Star Trek Music Catalogue
Details of The Ron Jones Project
The Ron Jones Project is a testament to
the unique and highly creative musical force that struggled for expression
in those early years of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Now unleashed to bright, remastered glory, the full scores from
all those episodes composed by Ron Jones have become available to us.
This collection is the iconic fusion between classical and new-age music
that flew almost under the radar while quietly taking hold upon our psyches,
and it defined in auditory terms what Next Generation was doing narratively
in fusing high philosophy with adventure.
While the full 14-disc box set is great value for money,
the first 12 discs are also available as mp3 file downloads
in the United States and the United Kingdom. See below
for complete listings and ranked recommendations....
Star Trek - TNG
Where No One Has Gone Before
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"The Naked Now" and
"Lonely Among Us".
This represents
disc 1 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Good Rating:
- Where No One 12: The Test / Double Warp / Long Way
- Where No One 13: Long Distance / Dangerous Nonsense
- Where No One 14: Beyond Velocity
- Where No One 19: Center Your Thoughts / Warp Home
- Where No One 20: Ensign Wesley
Okay Rating:
- Naked Now 4: Suck Face / Collapsing Star
- Naked Now 5: No Control / Needing Love
- Naked Now 2: Captain's Log / Geordi Leaves
- Naked Now 7: Infection... / Running Out... / ...Doctor
- Where No One 17: Talk With Mom
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek TNG: The Ron Jones Project, Disc 1:
The Naked Now / Where No One Has Gone Before / Lonely Among Us
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
1. Rendezvous With Tsiolkovsky /
Impossible Happens / MFX 11 / The Frozen (3:29)
2. Captain's Log / Hot Head / Geordi Leaves (1:51)
3. Longing for Sight (1:51)
4. Change of Style / Suck Face /
Collapsing Star / Wesley's Takeover (1:43)
5. No Control / Needing Love (2:25)
6. Troi's Feelings / We'll Be Dead (1:10)
7. Infection in Control /
Running Out of Time / Horny Doctor (2:36)
8. Exploding Star (2:13)
9. Our Only Hope / Placing the Chips /
One More Minute / Hypos / Repulsor Beam (4:22)
10. Ending (0:45)
11. Log / Visitors / Concerned / Fly-By /
Wes and the Traveler (2:26)
12. The Test / Double Warp / Long Way From Home (2:40)
13. Long Distance / Dangerous Nonsense (2:01)
14. Beyond Velocity (1:45)
15. Billion LY Away / Targs, Cats, Imagination (2:21)
16. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart) /
Waltz of the Chocolate Donut / Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (1:02)
17. Talk With Mom (2:04)
18. He's Dying / Unknown Physiology / Encourage /
Concentrate / No Choice (2:39)
19. Center Your Thoughts / Warp Home (2:48)
20. Ensign Wesley (1:07)
21. Taking Aboard Delegates / First Contact /
What Happened? / Second Contact (2:59)
22. Not Herself (2:24)
23. Malfunction / Conference / Antican Deception /
Systems Down / Mr. Singh's Death (2:34)
24. Investigation / Feelings of Duality / Everything's Fine (2:11)
25. Reverse Direction / Questions (1:54)
26. Officer's Meeting / Alien Influence / Home Soon (2:35)
27. Riker's Log / Entity and I / Transporting to Energy (4:26)
28. P for Picard (2:09)
29. Picard is Back / Leave It to Riker (1:02)
Total Disc Time: 66:53
Star Trek - TNG
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"The Battle" and "Datalore".
This represents
disc 2 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Good Rating:
- Datalore 11: Omicron Arrival / Data's Beginning
- 11001001 33: Back in Order
- The Battle 9: Destroy the Sphere
- 11001001 21: The Enhancement
Okay Rating:
- Datalore 10: Omicron Destination ....
- 11001001 32: Access the File
- The Battle 8: No Response / The Battle
- 11001001 27: Stealing the Enterprise
- 11001001 23: Bynars
- The Battle 5: Hello Old Friend ... No Provocation
- Datalore 13: Data's Hope / Trick Question
- Datalore 12: Data's Brother
- The Battle 4: Caught Up / Stargazer
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
If your interest is Jazz, consider these instead:
- 11001001 28: Isn't It Romantic
- 11001001 25: I Remember You
- 11001001 22: Jazz (Beasley)
- 11001001 24: The Nearness of You
Star Trek TNG: The Ron Jones Project, Disc 2:
The Battle / Datalore / 11001001
All Tracks by Ron Jones, except as noted.
Track Listing:
THE BATTLE: (#110)
1. Stand By / Bok's Deception (2:37)
2. Med Scan / Ferengi Beam-Over /
Hero of Maxia / The Gift (2:42)
3. Supplemental / Memories (1:02)
4. Caught Up / Stargazer (1:12)
5. Hello Old Friend / Old Quarters /
Bad Dream / No Provocation (3:03)
6. Confession / Try to Relax /
Past Relived (3:05)
7. Waves / Collecting an Old Debt (3:19)
8. No Response / The Battle (1:44)
9. Destroy the Sphere (1:28)
DATALORE: (#114)
10. Omicron Destination / Home Sweet Home /
Welcome Home (1:20)
11. Omicron Arrival / Data's Beginning / The Lab (3:35)
12. Data's Brother (1:13)
13. Data's Hope / Android Operation /
Lore / Trick Question / Suspicion (2:55)
14. Perfect Android (3:10)
15. Image / Bad Champagne (2:37)
16. Deception / Crystal Entity (2:41)
17. No Answer / Wesley's Opposition / Head Kick (1:42)
18. Crystal Attacks (1:39)
19. Knock Out / Droid Battle / All Is Well (3:45)
11001001: (#116)
20. Docking at Starbase 74 / Eyes (2:22)
21. The Enhancement (1:48)
22. Jazz (John Beasley) (1:16)
23. Bynars (0:27)
24. The Nearness of You (Washington & Carmichael) (4:10)
25. I Remember You (Mercer & Schertzinger) (2:09)
26. Abandon Ship (1:51)
27. Stealing the Enterprise (3:22)
28. Isn't It Romantic (Rodgers & Hart) (1:30)
29. Don't Go / Regain Control / Weapons (2:04)
30. Auto-Destruct (2:27)
31. Help Us / Cancel Destruct (1:55)
32. Access the File (1:28)
33. Back in Order (Jerry Goldsmith) (1:05)
34. "Nearness of You" and Ending (1:23)
Total Disc Time: 75:38
Star Trek - TNG
Heart of Glory
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the score from
"When the Bough Breaks".
