Star Trek Music Catalogue
Classic Collections of Film & Television Music on CD
In recent years, the availability and quality of Star Trek music has exploded,
and there are many new, upgraded, and expanded versions allowing far more complete
coverage of our favourite episodes and films. This page is the starting point
for our comparisons of the new material with the old....
TOS Soundtrack Collection
The Man Trap /
Friday's Child /
Elaan of Troyius,
and many more...
15-CD box set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Alexander Courage,
Fred Steiner,
Sol Kaplan,
Gerald Fried,
Jerry Fielding,
George Duning,
and others....
Audio CD set
released in 2012
This box set really is one-stop shopping
for those of us that love the bold brash music of TOS: The Original Series.
In here you will find "every note of it", "lovingly remastered from the
first generation quarter-inch monaural library tapes",
including a collection of classic sound effects created by the orchestra.
It's all here. This set blows away all previous single-CD albums
of the original music (which would typically only give you 2/3 of the music
from any given episode). This set also covers many, many episodes whose music had
never been released before at all.
Purchase this one, and you're pretty much done...
at least as far as The Original Series (TOS 1966-1969) is concerned.
For all the extensive details of this set, including cue-by-cue
comparisons with most of the other older CD albums of
original Star Trek music, see our special page for
Star Trek - The Original Series (TOS)
Music Soundtrack Collection.
Star Trek: The Original Series Soundtrack Collection,
Limited-Edition 15-disc boxed set
Episode Coverage:
- Disc 1 (Alexander Courage)
- The Cage (32:01)
- Where No Man Has Gone Before (27:58)
- Disc 2 (Alexander Courage)
- The Man Trap (35:20)
- The Naked Time (34:44)
- Disc 3 (Fred Steiner)
- Charlie X (24:40)
- Mudd's Women (22:01)
- The Corbomite Maneuver (7:11)
- Balance of Terror (5:35)
- What Are Little Girls Made Of? (8:11)
- Disc 4
- The Enemy Within (Sol Kaplan, 22:58)
- The Conscience of the King (J. Mullendore, 28:51)
- Shore Leave (Gerald Fried, 20:34)
- Disc 5
- The City on the Edge of Forever (Steiner, 10:38)
- Library Music (Mullendore, Wilbur Hatch, 8:48)
- Source and Alternates (19:23)
- The Squire of Gothos (Ivan Ditmars, 6:29)
- Sound Effects (12:56)
- Theme Outtakes (14:31)
- Disc 6 (Gerald Fried)
- Catspaw (32:36)
- Friday's Child (24:13)
- Disc 7
- Amok Time (Gerald Fried, 32:46)
- The Doomsday Machine (Sol Kaplan, 31:51)
- Disc 8 (Fred Steiner)
- Who Mourns for Adonais? (29:07)
- Mirror, Mirror (13:59)
- By Any Other Name (12:28)
- The Omega Glory (2:01)
- Library Music (14:24)
- Disc 9
- Metamorphosis (George Duning, 30:36)
- Return to Tomorrow (George Duning, 18:09)
- Patterns of Force (George Duning, 6:35)
- The Apple (Gerald Fried, 5:59)
- Wolf in the Fold (Gerald Fried, 3:05)
- Disc 10
- I, Mudd (Samuel Matlovsky, 17:50)
- The Trouble with Tribbles (Jerry Fielding, 12:05)
- Library Music (Courage, Steiner, Fried, 30:43)
- Alternates and Outtakes (9:23)
- Amok Time Source Music (3:03)
- Disc 11
- Spectre of the Gun (Jerry Fielding, 26:10)
- The Paradise Syndrome (Gerald Fried, 37:58)
- Disc 12 (Fred Steiner)
- Elaan of Troyius (31:05)
- Spock's Brain (31:45)
- Season Three Library Music (12:51)
- Disc 13
- The Enterprise Incident (A. Courage, 37:56)
- Plato's Stepchildren (Alexander Courage, 28:06)
- Whom Gods Destroy (Alexander Courage, 1:44)
- The Way to Eden (Arthur Heinemann,
Charles Napier, and Craig Robertson, 8:15)
- Disc 14
- Is There In Truth No Beauty? (G. Duning, 36:39)
- The Empath (George Duning, 32:24)
- Requiem for Methuselah (Ivan Ditmars, 4:37)
- Disc 15
- Star Trek (Gregory Smith 2006 remastered, 1:02)
- And the Children Shall Lead (G. Duning, 36:56)
- Library Music (33:51)
- Alternates (1:48)
- The Savage Curtain (Wilbur Hatch, 3:16)
Star Trek
The Motion Picture
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Jerry Goldsmith
Audio CD
New 3-Disc Edition for 2012:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
2012 Complete Soundtrack Edition
3-disc Audio CD set
Track Listing:
1. Overture (1:43)
2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Main Title /
Klingon Battle (7:01)
3. Total Logic (3:54)
4. Floating Office (1:08)
5. The Enterprise (6:02)
6. Malfunction (1:30)
7. Goodbye Klingon / Goodbye Epsilon 9 / Prelaunch (2:10)
8. Leaving Drydock (3:32)
9. TV Theme / Warp Point Eight (0:50)
10. No Goodbyes (0:53)
11. Spock's Arrival (2:03)
12. TV Theme / Warp Point Nine (1:49)
13. Meet V'Ger (3:06)
14. The Cloud (5:05)
15. V'Ger Flyover (5:01)
16. The Force Field (5:07)
17. Micro Exam (1:13)
18. Games /
Spock Walk (9:51)
19. System Inoperative (2:03)
20. Hidden Information (3:58)
21. Inner Workings (4:04)
1. V'Ger Speaks (4:04) /
2. The Meld /
A Good Start (5:37)
3. End Title (3:16)
THE UNUSED EARLY SCORE ("There's no theme!" "Oh.")
