6 - 541: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night"
-Star Trek DS9 6 - 545: "The Reckoning"
-Star Trek DS9 6 - 548: "Time's Orphan"
-Star Trek DS9 6 - 550: "Tears of the Prophets"
-Star Trek DS9 6 - Season Six Rankings
-Star Trek DS9 7 - 551: "Image in the Sand"
-Star Trek DS9 7 - 552: "Shadows and Symbols"
-Star Trek DS9 7 - 561: "Prodigal Daughter"
-Star Trek DS9 7 - 567: "Penumbra"
-Star Trek DS9 7 - 568: "'Til Death Do Us Part"
-Star Trek DS9 7 - 573: "Extreme Measures"
-Star Trek DS9 7 - 575/576: "What You Leave Behind"
-Star Trek DS9 7 - Season Seven Rankings
-Star Trek Voyager 1 - 101/102: "Caretaker"
-Star Trek Voyager 1 - 103: "Parallax"
-Star Trek Voyager 1 - 104: "Time and Again"
-Star Trek Voyager 1 - 107: "Eye of the Needle"
-Star Trek Voyager 1 - 110: "Prime Factors"
-Star Trek Voyager 1 - 111: "State of Flux"
-Star Trek Voyager Season 1 rankings
-Star Trek Voyager 2 - 122: "Non Sequitur"
-Star Trek Voyager 2 - 123: "Parturition"
-Star Trek Voyager 2 - 129: "Prototype"
-Star Trek Voyager 2 - 130: "Death Wish"
-Star Trek Voyager 2 - 131: "Alliances"
-Star Trek Voyager 2 - 132: "Threshold"
-Star Trek Voyager Season 2 rankings
-Star Trek Voyager 3 - 145: "Flashback"
-Star Trek Voyager 3 - 144: "False Profits"
-Star Trek Voyager 3 - 150/151: "Future's End"
-Star Trek Voyager 3 - 159: "Unity"
-Star Trek Voyager 3 - 163: "Before and After"
-Star Trek Voyager Season 3 rankings
-Star Trek Voyager 3/4 - 168/169: "Scorpion"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 170: "The Gift"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 171: "Nemesis"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 176/177: "Year of Hell"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 178: "Random Thoughts"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 181, 183-187: The Hirogen Arc
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 184: "Prey"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 185: "Retrospect"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 189: "The Omega Directive"
-Star Trek Voyager 4 - 191: "Living Witness"
-Star Trek Voyager Season 4 rankings
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 198: "In the Flesh"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 201: "Timeless"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 203: "Infinite Regress"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 200: "Nothing Human"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 202: "Thirty Days"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 204: "Counterpoint"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 211/212: "Dark Frontier"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 210: "The Disease"
-Star Trek Voyager 5 - 218: "Relativity"
-Star Trek Voyager 5/6 - 220/221: "Equinox"
-Star Trek Voyager Season 5 rankings
-Star Trek Voyager 6 - 225: "Dragon's Teeth"
-Star Trek Voyager 6 - 230: "Pathfinder"
-Star Trek Voyager 6 - 233: "Blink of an Eye"
-Star Trek Voyager 6 - 236: "Memorial"
-Star Trek Voyager 6 - 244: "Muse"
-Star Trek Voyager 6 - 241: "Fury"
-Star Trek Voyager Season 6 rankings
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 256: "Nightingale"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 253/254: "Flesh and Blood"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 257: "Shattered"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 259: "Repentance"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 260: "Prophecy"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 261: "The Void"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 265: "Q2"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 267: "Friendship One"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 268: "Natural Law"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 269: "Homestead"
-Star Trek Voyager 7 - 271/272: "Endgame"
-Star Trek Voyager Season 7 rankings
-All Star Trek Borg story rankings
- Enterprise 1 - 001/002: "Broken Bow"
- Enterprise 1 - 003: "Fight or Flight"
- Enterprise 1 - 005: "Unexpected"
- Enterprise 1 - 007: "The Andorian Incident"
- Enterprise 1 - 011: "Cold Front"
- Enterprise 1/2 - 026-027: "Shockwave"
- Enterprise 2 - 028: "Carbon Creek"
- Enterprise 2 - 029: "Minefield"
- Enterprise 2 - 030: "Dead Stop"
- Enterprise 2 - 049: "Regeneration"
- Enterprise 2 - 052: "The Expanse"
- Enterprise 3 - 053: "The Xindi"
- Enterprise 3 - 054: "Anomaly"
- Enterprise 3 - 060: "Twilight"
- Enterprise 3 - 063: "Carpenter Street"
- Enterprise 3 - 070-072: "Azati Prime / Damage / The Forgotten"
- Enterprise 3 - 073: "E Squared"
- Enterprise 3 - 074-076: "The Council / Countdown / Zero Hour"
- Star Trek Enterprise Season 3 rankings
- Enterprise 4 - 077-078: "Storm Front"
- Enterprise 4 - 079: "Home"
- Enterprise 4 - 094-95: "In a Mirror, Darkly"
- Enterprise 4 - 096-97: "Demons / Terra Prime"
- Enterprise 4 - 098: "These Are the Voyages..."