This represents
disc 3 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Good Rating:
- Heart of Glory 23: Let's Make A Phaser
- Heart of Glory 16: Questions / Geordi-Vision
- Heart of Glory 26: Wouldn't Be the Same
- Heart of Glory 15: Battle Signs
- Bough 8. Custodian / Power Source / Tricorder Fun /
Demonstration of Power
Okay Rating:
- Bough 10: The Dolphin
- Bough 7: New Parents / Keep Them Talking
- Heart of Glory 21: A Klingon's Feelings
- Bough 3: Interesting Choices
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek TNG: The Ron Jones Project, Disc 3:
When the Bough Breaks / Heart of Glory
All Tracks by Ron Jones, except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Escape From Calculus / Myth Becomes Reality (2:21)
2. Aldean Log / Radue and Rashella (0:44)
3. Interesting Choices (1:08)
4. Scanning the Children (0:51)
5. The Trade (2:02)
6. Act of Barbarity / Hand Shake / Regrets (2:04)
7. New Parents / Keep Them Talking (2:39)
8. Custodian / Power Source / Tricorder Fun /
Demonstration of Power (3:02)
9. Music Lesson / Mind Music (1:31)
10. Log of Three Days / The Dolphin (1:49)
11. Passive Resistance (2:22)
12. Diagnosis / Through the Hole (1:34)
13. Captain and Kids / Doomed by Technology (4:02)
14. Attack of the Killer Fur Ball (0:56)
15. Battle Signs / Possible Trap (2:22)
16. Questions / Geordi-Vision (1:17)
17. The Corridor (1:56)
18. Looking for Life Signs (2:30)
19. Klingon Sting / Imminent Destruction (1:52)
20. Keep You Posted / Damn / Klingon Death Ritual /
Warp Me Babe (2:26)
21. A Klingon's Feelings (2:52)
22. Moment of Decision (2:18)
23. Hostage / Not That Easy / Let's Make a Phaser (2:59)
24. Making Demands (1:16)
25. What's the Sit / Heart of Glory (2:25)
26. Wouldn't Be the Same (1:08)
Total Disc Time: 53:18
Star Trek - TNG
Skin of Evil
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"We'll Always Have Paris" and
"The Neutral Zone".
This represents
disc 4 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
A Perfect Piece of Music:
- Skin 12: Tasha's Goodbye
Excellent Rating:
- Neutral 30: Romulan Encounter
Good Rating:
- Skin 4: Yar Is Down
- Skin 2: Strange Readings From Vagra
- Paris 23: We'll Always Have Paris Reprise
- Paris 21: Countdown
Okay Rating:
- Neutral 26: Welcome to the 24th Century
- Neutral 32: Mission Forward
- Paris 16: Seeing Her Again / We Are Us, They Are Us...
- Neutral 31: We Are Back
- Paris 18: Fear of Staying
- Neutral 27: Sonny & Data
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek TNG: The Ron Jones Project, Disc 4:
Skin of Evil / We'll Always Have Paris / The Neutral Zone
All Tracks by Ron Jones.
Track Listing:
SKIN OF EVIL: (#122)
1. Crossing Zed Lapis / Sure Thing /
Crash Landing / Lost Contact (3:00)
2. Strange Readings From Vagra (2:05)
3. Blocked Path (2:07)
4. Trouble on Vagra II / Yar Is Down (4:19)
5. Confessions of a Slime Ball / Worf Remains (1:22)
6. It's Not Easy Bein' Slime (1:01)
7. Skins Game (3:42)
8. Grave Danger / Let Him Go (1:41)
9. Entertain Me (1:39)
10. Spits Riker Out / Between You and Me (1:33)
11. Skin of Evil (2:53)
12. Tasha's Goodbye (6:35)
13. Fencing / Time Distortion 1 /
What Was That? / Manheim Message (2:21)
14. Towards Pegos Minor / Mixed Feelings /
We'll Always Have Paris (5:18)
15. New Coordinates / Rescued From Vandor (2:05)
16. Seeing Her Again / We Are Us, They Are Us /
Transport Trouble (2:09)
17. Touching Another Dimension (1:56)
18. Fear of Staying (1:51)
19. Crusher's Wish / Take Care of Her (1:43)
20. Lab Visit (1:48)
21. Countdown (1:56)
22. Out of the Tunnel (1:50)
23. We'll Always Have Paris Reprise / You're Buying (2:16)
24. Waiting / Explorers / The Fridge / Frozen (2:36)
25. Trouble Zone (0:58)
26. Transition I / Thawed to Life /
Welcome to the 24th Century (1:30)
27. Sonny & Data / Low-Mileage Pit Woofies (1:37)
28. Clare's Hope / No Party Romulans (0:58)
29. No Outposts (1:03)
30. Romulan Encounter (3:17)
31. We Are Back (4:25)
32. Mission Forward (0:34)
Total Disc Time: 75:29
Star Trek - TNG
Loud as a Whisper
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"Where Silence Has Lease" and
"The Outrageous Okona".