4. The Enterprise (6:05)
5. Leaving Drydock (2:39)
6. No Goodbyes (0:55)
7. Spock's Arrival (2:00)
8. Micro Exam (1:15)
9. Games (3:49)
10. Inner Workings (4:43)
11. Main Title / Klingon Battle (6:50)
12. Leaving Drydock (3:29)
13. The Cloud (5:00)
14. The Enterprise (5:59)
15. Ilia's Theme (3:00)
16. Vejur Flyover (4:56)
17. The Meld (3:15)
18. Spock Walk (4:17)
19. End Title (3:16)
1. Overture [long version] (2:50)
2. Main Title [alternate take] (1:44)
3. Total Logic [alternate take] (3:49)
4. Malfunction [early take] (1:28)
5. Goodbye Klingon [alternate take] (0:35)
6. No Goodbyes [alternate take] (0:53)
7. Spock's Arrival [alternate take] (2:01)
8. The Force Field [alternate take] (5:04)
9. Micro Exam [alternate take] (1:14)
10. Games [early synthesizer version] (3:48)
11. Games [alternate take] (3:48)
12. Inner Workings [alternate take] (4:05)
13. V'Ger Speaks [alternate take] (4:03)
14. The Meld [film version] (3:16)
15. A Good Start [discrete] (2:27)
16. Main Title [album take] (1:44)
17. Main Title [first raw takes] (7:21)
18. The Force Field / The Cloud [excerpts] (2:33)
19. Beams and Synthesizer for V'Ger (4:04)
20. Beams and Synthesizer for Ilia (0:59)
21. Synthesizer for Main Theme (1:44)
22. Star Trek: The Motion Picture [Bob James Disco] (5:24)
23. A Star Beyond Time [Shaun Cassidy sings Ilia] (2:43)
24. Ilia's Theme [alternate] (3:33)
25. Star Trek: The Motion Picture [concert edit] (3:25)
3 discs totaling: 221:14
20th Anniversary Edition for 1999:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
20th Anniversary Collectors' Edition
2-disc Audio CD set
Track Listing:
DISC ONE - 20th Anniversary Edition (65:04)
2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Main Title (1:23) /
3. Klingon Battle (5:27)
4. Total Logic (3:44) /
5. Floating Office (1:03)
6. The Enterprise (5:59)
7. Leaving Drydock (3:29)
8. Spock's Arrival (1:58)
9. The Cloud (4:58)
10. Vejur Flyover (4:57)
11. The Force Field (5:03)
12. Games (3:41) /
13. Spock Walk (4:19)
14. Inner Workings (3:01)
15. Vejur Speaks (3:50) /
16. The Meld (3:09) /
17. A Good Start (2:27)
18. End Title (3:16)
1. Ilia's Theme (3:01)
Japanese import:
1. Star Trek Theme (1:34)
2. Introduction: Nichelle Nichols (1:13)
3. Inside Star Trek (1:04)
4. William Shatner Meets Captain Kirk (9:12)
5. Introduction to Live Show (0:25)
6. About Science Fiction (0:40)
7. The Origin of Spock (1:45)
8. Sarek's Son Spock (7:21)
9. The Questor Affair (3:49)
10. The Genesis II Pilot (2:34)
11. Cyborg Tools and E.T. Life Forms (4:06)
12. McCoy's RX for Life (6:14)
13. The Star Trek Philosophy (4:40)
14. Asimov's World of Science Fiction (6:27)
15. The Enterprise Runs Around (1:50)
16. A Letter From a Network Censor (5:03)
17. The Star Trek Dream (Ballad I / Ballad II) (5:43)
18. Sign Off: Nichelle Nichols (0:50)
2 discs totaling: 129:31
Star Trek II
The Wrath of Khan
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
James Horner
Audio CD
New Edition for 2009:
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Newly Expanded Edition)
All Tracks by James Horner,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Main Title (3:06)
2. Surprise on Ceti Alpha V (0:45)
3. Khan's Pets (4:19)
4. The Eels of Ceti Alpha V / Kirk in Space Shuttle (3:53)
5. Enterprise Clears Moorings (3:33)
6. Chekov Lies (0:40)
7. Spock (1:12)
8. Kirk Takes Command / He Tasks Me (2:07)
9. Genesis Project (by Craig Huxley) (3:16)
10. Surprise Attack (5:07)
11. Kirk's Explosive Reply (4:01)
12. Inside Regula I (1:35)
13. Brainwashed (1:24)
14. Captain Terrell's Death (1:58)
15. Buried Alive (0:57)
16. The Genesis Cave (1:09)
17. Battle in the Mutara Nebula (8:07)
18. Enterprise Attacks Reliant (1:29)
19. Genesis Countdown (6:34)
20. Spock (Dies) (1:53)
21 Amazing Grace (1:26)
22. Epilogue / End Title (8:41)
23. Epilogue (original version) / End Title (7:29)
Total Time: 75:28
Original Album (On CD for 1991):
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Original Album)
All Tracks by James Horner,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Main Title (3:08)
5. Khan's Pets (4:20)
6. Enterprise Clears Moorings (3:34)
3. Spock (1:13)
2. Surprise Attack (5:08)
4. Kirk's Explosive Reply (4:03)
7. Battle in the Mutara Nebula (8:09)
8. Genesis Countdown (6:35)
9. Epilogue / End Title (8:47)
Total Time: 44:54
It's strange how the U.S. Amazon site lists this album only in
vinyl LP,
cassette tape, and
.mp3 file
For an actual
audio CD version
one finds better luck looking in
Canada or
the United Kingdom.
Star Trek III
The Search for Spock
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
James Horner
Audio CD
New Edition for 2010:
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Expanded) [Soundtrack]
All Tracks by James Horner,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Prologue and Main Title (6:30)
2. Klingons (5:57)
3. Spock's Cabin (1:40)
4. The Klingon's Plan (1:01)
5. The Mind Meld (2:31)
6. Stealing the Enterprise (8:39)
7. Grissom Destroyed (1:02)
8. Sunset On Genesis (2:17)
9. Spock Endures Pon Farr (3:04)
10. Bird of Prey Decloaks (3:47)
11. A Fighting Chance To Live (3:52)
12. Genesis Destroyed (2:42)
13. Returning to Vulcan (4:56)
14. The Katra Ritual (4:30)
15. End Title (6:13)
16. (Bar Source) That Old Black Magic /
Tangerine /
I Remember You (10:32)
DISC TWO (46:57) - Soundtrack Album
1. Prologue and Main Title (6:29)
2. Klingons (5:56)
3. Stealing the Enterprise (8:34)
4. The Mind Meld (2:31)
5. Bird of Prey Decloaks (3:46)
6. Returning to Vulcan (4:53)
7. The Katra Ritual (4:30)
8. End Title (6:13)
9. The Search For Spock (3:42)
2 discs totaling: 116:42
Original CD Edition for 1990:
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Original Album)
All Tracks by James Horner,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
4. The Mind Meld (2:35)
5. Bird of Prey Decloaks (3:41)
7. The Katra Ritual (4:34)
8. End Title (6:18)
1. Prologue and Main Title (6:34)
2. Klingons (5:59)
3. Stealing the Enterprise (8:35)
6. Returning to Vulcan (4:54)
9. The Search For Spock (3:43)
1 disc totaling: 46:56
Star Trek 4
The Voyage Home
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Leonard Rosenman
Audio CD
New Edition for 2012:
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (Expanded) [Soundtrack]
All Tracks by Leonard Rosenman,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Logo /
Main Title (2:52)
2. Starfleet Command / On Vulcan /
Spock / Ten Seconds of Tension (1:40)
3. The Probe (1:16)
4. The Probe-Transition / The Take-Off /
Menace of the Probe /
Clouds and Water / Crew Stunned (3:08)
5. Time Travel (1:28)
6. Market Street (4:38)
7. In San Francisco (2:01)
8. Chekov's Run (1:21)
9. Gillian Seeks Kirk (2:42)
10. Hospital Chase (1:14)
11. The Whaler (2:00)
12. Crash/Whale Fugue (8:38)
13. Kirk Freed (0:44)
14. Home Again / End Credits (5:39)
15. Ballad of the Whale (4:59)
16. Main Title (alternate) (2:56)
17. Time Travel (alternate) (1:29)
18. Chekov's Run (album ending) (1:19)
19. The Whaler (alternate) (2:05)
20. Crash / Whale Fugue (album track) (8:15)
21. Home Again and End Credits (alternate) (5:16)
22. Main Title (album track) (2:40)
23. Whale Fugue (alternate) (1:05)
24. I Hate You (1:59)
Total Time: 72:44
Original CD Edition for 1986:
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (Original)
All Tracks by Leonard Rosenman,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
10. The Probe (1:16)
8. Time Travel (1:28)
3. Market Street (4:37)
6. Gillian Seeks Kirk (2:42)
9. Hospital Chase (1:14)
2. The Whaler (2:01)
11. Home Again: End Credits (5:38)
5. Ballad of the Whale (4:59)
7. Chekov's Run (1:20)
4. Crash-Whale Fugue (8:16)
1. Main Title (2:39)
Total Time: 36:11
Star Trek 5
The Final Frontier
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Jerry Goldsmith
2-disc Audio CD
(In 2012, Intrada re-released the same
2-disc expanded edition that
Lalaland created in 2010, with slight
changes to cover art. The Intrada version
is pictured above.)