This represents
disc 5 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Excellent Rating:
- Whisper 26: True Meaning
Good Rating:
- Whisper 25: Meet Riva / Emotional Revelation
- Okona 13: Link Up / Introductions
- Silence 9: Fatal Decision
- Silence 11: Auto-Destruct
Okay Rating:
- Okona 20: Yanar's Choice / Resolved
- Okona 12: Erstwhile Encounter
- Silence 2: Morgana Quadrant / Enveloped
- Whisper 32: Peacemaker's Peace
Special Meditation Selection:
- Whisper 24: Ramatis Vibes #2
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek TNG: The Ron Jones Project, Disc 5:
Where Silence Has Lease / The Outrageous Okona /
Loud as a Whisper
All Tracks by Ron Jones, except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Worried / Exercise (4:30)
2. Toward Morgana Quadrant / Enveloped by Darkness (2:34)
3. Void / Going Nowhere (2:17)
4. Fake Attack (0:52)
5. Ghost Ship (1:35)
6. Fly in Amber / Games (1:15)
7. Rats in a Maze (4:31)
8. The Hole / Ugly Nothing / Experiment in Death (2:01)
9. Dilemma / Fatal Decision (2:00)
10. First Gymnopédie (Erik Satie) (3:29)
11. Auto-Destruct / Steer Clear (2:43)
12. Erstwhile Encounter / Normal Routine (2:01)
13. Link Up / Introductions (2:55)
14. Questions (1:43)
15. Ten Forward (1:54)
16. Endless Night (1:19)
17. Unidentified Vessel (1:22)
18. Shades / Get Okona / Dishonored (2:40)
19. Ancient Codes / Easy to Leave (2:51)
20. Staying / Yanar's Choice / Resolved (2:13)
21. Comedy Spotlight / Something for Data (0:23)
22. Discontinue Comic (2:05)
23. Diverted to Ramatis / Bothered /
Ramatis Vibes #1 / I Hate Play-Ons (1:51)
24. Ramatis Vibes #2 (5:09)
25. Meet Riva / Emotional Revelation (1:57)
26. True Meaning (2:17)
27. Time to Go / Cease Hostilities / An End to Killing (1:15)
28. Solais Five / Tragic Meeting (2:31)
29. Not Alone / Monitoring Solais / Riva's Self-Pity (2:20)
30. Normal Eyes / Disadvantage to Advantage (1:48)
31. Return to Solais (1:07)
32. Peacemaker's Peace / Well Done (1:19)
Total Disc Time: 72:04
Star Trek - TNG
Q Who
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"A Matter of Honor",
"The Royale" and
"The Icarus Factor".
This represents
disc 6 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Excellent Rating:
- Q Who 32: Spin Out
- Q Who 33: Yellow Alert / Intruder
Good Rating:
- Q Who 34: The First of Many
- Honor 6: This Means War
- Royale 18: Hot Hands / Done Deal
- Icarus 27: Resolution / Riker Stays
- Q Who 37: The Nursery
- Q Who 39: They Will Be Coming
Okay Rating:
- Honor 1: Stardate / Things Will Be Different / The Pagh
- Honor 9: Riker Takes Command
- Royale 13: No Exit
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek TNG: The Ron Jones Project, Disc 6:
A Matter of Honor / The Royale /
The Icarus Factor / Q Who
All Tracks by Ron Jones, except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Stardate 42506.5 / Things Will Be Different /
Meeting the Pagh (1:43)
2. Bacterial Colony / Inconclusive /
Two Starships / Pagh Departs (1:00)
3. Impress Me / Challenge to Authority (2:28)
4. No Warning (1:46)
5. Etiquette / Expressing Feelings (1:54)
6. This Means War (2:08)
7. Encouraging Mendon / Status Unchanged /
Fifteen Minutes (1:50)
8. Report / Promises of Help (0:54)
9. Riker Takes Command (3:48)
THE ROYALE: (#138)
10. Theta Eight Log / Puzzle Piece (1:09)
11. Eye of the Storm / Royale Entrance (2:48)
12. Who's Afraid of Mickey D (0:48)
13. Not Alive / No Exit (2:20)
14. Feeling Trapped / Finally Getting Smarts (1:20)
15. Dead Guy / Now We Understand (1:57)
16. Rita Called (0:37)
17. The Shootout / Bizarre Incident /
We're Buying It / Sequential Consistency (1:47)
18. Hot Hands / Done Deal /
Three to Beam Up / Last Theorem (2:35)
19. Captain's Log / Congratulations / Sync Orbit (0:52)
20. Cool Reception / Walls / Family Photos (1:37)
21. The Right Thing / Hand Out /
P.C.S. (Pulaski's Chicken Soup) (0:38)
22. Emotional Baggage (1:13)
23. What Makes Us Human / You're On / Scuttlebutt (0:50)
24. Ascension Chamber (1:28)
25. Rite of Ascension (2:49)
26. Anbo-Jyutsu (2:51)
27. Resolution / Riker Stays (1:35)
Q WHO: (#142)
28. Courtesy / Q Who? (1:01)
29. Sensing Trouble / Prisoner (1:51)
30. Search / Proper Venue (1:58)
31. Old Enemies (1:07)
32. Spin Out (1:50)
33. Yellow Alert / Intruder (1:32)
34. The First of Many (2:59)
35. Attacked / Stay (2:35)
36. Away Team / Stasis (3:30)
37. The Nursery (3:11)
38. Out of Your League / Let's Get Out of Here (4:02)
39. They Will Be Coming (1:14)
Total Disc Time: 75:10
Star Trek - TNG
The Emissary
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"Up the Long Ladder", and
"Shades of Gray".