Intrada 2012 Edition:
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (Expanded Soundtrack)
All Tracks by Jerry Goldsmith,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Nimbus III (2:01)
2. The Mind-Meld (2:43)
3. Star Trek V / The Mountain [Main Title] (4:53)
4. The Big Drop (0:26)
5. Raid on Paradise (2:43)
6. Not Alone (1:11)
7. Target Practice (1:52)
8. A Tall Ship (1:43)
9. Plot Course (1:46)
10. No Harm (2:13)
11. Approaching Nimbus III (2:59)
12. Open the Gates (3:01)
13. Well Done (1:16)
14. Without Help (4:21)
15. Pick It Up (2:31)
16. No Authority (0:30)
17. It Exists (1:47)
18. Free Minds (3:19)
19. The Birth (3:53)
20. The Barrier (2:53)
21. A Busy Man (4:41)
22. An Angry God (6:57)
23. Let's Get Out of Here - part 1 (3:42)
24. Let's Get Out of Here - part 2 (3:07)
25. Cosmic Thoughts (1:16)
26. Life is a Dream [End Credits] (3:57)
1. Star Trek V / The Mountain (3:50)
2. The Barrier (2:51)
3. Without Help (4:18)
4. A Busy Man (4:40)
5. Open the Gates (3:00)
6. An Angry God (6:55)
7. Let's Get Out of Here (5:13)
8. Free Minds (3:17)
9. Life is a Dream [End Credits] (3:57)
10. The Moon's a Window to Heaven (4:00)
11. The Mountain (Main Title) [alternate] (4:45)
12. A Busy Man [alternate] (4:42)
13. Paradise Saloon [source] (2:42)
14. The Moon's a Window to Heaven [film version] (1:10)
15. Vulcan Song /
Row, Row, Row Your Boat [instrumental source] (1:33)
16. Synclavier Effects (1:54)
2 discs totaling: 132:35
Original Edition for 1989:
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (original album)
All Tracks by Jerry Goldsmith,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek V / The Mountain (3:53)
5. Open the Gates (3:03)
3. Without Help (4:21)
8. Free Minds (3:19)
2. The Barrier (2:53)
4. A Busy Man (4:42)
6. An Angry God (6:58)
7. Let's Get Out of Here (5:15)
9. Life is a Dream [End Credits] (3:58)
10. The Moon's a Window to Heaven (3:59)
1 disc totaling: 42:24
Star Trek 6
The Undiscovered Country
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Cliff Eidelman
Audio CD
New Edition for 2012:
Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country (Expanded) [Soundtrack]
All Tracks by Cliff Eidelman,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Overture (3:02)
2. An Incident (1:09)
3. Spacedock /
Clear All Moorings (1:59)
4. Spock's Wisdom (3:13)
5. Guess Who's Coming (0:49)
6. Assassination (2:16)
7. Surrender For Peace (2:48)
8. Death of Gorkon (2:07)
9. The Trial / Morally Unjust Evidence (1:13)
10. Sentencing (1:02)
11. Rura Penthe / First Sight of Rura Penthe (4:09)
12. Alien Fight (1:05)
13. First Evidence / The Search (1:33)
14. Escape From Rura Penthe (5:35)
15. The Mirror (1:17)
16. Revealed (2:48)
17. Mind Meld (2:06)
18. Dining On Ashes (1:01)
19. The Battle For Peace /
The Final Chance for Peace / The Final Count (8:15)
20. The Undiscovered Country (1:07)
21. Sign Off (3:16)
22. Star Trek 6 End Credits Suite (6:17)
23. Trailer [take 10] (2:23)
24. Guess Who's Coming [alternate] (0:51)
25. Sign Off [alternate] (3:31)
26. Trailer [take 2] (2:20)
1. Overture (2:57)
2. An Incident (0:53)
3. Clear All Moorings (1:39)
4. Assassination (4:45)
5. Surrender For Peace (2:46)
6. Death of Gorkon (1:10)
7. Rura Penthe (4:22)
8. Revealed (2:38)
9. Escape From Rura Penthe (5:34)
10. Dining On Ashes (1:00)
11. The Battle For Peace (8:03)
12. Sign Off (3:13)
13. Star Trek 6 Suite (6:18)
2 discs totaling: 112:31
Original CD Edition for 1991:
Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country
All Tracks by Cliff Eidelman,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Overture (2:57)
2. An Incident (0:53)
3. Clear All Moorings (1:39)
4. Assassination (4:45)
5. Surrender For Peace (2:46)
6. Death of Gorkon (1:10)
7. Rura Penthe (4:22)
9. Escape From Rura Penthe (5:34)
8. Revealed (2:38)
10. Dining On Ashes (1:00)
11. The Battle For Peace (8:03)
12. Sign Off (3:13)
13. Star Trek 6 Suite (6:18)
1 disc totaling: 45:16
Star Trek - TNG
"Encounter at Farpoint" (expanded edition), plus:
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
Original music soundtracks.
by Dennis McCarthy
Audio CD
New Edition for 2014:
All Tracks composed by Dennis McCarthy,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek TNG Title (1st season) (1:49)
2. Stardate (1:42)
3. Troi Senses /
First Freeze (2:15)
4. Stalled /
Picard's Plan /
First Chase (4:48)
5. Detaching /
Saucer Separation (2:38)
6. Shaken /
Court Time /
Freeze Out /
Fair Trial /
Out of Order (2:57)
7. There Goes Da Judge /
U.S.S. Hood /
Magic Apples /
Magic Apples (alternate) /
Dialog-osity /
Shopping Twitch (2:25)
8. Hovering /
On Manually (3:19)
9. First Look /
Admiral (1:04)
10. Orbiting /
Personal Log (0:53)
11. Old Lovers (1:14)
12. Sensing /
Tasty /
The Woods (1:39)
13. Splashing /
Planet Surface /
Underground /
Caverns (2:25)
14. Memories /
Unknown (2:27)
15. Scanned / Big Guns /
Typical (2:42)
16. Inside / Q Returns (2:35)
17. Revealed / Reaching Out (4:11)
18. Departure (1:09)
19. Minos / Promo (2:18)
20. Surface Jaunt / Image / Encased (4:05)
21. Circling / Beaming / Second Wave / Shields Up (2:00)
22. Cloaking / Tossed / Near Miss (4:17)
23. Hit or Miss / Global / Separation /
Sales Pitch / Bad News (4:33)
24. Earned the Right / Ralph Williams (5:02)
25. Star Trek TNG End Credits (1st season - long version, 1:02)
Bonus Tracks:
26. Picard's Theme (0:22)
27. MFX53 (synth drone) (0:24)
28. M15 (unused sting) / M16 (unused sting) (0:16)
29. M25A / M25B / M25B-2 (unused source) (0:48)
30. M52A / M52B (unused stings) (0:21)
31. Alternate Title Theme (Dennis McCarthy & A. Courage, 1:44)
Total Time: 70:44
Original Edition for 1988:
All Tracks composed by Dennis McCarthy,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek TNG Title (Jerry Goldsmith & A. Courage, 1:46)
2. Stardate (1:43)
3. Troi Senses (1:42)
4. Picard's Plan /
First Chase /
First Chase Part 2 (4:31)
5. Detaching /
Separation (2:41)
6. Shaken /
Court Time /
There Goes Da Judge (2:29)
7. U.S.S. Hood /
On Manual (3:18)
9. Personal Log /
Admiral /
Old Lovers (2:24)
10. Caverns (1:27)
11. Splashing /
The Woods /
Memories (2:46)
12. Scanned / Big Guns /
Unknown (3:05)
13. Revealed / Reaching Out (4:39)
14. Departure (1:08)
8. Star Trek TNG End Credits (Jerry Goldsmith, 1:04)
15. Alternate Title Theme (Dennis McCarthy & A. Courage, 1:46)
Total Time: 36:30
Star Trek - TNG
The Ron Jones Project
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
14-disc Audio CD box set.
For full details, see our
Ron Jones Project page,
where we have ranked our top tracks from each disc
as .mp3 file download recommendations.
While TNG (The Next Generation) is my favourite incarnation of Star Trek,
my lasting impression of the music of TNG and its TV successors
had long been that it just didn't have the energy or excitement of the 1960's TOS era.
But The Ron Jones Project has now made me a convert, clearly showing
that the early years of TNG were something different musically to
what it later became.
Half-buried under the "air-conditioning" sound effects,
and often sparring against the bland tastes of certain TV producers,
a unique and highly creative musical force struggled for expression
in those early years.
Now unleashed to bright, remastered glory, the full scores from
all those episodes composed by Ron Jones have become available to us.
To me, this collection will always be the iconic fusion between classical and new-age music
that flew almost under the radar while quietly taking hold upon our psyches,
and it defined in auditory terms what Next Generation was doing narratively
in fusing high philosophy with adventure.
Though I also have the 15-CD TOS box set which I had yearned for more strongly,
I now find that I end up listening to the innumerable highlights of
"The Ron Jones Project" far, far more often.
One thing this set does not give you is any version of the opening titles
or credit sequences. But, Jones often quoted not only Alexander Courage's
opening fanfare (which most other Trek composers did), but also Jerry Goldsmith's
main theme for the series. In fact, Jones may have arranged a greater variety
of variations on this theme in TNG's first two seasons (even adapting it for humour)
than Goldsmith himself did in his five feature films. Awesome.
While the full 14-disc box set is great value for money,
the first 12 discs are also available as mp3 file downloads
in the United States and the United Kingdom. See below
for an example of one of the best discs in the set....
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Ron Jones Project (14 CD) [Soundtrack]
All episodes scored by Ron Jones
Episode Coverage:
- Disc 1
- 103: The Naked Now (22:49)
- 106: Where No One Has Gone Before (21:15)
- 108: Lonely Among Us (22:35)
- Disc 2
- 110: The Battle (20:29)
- 114: Datalore (25:00)
- 116: 11001001 (29:56 including source jazz cues)
- Disc 3
- 118: When the Bough Breaks (27:30)
- 120: Heart of Glory (25:42)
- Disc 4
- 122: Skin of Evil (32:24)
- 124: We'll Always Have Paris (25:38)
- 126: The Neutral Zone (17:14)
- Disc 5
- 128: Where Silence Has Lease (28:09)
- 130: The Outrageous Okona (21:49)
- 132: Loud As A Whisper (21:53)
- Disc 6
- 134: A Matter of Honor (17:49)
- 138: The Royale (15:34)
- 140: The Icarus Factor (14:07)
- 142: Q Who (27:19)
- Disc 7
- 144: Up the Long Ladder (21:01)
- 146: The Emissary (Worf & K'Ehleyr, 23:14)
- 148: Shades of Gray (25:43)
- Disc 8
- 150: Evolution (16:01)
- 152: Who Watches the Watchers (24:03)
- 154: Booby Trap (13:50)
- 156: The Price (19:05)
- Disc 9
- 158: The Defector (17:18)
- 160: The High Ground (15:14)
- 162: A Matter of Perspective (13:26)
- 164: The Offspring (19:11)
- Disc 10
- 166: Allegiance (23:43)
- 172: Menage a Troi (18:04)
- Disc 10 continued...
- 177: Brothers (22:15 + alternates 11:06)
- Disc 11
- 181: Reunion (19:46)
- 183: Final Mission (23:04)
- 185: Data's Day (15:31)
- 187: Devil's Due (14:34)
- Disc 12
- 189: First Contact [the TV episode] (14:09)
- 191: Night Terrors (19:09)
- 193: The Nth Degree (21:15)
- 195: The Drumhead (14:32)
- 174-175: The Best of Both Worlds (5:00)
- Disc 13 - Additional and Alternate Cues:
- Season One Total: (4:41)
- Season Two Total: (19:57)
- Season Three Total: (29:30)
- Season Four Total: (25:08)
- Disc 14 - Interplay Computer Games:
- Starfleet Academy (24:57)
- Starfleet Command (31:58)
- Bonus Tracks (5:43)
Star Trek - TNG
Who Watches the Watchers
Original music soundtracks
composed by Ron Jones.
MP3 Downloads.
Also features the scores from
"Evolution", "Booby Trap", and "The Price".
This represents disc 8 of the 14-disc
"Ron Jones Project" box set.
See more listings like this on our
Ron Jones Project page.
Want to know which tracks are the best?
Check out the rankings for
disc 8.
Star Trek: The Next Generation, 8:
Evolution / Who Watches the Watchers / Booby Trap / The Price
All Tracks by Ron Jones
Track Listing:
1. Double Star (1:28)
2. System Failure / 30 Seconds to Impact / Food Slot (2:56)
3. Computer Daydreams (1:45)
4. Traps / Good Grade / Tampered Core (1:28)
5. Bad Air (1:04)
6. Matter of Survival / Stubbs Gets It / Contact (2:29)
7. Nanite Negotiations (3:03)
8. The Blast / Motherly Paranoia (1:29)
9. Repair Mission / Blind Down (1:05)
10. Help Arrives / Distant Light (0:47)
11. The Vision (3:20)
12. Liko Sees God (1:13)
13. Ancestors' Beliefs (0:52)
14. Riker's Ideas / Contamination Gets Worse (1:10)
15. Saving Palmer (3:07)
16. Punishment / Beam Nuria (1:59)
17. We Are Flesh and Blood (2:26)
18. No More Fear (1:01)
19. Nuria's Plea / Divine Encounter (1:04)
20. We Have Limits (3:21)
21. Getting the Point (1:19)
22. Nothing Beyond Reach (0:47)
23. Moonlight and You (0:42)
24. Ancient Warship (1:01)
25. Ancient Battle Site / Promellian Vessel /
Ready to Return (2:38)
26. The Trap (1:28)
27. Motionless / Leah / Question (0:45)
28. Leah Comes to Life (0:53)
29. Experiment Failed / Shut Down / Crystal Breakdown /
Working on It / Only Way / 26 Minutes / Possibility (1:57)
30. Human Factor (3:30)
31. Touch (0:35)
32. Troi's Mood / Sensing / Looks (2:01)
33. Orbit of Barzan / Seduction / Readings (1:34)
34. Late for Dinner (2:33)
35. Higher Stakes / Into the Hole (0:35)
36. Troi and Ral (3:51)
37. End of Hole (1:21)
38. Stretching (1:45)
39. Seeds of Doubt / Manipulation / Time to Go (2:25)
40. Ethics / As the World Turns (0:27)
41. The Price (2:09)
Total Disc Time: 73:18
Star Trek - TNG
Haven /
Face of the Enemy
3-disc Box Set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Dennis McCarthy,
Don Davis,
Jay Chattaway,
Fred Steiner, and
John Debney.
Audio CD set
Star Trek: The Next Generation- Collection, Vol. 1 (OST) (3CD)
Limited Edition of 3000
Music from the following episodes:
DISC ONE (79:06) - Music by Dennis McCarthy:
Star Trek TNG Title (narrated, 1:49)
Season 1 - Haven (21:55)
Season 1 - Hide and Q (5:24)
Season 1 - The Big Goodbye (3:24)
Season 1 - Conspiracy (7:44)
Season 2 - The Child (7:26)
Season 2 - Elementary Dear Data (1:51)
Season 2 - Time Squared (6:08)
Season 3 - The Survivors (6:18)
Season 3 - Sarek (6:26)
Season 5 - Conundrum (4:40)
Season 7 - All Good Things (3:19)
Star Trek TNG Credits - Season 3 Long
(1:02 music, + 0:14 silence, + 0:41 orchestra goofing off)
DISC TWO (77:17) - Music by Jay Chattaway:
Star Trek TNG Title Season Two (1:39)
Season 4 - Remember Me (8:14)
Season 4 - The Host (9:08)
Season 5 - Darmok (12:06)
Season 5 - Silicon Avatar (7:16)
Season 5 - The Perfect Mate (4:26)
Season 5 - I, Borg (2:40)
Season 5 - The Inner Light (8:53)
Season 6 - Relics (5:23)
Season 6 - Starship Mine (6:51)
Season 6 - The Chase (2:50)
Season 7 - Journey's End (6:08)
Star Trek TNG Credits - short alternate #1 (0:48)
DISC THREE (79:32) - Guest Composers:
Star Trek TNG Title Season Three (1:49)
Season 1 - Code of Honor (Fred Steiner) (19:19)
Season 6 - Face of the Enemy (Don Davis) (24:06)
Season 7 - The Pegasus (John Debney) (20:51)
(The Pegasus alternate takes - additional 9:55)
TNG commercial break Bumpers (0:18 total)
Star Trek TOS Theme - Polka Version (0:55)
Star Trek TOS Theme - Torch Song Version (1:34)
Star Trek TNG Credits - short alternate #2 (0:48)
Star Trek - TNG
The Last Outpost /
Too Short a Season /
3-disc Box Set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Dennis McCarthy,
Jay Chattaway, and
George Romanis.