This represents
disc 7 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
If you appreciate warm, romantic melodies, seriously consider downloading this
whole disc, because there are SO MANY completely original ones here composed by Ron Jones.
These three episodes may not have been the most popular dramas from this show,
but their musical scores were really rich, and represent the composer during
one of his most fertile creative periods.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Excellent Rating:
- Shades of Gray 30: Earth Boys Are Easy
Good Rating:
- Ladder 6: Foot Sex
- The Emissary 16: Unfinished Business / The Argument
- The Emissary 22: Meaning (Worf & K'Ehylar's Theme, fully developed)
- Ladder 5: Riker and Brenna
- Ladder 2: Klingon Tea Ceremony
- Shades of Gray 29: Shades of Pleasure
Okay Rating:
- The Emissary 14: Boradis / Probe
- The Emissary 19: The Oath of Bonding
- The Emissary 21: The Option
- The Emissary 20: Cloaked Enemy
- Shades of Gray 34: Comedy: The Final Frontier
- Shades of Gray 28: Patterns / Dream State / Pinocchio ... Hug
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek TNG: The Ron Jones Project, Disc 7:
Up the Long Ladder / The Emissary /
Shades of Gray
All Tracks by Ron Jones, except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Feeling Sick / Emergency / Signal Search (1:28)
2. Klingon Tea Ceremony (2:04)
3. Situation / Bringloidi Refugees (0:45)
4. Chicken / Quite Sure / Brenna (1:33)
5. Riker and Brenna / The Other Colony (1:30)
6. Foot Sex (2:01)
7. I Got a Red Nose From the Wearin' o' the Green /
Drop of the Creature (2:16)
8. Clones (2:03)
9. The Meeting / Taking Tissue Samples (1:39)
10. The Cloning Lab (2:16)
11. Terminal Fading / Shotgun Wedding / Hand Shake /
Bringloidi, Bringloidi, Send Cloney on Over (2:22)
12. Three Husbands (0:46)
13. Enigmatic Message (0:49)
14. Boradis Destination / Probe (2:57)
15. Emissary / Uncomfortable Meeting (1:05)
16. Unfinished Business / The Argument (2:07)
17. Broken Glass / The Glove (0:58)
18. Exercise Program (3:54)
19. Wipe That Klingon Smile Off Your Face /
The Oath of Bonding (1:58)
20. Cloaked Enemy (1:04)
21. The Option (5:10)
22. Meaning (2:53)
23. The Wound / Strangest Feeling (1:43)
24. Situation / Riker Could Die (1:18)
25. The Sample / No Error (1:41)
26. All Negative / Persistent Bug (0:35)
27. Infection Spreads / First Waves (4:04)
28. Patterns / Dream State / Pinocchio / Tell Me More / Hug (1:46)
29. Shades of Pleasure (1:37)
30. Earth Boys Are Easy / Doubled Growth (1:58)
31. Shades of Sadness (2:36)
32. Isolated Memories / Vital Signs / Refocus (0:44)
33. Critical Condition / Shades of Conflict / Final Intensities (7:03)
34. Comedy: The Final Frontier (0:29)
Total Disc Time: 70:11
Star Trek - TNG
Who Watches the Watchers
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"Evolution", "Booby Trap", and "The Price".
This represents
disc 8 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
A Perfect Piece of Music:
- Watchers 17: We Are Flesh and Blood
Excellent Rating:
- Evolution 1: Double Star
- Booby Trap 30: Human Factor
Good Rating:
- Watchers 11: The Vision
- Booby Trap 23: Moonlight and You
- The Price 33: Seduction [Theme]
- The Price 34: Late for Dinner [Love Theme]
- Watchers 13: Ancestors' Beliefs
- Watchers 22: Nothing Beyond Reach
- Evolution 8: The Blast / Motherly Paranoia
- The Price 41: The Price [resolves love theme]
Okay Rating:
- Watchers 12: Liko Sees God
- Watchers 16: Beam Nuria
- Watchers 15: Saving Palmer
- Watchers 18: No More Fear
- Booby Trap 24: Ancient Warship
- Booby Trap 26: The Trap
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Seriously, this disc has more outstanding tracks than any other,
and should definitely be considered
first among all full album downloads. "Who Watches the Watchers" is my favourite Star Trek
Ron Jones score of all, while "Booby Trap" and "The Price" are very strong.
"Evolution" is a little more experimental, but is bookended by a very powerful
space exploration theme that embodies the best qualities of Trek. This album
is the perfect starting place for a collection of Ron Jones mp3 downloads.