Audio CD set
One will note that disc 3 tackles a lot of the same episodes that
were covered on the previous McCarthy box set above. But, that previous
set typically only focused on the music from 1 Act of the episode,
or in the case of "The Child", 2 Acts. This set focuses on covering the
REST of each episode, offering only new material. The only bit of overlap
seems to be the "Music Box" cue from "The Survivors".
Star Trek: The Next Generation- Collection, Vol. 2 (OST) (3CD)
Limited Edition of 3000
Music from the following episodes:
DISC ONE (77:19) - Music by Dennis McCarthy:
Star Trek TNG Title (2nd season, 1:39)
Season 1 - The Last Outpost (13:43)
Season 1 - Home Soil (9:25)
Season 2 - Pen Pals (6:37)
Season 2 - Peak Performance (7:32)
Season 4 - Family (3:01)
Season 4 - The Wounded (2:08)
Season 5 - Cause and Effect (18:58)
Season 6 - Schisms (6:38)
Season 6 - Lessons (6:29)
DISC TWO (75:34) - Music by Jay Chattaway:
Season 4 - In Theory (5:08)
Season 5 - The Game (3:42)
Season 5 - Power Play (21:13)
Season 6 - True Q (1:56)
Season 6 - Chain of Command (6:47)
Season 6 - Lessons' Theme from The Inner Light Duet (1:20)
Season 6 - Frame of Mind (4:44)
Season 7 - Gambit (8:17)
Season 7 - Emergence (9:17)
Season 7 - Preemptive Strike (7:24)
Unused Gambit source cue (5:44)
DISC THREE (75:48) - Unfinished Business:
Season 1 - Too Short a Season (George Romanis) (29:26)
Season 1 - Hide and Q (Dennis McCarthy) (16:32)
Season 1 - Conspiracy (Dennis McCarthy) (17:52)
Season 3 - The Survivors (Dennis McCarthy) (7:13)
Season 2 - The Child (Dennis McCarthy) (3:05)
Star Trek TNG Credits - season 3 short (0:48)
Star Trek - TNG
The Best of Both Worlds
Original music soundtracks.
composed by
Ron Jones
New Edition for 2013:
Star Trek: Next Generation "The Best of Both Worlds" 1 & 2
All Tracks by Ron Jones,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek TNG - Main Title (1:49) (Jerry Goldsmith, A. Courage)
2. New Providence (1:22)
3. Not Ready / Job Grabber / Early Worm / No Doubt (2:08)
4. Preparations / What Do You Want? / Fatigue /
Hansen's Message (2:12)
5. Borg Engaged (1:13)
6. First Attack /
Looks / Tell It Like It Is (5:28)
7. Contemplations (0:52)
8. Borg Take Picard /
Death Is Irrelevant /
His Place (4:52)
9. Away Team Ready /
On the Borg Ship /
Nodes (5:19)
10. Captain Borg (3:55)
11. Energy Weapon Fails (3:16)
12. Repairs /
Humanity Taken (1:17)
13. Contact Lost (0:39)
14. Repairs Complete /
Cemetery of Dead Ships (2:06)
15. Currents (0:56)
16. Intervention (4:26)
17. Sitting Ducks /
Borg Reach Saturn (1:08)
18. The Link (2:58)
19. Sleep Command /
Destruct Mode /
Picard is Back (6:24)
20. Picard's Nightmare (1:04)
21. Star Trek TNG - End Title (3rd season long, Goldsmith) (1:04)
Total Time: 55:12
(Underlined cues also appear on disc 12 of The Ron Jones Project.)
Original Edition for 1991:
Star Trek: Next Generation "The Best of Both Worlds" 1 & 2
All Tracks by Ron Jones,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek TNG - Main Title (1:44) (Jerry Goldsmith, A. Courage)
2. New Providence (1:22)
3. Hansen's Message (1:27)
4. Borg Engaged (1:18)
5. First Attack (5:04)
6. Borg Take Picard (3:05)
7. Death Is Irrelevant (1:35)
8. Away Team Ready (1:20)
9. On the Borg Ship (1:28)
10. Nodes (2:53)
11. Captain Borg (3:56)
12. Energy Weapon Fails (3:16)
13. Humanity Taken (0:57)
14. Contact Lost (0:38)
15. Cemetery of Dead Ships (1:45)
16. Intervention (4:23)
17. The Link (2:58)
18. Sleep Command (3:54)
19. Destruct Mode /
Picard is Back (1:36)
20. Picard's Nightmare (1:02)
21. Star Trek TNG - End Credit (1:02) (Jerry Goldsmith)
Total Time: 46:54
[As track 12 was incorrectly listed as (3:52) on the CD case,
all track timings listed here have been taken directly off the CD.]
Star Trek
Yesterday's Enterprise /
Hollow Pursuits
Original soundtrack.
Music composed by
Dennis McCarthy
Audio CD
also features music
from "Unification"
Star Trek The Next Generation: Music Volume Three
(Yesterday's Enterprise, Unification, Hollow Pursuits)
All Tracks by Dennis McCarthy,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek - TNG: Titles (Goldsmith & Courage) (1:50)
Yesterday's Enterprise (Dennis McCarthy, Season 3):
2. Duality / Enterprise C (2:56)
3. Averted / Richard / Guinan /
Back to the Battle / Cmdr. Garrett (4:31)
4. First Kiss / Not to Be / Empty Death / Reporting for Duty (3:45)
5. Klingons / Skin of Teeth (5:42)
Unification I & II (Dennis McCarthy, Season 5):
6. In Case You Forgot (1:36)
7. Sarek (1:46)
8. Sarek Drifts Away (2:34)
9. Another Captain / Food Fight (0:58)
10. Victims of Holography (3:44)
11. Sacrificed / Mind Meld (2:42)
Hollow Pursuits (Dennis McCarthy, Season 3):
12. Barclay Mitty (2:23)
13. Tissue Samples / Sad Sack / Staff Confab / Hololust (3:01)
14. Lady Gates / Swordplay (2:14)
15. Madame Troi / Blissful / Out of Control / Warp Nine (1:54)
16. Warposity (3:21)
17. Plan 9 (0:19)
18. Star Trek: TNG - End Credit (Jerry Goldsmith) (0:48)
Total Time: 46:12
Star Trek
Tin Man
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Jay Chattaway
Audio CD
Star Trek: The Next Generation Vol.4 (TV)
All Tracks by Jay Chattaway,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek TNG - Main Title (1:49) (Jerry Goldsmith, A. Courage)
2. Season 3: Tin Man - Not Nice / Right / Scared (4:44)
3. Season 3: Tin Man - Closing / T.M. Contact / Romulans (2:55)
4. Season 3: Tin Man - Meet (3:24)
5. Season 3: Tin Man - No Choice / Tam (3:57)
6. Season 5: The Inner Light, Theme from (2:50)
7. Season 7: Sub Rosa - Hooked On Ronin (3:58)
8. Season 6: A Fistful of Datas (4:53)
9. Season 7: Dark Page - Painful Revelation (5:26)
10. Season 6/7: Descent - They're Back (2:53)
11. Season 6/7: Descent - Hook, Line & Sinker (3:20)
12. Season 6/7: Descent - Crusher to the Rescue (1:57)
13. Season 6: The Birthright - Data in Dreamland (5:22)
14. Star Trek TNG - End Credits (0:54) (Jerry Goldsmith)
Total Time: 48:21
Star Trek 7
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Dennis McCarthy
Audio CD
New Edition for 2012:
Star Trek Generations, Collector's Edition
All Tracks by Dennis McCarthy,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Main Title (2:54) (with A. Courage)
2. Past Glory (1:19)
3. The Enterprise B (0:42)
4. Distress Call / Harriman and the Ribbon (4:27)
5. Kirk Saves the Day /
Deck 15 /
HMS Enterprise (4:50)
6. Picard's Message / Raid Post Mortem (4:43)
7. Data and the Emotions (0:54)
8. Time Is Running Out (1:11)
9. Data Malfunctions (2:29)
10. Soran Kidnaps Geordi (2:44)
11. Guinan and the Nexus (2:47)
12. Torture (1:37)
13. Soran's Plan Revealed (1:49)
14. Prisoner Exchange (2:59)
15. Outgunned (3:22)
16. The Gap / Coolant Leak / Appointment with Eternity /
Out of Control /
Blasted /
The Crash (5:43)
17. Coming To Rest (1:00)
18. The Nexus (1:32)
19. A Christmas Hug /
The Kitchen Debate (8:03)
20. Jumping the Ravine (1:38)
21. Two Captains /
Crash Recap (2:04)
22. The Final Fight (6:15)
23. The Captain of the Enterprise (2:45)
24. To Live Forever (2:40)
25. Star Trek Generations Overture (4:13) (with A. Courage)
1. Star Trek Generations Overture (4:14) (with A. Courage)
2. Main Title (2:53)
3. The Enterprise B / Kirk Saves the Day (3:13)
4. Deck 15 (1:41)
5. Time Is Running Out (1:12)
6. Prisoner Exchange (2:57)
7. Outgunned (3:21)
8. Out of Control / The Crash (2:07)
9. Coming To Rest (0:57)
10. The Nexus / A Christmas Hug (7:07)
11. Jumping the Ravine (1:37)
12. Two Captains (1:32)
13. The Final Fight (6:15)
14. The Captain of the Enterprise (2:45)
15. To Live Forever (2:42)
16. Enterprise B Bridge (3:13)
17. Enterprise B Doors Open (0:13)
18. Distress Call Alert (0:10)
19. Enterprise B Helm Controls (0:16)
20. Nexus Energy Ribbon (1:38)
21. Enterprise B Deflector Beam (0:08)
22. Enterprise B Warp Pass-By (0:14)
23. Enterprise D Transporter (0:12)
24. Tricorder (0:30)
25. Hypo Injector (0:03)
26. Communicator Chirp (0:06)
27. Door Chime (0:07)
28. Enterprise D Warp Out #1 (0:22)
29. Bird of Prey Bridge / Explosion (2:51)
30. Klingon Sensor Alert (0:08)
31. Bird of Prey Cloaks (0:04)
32. Bird of Prey De-Cloaks (0:10)
33. Klingon Transporter (0:12)
34. Soran's Gun (0:11)
35. Soran's Rocket De-Cloaks (0:05)
36. Shuttlecraft Pass-By (0:21)
37. Enterprise D Bridge / Crash Sequence (3:21)
38. Enterprise D Warp Out #2 (0:09)
39. Prisoner Exchange (film version) (2:59)
40. A Christmas Hug (choir only) (1:22)
31. Lifeforms (Vocal by Brent Spiner) (0:17)
2 discs totaling: 139:50
Original CD Edition for 1994:
Star Trek Generations, Collector's Edition
All Tracks by Dennis McCarthy,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
2. Main Title (2:53) (with A. Courage)
3. The Enterprise B /
Kirk Saves the Day (3:13)
4. Deck 15 (1:41)
5. Time Is Running Out (1:12)
6. Prisoner Exchange (2:57)
7. Outgunned (3:21)
8. Out of Control /
The Crash (2:07)
9. Coming To Rest (0:57)
10. The Nexus /
A Christmas Hug (7:07)
11. Jumping the Ravine (1:37)
12. Two Captains (1:32)
13. The Final Fight (6:15)
14. The Captain of the Enterprise (2:45)
15. To Live Forever (2:42)
1. Star Trek Generations Overture (4:14) (with A. Courage)
16. Enterprise B Bridge (3:13)
17. Enterprise B Doors Open (0:13)
18. Distress Call Alert (0:10)
19. Enterprise B Helm Controls (0:16)
20. Nexus Energy Ribbon (1:38)
21. Enterprise B Deflector Beam (0:08)
22. Enterprise B Warp Pass-By (0:14)
23. Enterprise D Transporter (0:12)
24. Tricorder (0:30)
25. Hypo Injector (0:03)
26. Communicator Chirp (0:06)
27. Door Chime (0:07)
28. Enterprise D Warp Out #1 (0:22)
29. Bird of Prey Bridge / Explosion (2:51)
30. Klingon Sensor Alert (0:08)
31. Bird of Prey Cloaks (0:04)
32. Bird of Prey De-Cloaks (0:10)
33. Klingon Transporter (0:12)
34. Soran's Gun (0:11)
35. Soran's Rocket De-Cloaks (0:05)
36. Shuttlecraft Pass-By (0:21)
37. Enterprise D Bridge / Crash Sequence (3:21)
38. Enterprise D Warp Out #2 (0:09)
1 disc totaling: 60:43
Star Trek 8
First Contact
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Jerry Goldsmith and
Joel Goldsmith
Audio CD
New Edition for 2012:
Star Trek: First Contact
Limited Edition Complete Motion Picture Score
Track Listing:
1. Main Title / Locutus (4:16)
2. How Many Ships (0:28)
3. Battle Watch (1:10)
4. Red Alert (2:13)
5. Temporal Wake (2:07)
6. Shields Down (1:45)
7. The Phoenix (1:00)
8. They're Here (0:25)
9. 39.1 Degrees Celsius (4:45)
10. Search for the Borg (1:50)
11. Retreat (3:59)
12. No Success (1:31)
13. Borg Montage (1:02)
14. Welcome Aboard (2:40)
15. Stimulation (1:04)
16. Smorgasborg (1:28)
17. Getting Ready (1:33)
18. Fully Functional (3:19)
19. The Dish (7:06)
20. Objection Noted (1:54)
21. Not Again (2:41)
22. Evacuate (2:20)
23. New Orders / All the Time (3:49)
24. Flight of the Phoenix (6:20)
25. First Contact (6:00)
26. End Credits (5:28)
27. The Phoenix [alternate] (1:07)
28. Borg Montage [alternate] (1:17)
29. Main Title [alternate] (2:54)
Total Time: 79:13
Original Edition for 1996:
Star Trek: First Contact
Limited Edition Complete Motion Picture Score
Track Listing:
1. Main Title / Locutus (4:17)
2. Red Alert (2:13)
3. Temporal Wake (2:07)
8. 39.1 Degrees Celsius (4:44)
13. Ooby Dooby (2:22) [performed by Roy Orbison]
6. Retreat (3:59)
4. Welcome Aboard (2:40)
5. Fully Functional (3:18)
9. The Dish (7:05)
7. Evacuate (2:19)
12. Magic Carpet Ride (4:25) [performed by Steppenwolf]
10. First Contact (5:52)
11. End Credits (5:24)
Total Time: 51:20
(The original edition also contains low-res .MOV video interviews of composers Joel & Jerry Goldsmith,
director Jonathan Frakes, and producer Rick Berman, playable on
Windows and Mac computers. On a Windows 8 machine, I found it easy to play the files directly
from the CD by clicking on them individually without installing any of the
overcomplicated menu software that comes bundled with it.)
more U.K. options:
German import with auto-rip:
Star Trek 9
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Jerry Goldsmith
Audio CD
Expanded Edition for 2013:
Star Trek: Insurrection - Expanded Collector's Edition
All Tracks by Jerry Goldsmith
Track Listing:
1. Ba'Ku Village (6:53)
2. Out of Orbit / Take Us In (1:44)
3. Come Out (2:34)
4. In Custody (1:14)
5. Warp Capability / The Planet /
Children's Story (2:33)
6. The Holodeck (4:35)
7. How Old Are You /
New Sight (6:14)
8. Lost Ship / Prepare the Ship (2:39)
9. As Long as We Can (1:40)
10. Not Functioning /
Send Your Ships (2:55)
11. Growing Up / Wild Flowers / Photon Torpedo (2:55)
12. The Drones Attack (4:15)
13. The Riker Maneuver (3:15)
14. Stay With Me (1:48)
15. The Same Race (2:50)
16. The Collector (1:10)
17. No Threat (4:18)
18. Tractor Beam (0:38)
19. The Healing Process [revised] (5:04)
20. The Healing Process [original unused version] (7:17)
21. End Credits (5:30)
22. Ba'ku Village [alternate ending] (3:53)
23. The Holodeck [alternate opening] (1:12)
24. Growing Up [alternate] (1:21)
25. Tractor Beam [alternate] (0:38)
Total Time: 79:02
Original Edition for 1998:
Star Trek: Insurrection - Original Edition
All Tracks by Jerry Goldsmith
Track Listing:
1. Ba'Ku Village (6:57)
2. In Custody (1:08)
3. Children's Story (1:51)
5. New Sight (5:47)
4. Not Functioning (1:52)
6. The Drones Attack (4:13)
7. The Riker Maneuver (3:13)
8. The Same Race (2:53) [The case incorrectly lists 1:16]
9. No Threat (4:14)
10. The Healing Process (7:15)
11. End Credits (5:23)
Total Time: 44:50
[As track 8 was incorrectly listed as (1:16) on the CD case,
all track timings listed here have been taken directly off the CD.]
more U.S. options:
more U.K. options:
Star Trek 10
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Jerry Goldsmith
2-disc Audio CD
limited Deluxe Edition of 5000
Deluxe Edition for 2014:
Star Trek: Nemesis - Expanded Collector's Edition
All Tracks by Jerry Goldsmith.