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 8:
Evolution/Who Watches the Watchers/Booby Trap/The Price
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
1. Double Star (1:28)
2. System Failure / 30 Seconds to Impact / Food Slot (2:56)
3. Computer Daydreams (1:45)
4. Traps / Good Grade / Tampered Core (1:28)
5. Bad Air (1:04)
6. Matter of Survival / Stubbs Gets It / Contact (2:29)
7. Nanite Negotiations (3:03)
8. The Blast / Motherly Paranoia (1:29)
9. Repair Mission / Blind Down (1:05)
10. Help Arrives / Distant Light (0:47)
11. The Vision (3:20)
12. Liko Sees God (1:13)
13. Ancestors' Beliefs (0:52)
14. Riker's Ideas / Contamination Gets Worse (1:10)
15. Saving Palmer (3:07)
16. Punishment / Beam Nuria (1:59)
17. We Are Flesh and Blood (2:26)
18. No More Fear (1:01)
19. Nuria's Plea / Divine Encounter (1:04)
20. We Have Limits (3:21)
21. Getting the Point (1:19)
22. Nothing Beyond Reach (0:47)
BOOBY TRAP: (#154)
23. Moonlight and You (0:42)
24. Ancient Warship (1:01)
25. Ancient Battle Site / Promellian Vessel /
Ready to Return (2:38)
26. The Trap (1:28)
27. Motionless / Leah / Question (0:45)
28. Leah Comes to Life (0:53)
29. Experiment Failed / Shut Down / Crystal Breakdown /
Working on It / Only Way / 26 Minutes / Possibility (1:57)
30. Human Factor (3:30)
31. Touch (0:35)
THE PRICE: (#156)
32. Troi's Mood / Sensing / Looks (2:01)
33. Orbit of Barzan / Seduction / Readings (1:34)
34. Late for Dinner (2:33)
35. Higher Stakes / Into the Hole (0:35)
36. Troi and Ral (3:51)
37. End of Hole (1:21)
38. Stretching (1:45)
39. Seeds of Doubt / Manipulation / Time to Go (2:25)
40. Ethics / As the World Turns (0:27)
41. The Price (2:09)
Total Disc Time: 73:18
Star Trek - TNG
The Offspring
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"The Defector",
"The High Ground", and
"A Matter of Perspective".
This represents
disc 9 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Excellent Rating:
- The Offspring 27: Learning to Sense / Learning Skills
Good Rating:
- High Ground 17: Enterprise D "Take Us Out" Theme
- Defector 5: Valley of Chula
- Perspective 18: Perspectives
- The Offspring 26: Data's Child / The Big Decision
- The Offspring 31: Lal's Death
- Perspective 19: Chief Investigator
- Defector 4: Interrogation
Okay Rating:
- High Ground 13: Terrorist Attack
- Defector 8: The Stand-Off
- Defector 9: Suicide
- The Offspring 32: Thanks for the Memory Chips
- High Ground 15: The Pad
- Perspective 25: Final Evidence
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 9:
The Defector / The High Ground /
A Matter of Perspective / The Offspring
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
1. The Scout Ship (1:01)
2. Rescue (3:00)
3. Scout Ship Explodes / Warning / Suicide Pill /
Possibility / Black Matter (1:34)
4. Interrogation / Ionizations (1:28)
5. Valley of Chula (1:13)
6. Cooperation (1:01)
7. Treaty Violation / Betrayed (1:52)
8. The Stand-Off (4:42)
9. Suicide (1:12)
10. Planet of Discontent / Abduction (0:44)
11. No Trace / A Hostage / Hostage Policy /
No Reason to Kill (1:21)
12. Infirmary / Martyr / Willing to Die / Killing Plans (2:20)
13. Terrorist Attack (3:14)
14. Aftermath / Message (1:50)
15. Cave / The Pad (2:13)
16. Imperfect Solution (2:13)
17. Enterprise D "Take Us Out" Theme (0:59)
18. Perspectives / Update / Clearing the Signal (2:05)
19. Investigation / Chief Investigator (1:53)
20. Orders (1:13)
21. Programming Computer / Krag I (1:56)
22. Evidence / Manua Enters / Freeze (1:24)
23. Fatal Neckties / Radiation (1:30)
24. Don't Worry / Go Ahead, Worry / We Know /
Barrister Picard (1:18)
25. Final Evidence (1:47)
26. Another Day in Space / Data's Child / Report /
Lab Meeting / The Big Decision / It's a Girl (4:33)
27. Learning to Sense / Learning Skills (2:47)
28. Click Off / Misfit / Admiral's Warning (0:59)
29. Beloved / Contraction / Question of Ability /
The Kiss / Gesture of Affection (3:00)
30. Opinions / Interview / What It Means to Feel (1:50)
31. Before the Storm / Lal's Death (5:04)
32. Thanks for the Memory Chips (0:39)
Total Disc Time: 65:29
Star Trek - TNG
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"Allegiance" and
"Ménage à Troi".
This represents
disc 10 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
One word of warning - both Amazon in the U.S. and in the United Kingdom get a bit mixed
up with this one.
"The Offspring" is NOT represented on this album (disc 10).
The listing should include the episode "Allegiance" along with
"Ménage à Troi" and "Brothers". "The Offspring" can be found on the
previous album (disc 9). Individual mp3 tracks appear to be correctly listed, however.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Excellent Rating:
- Ménage 20: Real Ensign
Good Rating:
- Brothers 28: Goodbye, Father / Reconciled
- Brothers 24: Cascade Sequence
- Brothers 26: Soong Is Dying / Gift for Data
- Ménage 19: Convincing
- Allegiance 4: Night Strings
- Ménage 14: Gamma Nebula
Okay Rating:
- Ménage 12: Betazed Garden
- Allegiance 1: All's Well
- Allegiance 5: I Only Gag When You're Near
- Ménage 11: Reception
- Allegiance 10: The Look
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 10:
Allegiance / Ménage à Troi / Brothers
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
1. All's Well / Captain's Abduction (2:07)
2. No Hurt / False Picard / Change of Plans / Esoqq's Arrival (1:37)
3. We Are Prisoners / Questions of Confidence /
Late Night Snack / No Escape (2:40)
4. Night Strings (2:40)
5. I Only Gag When You're Near (4:35)
6. Suspicion / Realization (2:20)
7. Mutiny (2:06)
8. Defiance (1:04)
9. Experiment Over / Taste of Captivity (3:53)
10. The Look (0:19)
11. Reception / Tog's Proposition (1:34)
12. Betazed Garden / Abduction (1:37)
13. Wake Up / No Clothes / Play Along With Tog / The Kiss (2:08)
14. Gamma Nebula (0:51)
15. Oo-mox (2:17)
16. Fulfilled / Farek's Deal (1:32)
17. No Clue / Flowers / The Adjustment (1:59)
18. The Message / Wes Is Back / Signal (1:50)
19. Agreement / Convincing (2:41)
20. Real Ensign (1:19)
BROTHERS: (#177)
21. No Joke / Spirit Lifter / Jake & Jerk (1:12)
22. Data Takes Over (5:44)
23. Talk With Willie / Preparations (1:22)
24. Cascade Sequence (3:16)
25. Really You / Worries / Reunion (2:31)
26. Soong Is Dying / Gift for Data (3:03)
27. Sleight of Hand / Wrong Data (2:37)
28. Goodbye, Father / Reconciled (broadcast ending) (2:09)
29. Jake & Jerk (0:31)
30. Preparations version 1 M22 (1:16)
31. Preparations version 2 M22R (1:15)
32. It's You / Don't Worry / Reunion (2:23)
33. He's Dying / Basic Emotions (3:02)
34. Sleight of Hand / Wrong Data (1:46)
35. Reconciled (recorded ending) (0:39)
Total Disc Time: 75:27
Star Trek - TNG
Data's Day
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"Final Mission", and
"Devil's Due".
This represents
disc 11 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Good Rating:
- Data's Day 23: T'Pel Arrives
- Data's Day 28: Understanding / Becoming
- Devil's Due 32: Contract
- Devil's Due 36: Contract Dissolved
- Reunion 8: Father and Son
- Data's Day 22: Letter Continues
- Final Mission 17: The Promise
Okay Rating:
- Final Mission 21: You Will Be Missed
- Final Mission 12: Desert Trek
- Final Mission 10: Shuttle Crash
- Devil's Due 33: Seduction / Disappearance
- Final Mission 20: Final Mission, Part 2
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 11:
Reunion / Final Mission / Data's Day / Devil's Due
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
REUNION: (#181)
1. Unexpected Rendezvous / Worf's Surprise (1:16)
2. Day Care / The Question / The Meeting / Conspiracy (2:59)
3. K'mpec Is Dead / Challengers' Arrival / Proof of Death (3:04)
4. Love and Conflict (1:39)
5. Threats / Glares / Device (0:59)
6. Curiosity / Access Denied (2:58)
7. Revenge (5:02)
8. Father and Son (1:35)
9. Summons / Good News / Plans (1:22)
10. Shuttle Trouble / Shuttle Crash (2:10)
11. No Water / Situation (1:03)
12. Desert Trek / Can't Go Back (2:05)
13. The Cave / Dresci Discovery / Many Reasons (2:00)
14. The Fountain (2:22)
15. Towing / Silent Scream (2:59)
16. Lethal Exposure (1:28)
17. The Promise (1:34)
18. New Course (1:08)
19. Final Mission, Part 1 (2:38)
20. Final Mission, Part 2 (1:18)
21. You Will Be Missed (0:34)
DATA'S DAY: (#185)
22. Voice Mail / Letter Continues / Keiko Cancels (1:52)
23. T'Pel Arrives / Course Correction (1:27)
24. Middle Man / Guidance / Intuition (1:44)
25. Transporter Emergency (2:52)
26. Observation / Deduction / False Remains (2:42)
27. Bear Gets You (3:30)
28. Understanding / Becoming (1:14)
DEVIL'S DUE: (#187)
29. Marley and Scrooge / Call for Help (0:21)
30. Rescue Clark / Ventax II / Time's Up (1:35)
31. Disappointed / Fek'Ihr / Discussion (0:52)
32. Contract (2:32)
33. Expose / Seduction / Disappearance (2:56)
34. Can't Locate / Dangerous Game / Devil's Proof (2:34)
35. Bag of Tricks (2:05)
36. Contract Dissolved (1:24)
Total Disc Time: 73:15
Star Trek - TNG
The Nth Degree
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"First Contact" (the 4th season episode, not the film),
"Night Terrors", and
"The Drumhead".
Five minutes of extra music from
"The Best of Both Worlds" also debuted on this album,
before being included on
the expanded CD release for that story.
This represents
disc 12 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Our top tracks recommended for download:
Excellent Rating:
- The Nth Degree 27: Faith / Cheap Date
Good Rating:
- The Nth Degree 20: Cyrano de Bozo / Loneliness
Okay Rating:
- The Drumhead 33: Implications / Drumhead
- Night Terrors 15: The Morgue / One Moon
- Night Terrors 18: Circles
- The Drumhead 34: Observations / The Price
- First Contact 3: Appearance / Mirasta Agrees
- First Contact 4: Beyond Dreams
- First Contact 10: Acceptance / Mirasta Stays
- The Nth Degree 26: Bio-Cellular Disruption
- The Nth Degree 22: Probe Threat
- The Drumhead 29: Admission of Guilt
- The Nth Degree 25: Going In
- First Contact 6: Failed Escape
- The Drumhead 31: Incrimination
- Best of Both 40: Borg Reach Saturn
(Any more than 8, and you may as well save money by downloading the whole album.)