Track Listing:
DISC ONE (60:45):
1. Remus (2:01)
2. The Box (2:21)
3. My Right Arm (1:04)
4. Star Field / Positronic Signal (1:57)
5. The Argo (1:17)
6. Odds and Ends (4:39)
7. Your Brother / Course Plotted (2:07)
8. Repairs (6:27)
9. The Knife (3:10)
10. Perfect Timing / Allegiance (2:21)
11. Secrets (1:28)
12. The Mine (1:30)
13. Ideals (2:16)
14. Options (0:55)
15. Bed Time / Transport (1:38)
16. Blood Test (1:23)
17. The Mirror (5:23)
18. The Scorpion (2:24)
19. His Plans / Data & B-4 (2:39)
20. Battle Stations (2:40)
21. Attack Pattern (2:22)
22. The Invitation / True Nature / Let's Go To Work (4:38)
23. Lateral Run (3:55)
24. The Viceroy (0:20)
DISC TWO (54:05):
1. Engage (2:14)
2. Full Reverse (1:41)
3. Not Functional (2:54)
4. Final Flight (3:49)
5. Firing Sequence (0:54)
6. A New Friend (2:38)
7. That Song / An Honor (1:24)
8. A New Ending (8:30) (contains "Blue Skies" by Irving Berlin)
Source Music:
9. Riker's Strut #1 (1:07)
10. Riker's Strut #2 (1:09)
11. Blue Skies [vocal by Brent Spiner] (3:17)
12. Blue Skies [instrumental] (2:37)
Additional Music:
13. Secrets [alternate mix] (1:29)
14. The Mine [alternate] (1:33)
15. Options [alternate] (0:57)
16. Options [alternate mix] (0:58)
17. Data & B-4 [alternate] (1:39)
18. Battle Stations [alternate mix] (2:44)
19. Attack Pattern [alternate mix] (2:24)
20. True Nature [alternate mix] (1:30)
21. A New Ending [alternate] (6:11)
22. Director and Composer (2:35)
2 discs totaling: 114:50
Original Edition for 2002:
Star Trek: Nemesis - Expanded Collector's Edition
All Tracks by Jerry Goldsmith.
Track Listing:
1. Remus (1:57)
2. The Box (2:21)
3. My Right Arm (1:04)
4. Odds and Ends (4:39)
5. Repairs (6:27)
6. The Knife (3:10)
7. Ideals (2:16)
8. The Mirror (5:23)
9. The Scorpion (2:24)
10. Lateral Run (3:55)
11. Engage (2:13)
12. Final Flight (3:49)
13. A New Friend (2:38)
14. A New Ending (6:08) (contains "Blue Skies" by Irving Berlin)
1 disc totaling: 44:50
Andrew Allen
Smooth Federation
Jazz tribute
Audio CD album
Now, here's a real gem which I sincerely hope many more Trekkers will come to
know and appreciate. Jazz variations on many of your favourite Trek themes are here,
and will delight many who aren't even jazz fans. The renditions of Voyager
and Enterprise's "Where My Heart Will Take Me" are very well done and amongst the best tracks
on the CD.
The Ancient Battle from "Amok Time" has to take the cake though - originally
comprised to back Mr. Spock's manic rage, this jazz version makes the case that he has since
totally mellowed out, has forgiven one and all, and is now chillin' and appreciating the
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Always brings a chuckle and a smile to my face.
Themes from Deep Space Nine and The Voyage Home make a very natural and enjoyable transition to jazz,
as does the theme from The Original Series to a large extent. The Inner Light is calm and
sublime as you would expect. The jazz version of Next Generation's theme is perhaps the most
rocky - as it resulted in a kind of stop-start-stop-start style of jazz that I never particularly liked.
Search for Spock and Insurrection are the most obscure - Though these tracks are nice pieces of
music, I can't really recognize anything of the
original themes there, and that despite that I can play the main themes from Insurrection on keyboard.
Overall though, this CD was a must for me, and its music has a very high replay-value.
Smooth Federation
Track Listing:
- Intro (0:51)
- Star Trek: The Original Series (3:12)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (3:52)
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (4:46)
- Star Trek: Voyager (4:10)
- Enterprise [Where My Heart Will Take Me] (4:13)
- Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock (3:43)
- Star Trek 9: Insurrection (6:28)
- Ancient Battle (from "Amok Time") (5:06)
- The Inner Light (4:40)
- Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (4:46)
Total Time: 45:52
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Dennis McCarthy
Audio CD
Star Trek Deep Space 9: "Emissary"
All Tracks by Dennis McCarthy,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Deep Space Nine - Main Title (1:55)
2. Wolf 359 (4:51)
3. The Enterprise Departs / A New Home (1:11)
4. Trashed and Thrashed (1:59)
5. Bajor / Jake / Saying Goodbye (McCarthy / Courage, 1:44)
6. Cucumbers in Space (1:44)
7. New Personality [Curzon to Jadzia] (2:18)
8. Into the Wormhole (3:41)
9. Time Stood Still (4:13)
10. Searching for Relatives (1:13)
11. Painful Memories (4:21)
12. Passage Terminated (3:43)
13. Back to the Saratoga / What Shields? (2:00)
14. Reconciliation (3:19)
15. The Sisko Kid (4:41)
16. A New Beginning (1:47)
17. Deep Space Nine Theme (single version, 4:17)
18. Passage Terminated (single version, 3:33)
Total Time: 52:32
Star Trek
Deep Space Nine Collection
4-disc box set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Dennis McCarthy,
Jay Chattaway,
David Bell,
Paul Baillargeon,
and others....