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 12:
First Contact / Night Terrors / The Nth Degree / The Drumhead
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
FIRST CONTACT (the 4th season episode 189, not the film):
1. What Are You? (1:24)
2. Crisis Room / Device / Keep Quiet (1:14)
3. Appearance / Mirasta Agrees (1:16)
4. Beyond Dreams (0:53)
5. Paranoia / Rumors / Visitor / Amazement (1:22)
6. Failed Escape (1:51)
7. Decisions / Full Paranoia / Replaced / Review (2:01)
8. Drugged / Must Tell (0:46)
9. Another Path (1:59)
10. Acceptance / Mirasta Stays (1:01)
11. Vessel of Death (2:39)
12. Body Bag / Try to Understand / Eyes in the Dark (1:37)
13. Mystery of Brattain / Hearing Things /
Jealous / No Response (2:19)
14. Adrift / Night Terrors (2:46)
15. The Morgue / Going Insane / One Moon (1:55)
16. Feeling Fear (2:49)
17. Data's Log / Realization (1:08)
18. Circles (3:09)
19. Pleasant Dreams (0:28)
THE Nth DEGREE: (#193)
20. Cyrano de Bozo / Loneliness / Questions (1:54)
21. The Flash / Patterns Unknown (0:43)
22. Probe Threat (4:22)
23. Aftermath / Mr. Fix-It / New Man / Nice Try /
Y Ask Y / Most Advanced / What to Do (1:59)
24. Neural-Scan Interface (3:23)
25. Unexpanded Brain / Stop It / Going In (4:06)
26. Do Your Duty / Bio-Cellular Disruption (3:06)
27. Faith / Cheap Date (1:27)
28. Suspicion / J'Dan (1:58)
29. Satie's Arrival / Tough-Job / Admission of Guilt (2:56)
30. Seen Before / The Hunt / He's Lying /
No Action / Guilt & Innocence (1:26)
31. The Hearing / Incrimination (1:08)
32. Seeing / How It Starts / Mistake / Ethics / Ordered to Report /
Picard on Trial (2:21)
33. Implications / Drumhead (3:50)
34. Observations / The Price (0:43)
THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS bonus tracks: (#174-175)
35. Early Worm (1:08)
36. Preparations (0:24)
37. Contemplations (0:49)
38. Repairs Complete (0:20)
39. Currents (0:56)
40. Sitting Ducks / Borg Reach Saturn (1:08)
Total Disc Time: 65:29
Star Trek - TNG
The Ron Jones Project
Additional and Alternate Cues
composed by
Ron Jones.
Only available as a physical audio CD, as
disc 13 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 13:
Additional and Alternate Cues
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
1. MFX 11 (alt) (0:21)
2. Needing Love (2:00)
3. Warp Home (take 2) (1:11)
4. Oops (FX) (0:10)
5. Alpine Horn (wild takes) (0:28)
6. Low-Mileage Pit Woofies (alt) / Stupid Guitar (0:15)
7. Fatal Decision / Auto-Destruct (medley) (2:27)
8. Puzzle Piece (0:34)
9. Who's Afraid of Mickey D (0:40)
10. Mickey in D (0:46)
11. Cool Reception (0:57)
12. Rite of Ascension (2:48)
13. Anbo-Jyutsu (2:51)
14. Prisoner (0:47)
15. First Borg (0:25)
16. The Nursery (pick-up) (0:08)
17. Klingon Tea Ceremony (0:32)
18. I Got a Red Nose From the Wearin' o' the Green (0:48)
19. Probe (2:50)
20. Unfinished Business (0:56)
21. The Oath of Bonding (1:54)
22. Wild FX (0:13)
23. Saving Palmer (3:09)
24. Human Factor (take 2) (3:30)
25. Seduction (0:55)
26. Seeds of Doubt / A Problem (0:33)
27. Suicide / Interrogation / Valley of Chula (2:31)
28. Planet of Discontent / Aftermath (0:44)
29. Imperfect Solution (2:13)
30. Clearing the Signal (0:58)
31. Chief Investigator / Decision / Inappropriate (1:30)
32. Radiation (mix 1) (0:17)
33. Final Evidence (1:47)
34. Data's Child / Lab Meeting (1:54)
35. Choices / Power Trip (0:26)
36. Beloved (0:29)
37. All's Well (0:28)
38. Captain's Abduction (2:09)
39. Suspicion (2:00)
40. Reception / Tog's Proposition (alt C) (0:48)
41. Tog's Proposition (alt D)
42. The Kiss (0:32)
43. Signal (0:41)
44. Unexpected Rendezvous (1:02)
45. Curiosity (0:52)
46. Summons (0:32)
47. The Fountain (2:22)
48. Course Correction (0:21)
49. Intuition (0:30)
50. Call for Help (0:10)
51. Contract (2:31)
52. Tricks (0:14)
53. What Are You? (1:23)
54. Appearance / Mirasta Agrees (0:50)
55. Beyond Dreams (0:55)
56. Failed Escape (1:52)
57. Acceptance (0:46)
58. Eyes in the Dark (1:21)
59. Hearing Things (1:00)
60. One Moon (0:33)
61. Data's Log / Realization (1:07)
62. Wild Choir (2:00)
63. Cyrano de Bozo / Loneliness / Questions (1:54)
64. New Man (0:29)
65. What to Do / Unexpanded Brain (0:47)
66. How It Starts (0:35)
Total Disc Time: 79:28
Star Trek - TNG
The Ron Jones Project
Original music soundtracks
for the computer games:
"Starfleet Academy" and
"Starfleet Command".
composed by
Ron Jones
Only available as a physical audio CD, as
disc 14 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
Star Trek: Ron Jones Project, 14:
Starfleet Academy / Starfleet Command
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
1. Starfleet Academy Theme (Opening) (4:05)
2. Surrounded (Losing Combat #1) (2:19)
3. Evasive Maneuvers (Winning Combat #2) (2:20)
4. Exploring the Unknown (Exploration #1) (1:55)
5. On the Edge (Tied Combat #2) (2:47)
6. Crew Introductions (1:48)
7. Red Alert (Tied Combat #1) (2:47)
8. On to Victory (Winning Combat #1) (2:20)
9. Discovery (Exploration #2) (1:56)
10. No Way Out (Losing Combat #2) (2:20)
11. Intro Movie (0:48)
12. Race Selection (1:02)
13. Federation Menu Screen (2:04)
14. Federation Mission Start (0:24)
15. Federation Faster (0:18)
16. Federation Mission Failure (1:03)
17. Federation Mission Success (1:03)
18. Klingon Menu Screen (2:05)
19. Klingon Mission Start (0:23)
20. Klingon Faster (0:18)
21. Klingon Mission Failure (1:04)
22. Klingon Mission Success (0:44)
23. Romulan Menu Screen (2:03)
24. Romulan Mission Start (0:23)
25. Romulan Faster (0:18)
26. Romulan Mission Failure (1:03)
27. Romulan Mission Success (1:03)
28. Gorn Menu Screen (2:02)
29. Gorn Mission Start (0:23)
30. Gorn Faster (0:18)
31. Gorn Mission Failure (1:02)
32. Gorn Mission Success (1:03)
33. Lyran Menu Screen (2:03)
34. Lyran Mission Start (0:23)
35. Lyran Faster (0:17)
36. Lyran Mission Failure (1:02)
37. Lyran Mission Success (1:03)
38. Hydran Menu Screen (2:05)
39. Hydran Mission Start (0:20)
40. Hydran Faster (0:18)
41. Hydran Mission Failure (1:07)
42. Hydran Mission Success (1:04)
43. Klingon Menu Screen (with choir) (2:04)
44. Klingon Mission Start (with choir) (0:23)
45. Klingon Mission Success (with choir) (1:44)
46. Transitions #1-6 (0:31)
47. Extended Tag (0:13)
48. Exploration Tags #1-4 (0:29)
49. Losing Tags #1-4 (0:28)
50. Winning Tags #1-4 (0:30)
Total Disc Time: 62:52
Star Trek - TNG
The Ron Jones Project
Original music soundtracks.
composed by
Ron Jones
14-disc Audio CD box set
While TNG (The Next Generation) is my favourite incarnation of Star Trek,
my lasting impression of the music of TNG and its TV successors
had long been that it just didn't have the energy or excitement of the 1960's TOS era.
But The Ron Jones Project has now made me a convert, clearly showing
that the early years of TNG were something different musically to
what it later became.
Half-buried under the "air-conditioning" sound effects,
and often sparring against the bland tastes of certain TV producers,
a unique and highly creative musical force struggled for expression
in those early years.
Now unleashed to bright, remastered glory, the full scores from
all those episodes composed by Ron Jones have become available to us.
To me, this collection will always be the iconic fusion between classical and new-age music
that flew almost under the radar while quietly taking hold upon our psyches,
and it defined in auditory terms what Next Generation was doing narratively
in fusing high philosophy with adventure.
Though I also have the 15-CD TOS box set which I had yearned for more strongly,
I now find that I end up listening to the innumerable highlights of
"The Ron Jones Project" far, far more often.
One thing this set does not give you is any version of the opening titles
or credit sequences. But, Jones often quoted not only Alexander Courage's
opening fanfare (which most other Trek composers did), but also Jerry Goldsmith's
main theme for the series. In fact, Jones may have arranged a greater variety
of variations on this theme in TNG's first two seasons (even adapting it for humour)
than Goldsmith himself did in his five feature films. Awesome.
While the full 14-disc box set is great value for money,
the first 12 discs are also available as mp3 file downloads
in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Ron Jones Project (14 CD) [Soundtrack]
All episodes scored by Ron Jones
Episode Coverage:
- Disc 1
- 103: The Naked Now (22:49)
- 106: Where No One Has Gone Before (21:15)
- 108: Lonely Among Us (22:35)
- Disc 2
- 110: The Battle (20:29)
- 114: Datalore (25:00)
- 116: 11001001 (29:56 including source jazz cues)
- Disc 3
- 118: When the Bough Breaks (27:30)
- 120: Heart of Glory (25:42)
- Disc 4
- 122: Skin of Evil (32:24)
- 124: We'll Always Have Paris (25:38)
- 126: The Neutral Zone (17:14)
- Disc 5
- 128: Where Silence Has Lease (28:09)
- 130: The Outrageous Okona (21:49)
- 132: Loud As A Whisper (21:53)
- Disc 6
- 134: A Matter of Honor (17:49)
- 138: The Royale (15:34)
- 140: The Icarus Factor (14:07)
- 142: Q Who (27:19)
- Disc 7
- 144: Up the Long Ladder (21:01)
- 146: The Emissary (Worf & K'Ehleyr, 23:14)
- 148: Shades of Gray (25:43)
- Disc 8
- 150: Evolution (16:01)
- 152: Who Watches the Watchers (24:03)
- 154: Booby Trap (13:50)
- 156: The Price (19:05)
- Disc 9
- 158: The Defector (17:18)
- 160: The High Ground (15:14)
- 162: A Matter of Perspective (13:26)
- 164: The Offspring (19:11)
- Disc 10
- 166: Allegiance (23:43)
- 172: Ménage à Troi (18:04)
- Disc 10 continued...
- 177: Brothers (22:15 + alternates 11:06)
- Disc 11
- 181: Reunion (19:46)
- 183: Final Mission (23:04)
- 185: Data's Day (15:31)
- 187: Devil's Due (14:34)
- Disc 12
- 189: First Contact [the TV episode] (14:09)
- 191: Night Terrors (19:09)
- 193: The Nth Degree (21:15)
- 195: The Drumhead (14:32)
- 174-175: The Best of Both Worlds (5:00)
- Disc 13 - Additional and Alternate Cues:
- Season One Total: (4:41)
- Season Two Total: (19:57)
- Season Three Total: (29:30)
- Season Four Total: (25:08)
- Disc 14 - Interplay Computer Games:
- Starfleet Academy (24:57)
- Starfleet Command (31:58)
- Bonus Tracks (5:43)
Article written by Martin Izsak.
Comments on this article are welcome.
You may contact the author from this page:
Contact page