Audio CD set
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Collection (4-CD Set)
Music from the following episodes:
Disc One (76:51) - Music by Dennis McCarthy:
Main Titles - Seasons 1-3 (1:55)
Season 1 - 414: The Storyteller (9:12)
Season 1 - 419: Duet (3:32)
Season 1 - 420: In the Hands of the Prophets (2:21)
Season 2 - 421: The Homecoming (2:50)
Season 2 - 422: The Circle (5:04)
Season 2 - 443: Crossover [Bajoranosity+] (7:10)
Season 3 - 459: Life Support [He's Toast] (3:00)
Season 3 - 467: The Die is Cast (12:42)
Season 3 - 468: Explorers (5:32)
Season 4 - 476: The Visitor [One Last Visit] (2:58)
Season 4 - 492: Shattered Mirror (4:08)
Season 7 - 557: Once More Unto the Breach (6:42)
Season 6 - 538: Far Beyond the Stars (2:17)
Season 6 - 531: You Are Cordially Invited (1:41)
End credits seasons 1-3 (0:56)
Disc Two (76:56) - Music by Jay Chattaway:
Main Titles - Seasons 4-7 (McCarthy, 1:55)
Season 3 - 447: The Search Part 1 (8:59)
Season 3 - 448: The Search Part 2 (5:26)
Season 4 - 498: Broken Link (4:33)
Season 5 - 513: By Inferno's Light (11:19)
Season 5 - 524: Call to Arms (15:49)
Season 6 - 537: One Little Ship (3:41)
Season 7 - 569: Strange Bedfellows (6:27)
Season 7 - 570: The Changing Face of Evil (11:14)
Season 4 - 482: Our Man Bashir (source cues, 5:22)
End credits seasons 4-7 (McCarthy, 1:04)
Disc Three (79:09) - Music by the New Recruits:
Season 1 - 411: The Nagus (John Debney, 2:35)
Season 1 - 415: Progress (John Debney, 7:24)
Season 3 - 449: The House of Quark (Richard Bellis, 1:55)
Season 4 - 481: The Sword of Kahless (David Bell, 3:46)
Season 5 - 507: The Ascent (David Bell, 5:12)
Season 5 - 519: Soldiers of the Empire (David Bell, 3:28)
Season 6 - 530: Sacrifice of Angels (David Bell, 7:03)
Season 6 - 543: In the Pale Moonlight (David Bell, 4:58)
Season 7 - 554: Take Me Out to the Holosuite (David Bell, 3:12)
Season 7 - 559: Covenant (David Bell, 2:57)
Season 7 - 572: Tacking Into the Wind (David Bell, 3:33)
Season 5 - 504: The Assignment (Gregory Smith, 4:59)
Season 7 - 563: Field of Fire (Gregory Smith, 8:12)
Season 4 - 480: Little Green Men (Paul Baillargeon, 5:18)
Season 5 - 520: Children of Time (Paul Baillargeon, 4:29)
Season 7 - 558: The Siege of AR-558 (Paul Baillargeon, 5:38)
Disc Four (76:51) - The Lost Album:
Season 4 - 482: Our Man Bashir (Jay Chattaway, 14:32)
Season 5 - 503: Trials and Tribble-ations (D. McCarthy, 12:48)
Season 7 - 575/576: What You Leave Behind (McCarthy, 41:50)
DS9 Main Theme for Solo Piano (5:08)
Star Trek Voyager
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Jay Chattaway
Audio CD
Star Trek Voyager: Music from the original television soundtrack
of the double-length pilot story "Caretaker".
All Tracks by Jay Chattaway,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title (1:47) (Jerry Goldsmith)
2. Prologue (3:12)
3. 70 Thousand Light Years from Home (3:23)
4. Beamed to the Farm (4:19)
5. Lifesigns in the Barn (6:05)
6. Paris Takes the Helm (2:38)
7. Star Trek: Voyager Main Title (short) (0:19) (Jerry Goldsmith)
8. Escape from the Ocampa Underground (8:06)
9. Not Enough Time (2:02)
10. Battle for the Array (6:56)
11. Set Course For Home (3:32)
12. Star Trek: Voyager End Credit (1:20) (Jerry Goldsmith)
13. The Caretaker's Hoedown (2:35)
Total Time: 46:14
Star Trek
Heroes and Demons
/ The Visitor
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Dennis McCarthy,
Jay Chattaway,
Ron Jones, and
Jerry Fielding.
Audio CD
The Best of Star Trek, Volume 1:
30th Anniversary
Original Soundtracks, enhanced audio CD
With Music from:
Voyager Season 1: Heroes and Demons (Dennis McCarthy)
DS9 Season 4: The Visitor (Dennis McCarthy)
TNG Season 5: The Inner Light (Jay Chattaway)
TNG Season 1: Heart of Glory (Ron Jones)
TOS Season 2: The Trouble with Tribbles (Jerry Fielding)
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek Original Series Main Title (1:02)
Suite from "The Trouble with Tribbles" (Jerry Fielding):
2. Bartender Bit / They Quibble Over Quibble / Kirk Out /
Barrel of Tribbles / Tribble Hooks Kirk / Poor Jonesy /
Dead Heap! / Come On Spock! / Hissing Tribbles /
Raining Tribbles (5:19)
3. The Muzak Maker / The Scherzo Maker (1:36)
4. A Matter Of Pride / No Tribble At All / Big Fite (4:05)
5. Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title (1:48)
Suite from "Heart of Glory" (Ron Jones):
6. Moment Of Decision / Battle Signs (8:29)
7. A Klingon's Feelings /
Let's Make A Phaser / Heart Of Glory (6:30)
8. Orchestral Suite From "The Inner Light" (6:36)
9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Main Title - Season 4 (1:54)
10. The Visitor - Rainy Night (1:08)
11. The Visitor - Steve O's Cue / Freaked Out (3:07)
12. The Visitor - Dad Admonishes (3:11)
13. The Visitor - One Last Visit (2:57)
14. The Visitor - Second Chance (1:14)
15. Star Trek: Voyager Main Title Extended Version (2:22)
16. Heroes And Demons - Last Hope (2:31)
17. Heroes And Demons - Dr. Schweitzer (1:19)
18. Heroes And Demons - Armagonnen (1:47)
19. Heroes And Demons - Where's Freya / To The Rescue (6:46)
Total Time: 63:42
Star Trek
Bride of Chaotica
Original music soundtracks
composed by
David Bell,
Dennis McCarthy, and
Fred Steiner.
Audio CD
released June 2000
The Best of Star Trek, Volume Two
When this first came out, the highlights were the Fred Steiner tracks
from the original series, now surpassed by the more complete presentation
on the 15 CD box set above.
The best reasons for valuing this CD now would be the rare Voyager
score by David Bell for Bride of Chaotica. Also, while better mastering
of the last 2 cues from All Good Things can be found in a 3-disc box set above,
this CD still gives you far more content from that score, so TNG completists
still get something good here.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek Title Season 1 strings (Alexander Courage, 0:51)
2. The Corbomite Maneuver suite (Fred Steiner, 4:29)
3. Balance of Terror suite (Fred Steiner, 3:42)
4. What Are Little Girls Made Of suite (Fred Steiner, 4:39)
5. Balance of Terror - In Chapel (Fred Steiner, 1:18)
6. Conscience of the King - Star Trek Lounge Mix (Courage, 1:39)
7. Deep Space Nine Season 4 (Dennis McCarthy, 1:55)
8. Way of the Warrior - Dry Run (Dennis McCarthy, 1:31)
9. Way of the Warrior - Medieval Harp Source (2:57)
10. Way of the Warrior - Evil Empire (1:35)
11. Way of the Warrior - "Yo!" (4:08)
12. Way of the Warrior - Worf II (1:47)
13. His Way - "Fever" (performed by Nana Visitor, 2:01)
14. Star Trek Voyager (Jerry Goldsmith, 1:47)
Bride of Chaotica suite by David Bell:
15. Begin Chapter 18 / I Present... Arachnia (4:21)
16. Confinement Rings / Segue to Torres (3:07)
17. Chaotica is Defeated / Distortions (3:43)
18. Chaotica's Last Words / The End? (1:05)
19. Star Trek TNG Title (J. Goldsmith, A. Courage, 1:40)
All Good Things suite by Dennis McCarthy:
20. Here Comes the Judge II / To the Rescue (5:59)
21. Primalosity (2:29)
22. Courage (3:31)
23. Saved Again (2:26)
24. "You Were Always Welcome" (0:52)
Total Time: 63:42
Star Trek
Voyager Collection
Scorpion / Year of Hell /
Dark Frontier
4-disc box set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Jay Chattaway,
Dennis McCarthy,
David Bell,
Paul Baillargeon,
and Jerry Goldsmith
Audio CD set
Star Trek: Voyager Collection (4-CD Set)
Music from the following episodes:
Disc One (79:36) - Music by Jay Chattaway:
Main Titles - Star Trek Voyager (1:55) [Jerry Goldsmith]
Season 3 - 161: Rise (3:29)
Season 5 - 195: Night (7:05)
Season 5/6 - 220-1: Equinox (19:24)
Season 6 - 230: Pathfinder (7:44)
Season 6 - 237: Spirit Folk (13:36)
Season 6 - 245: The Haunting of Deck 12 (8:10)
Season 7 - 257: Shattered (3:17)
Season 7 - 261: The Void (13:34)
Disc Two (77:20) - Music by Dennis McCarthy:
Season 1/2 - 120: The 37's (15:16)
Season 2/3 - 142-3: Basics (20:56)
Season 3 - 153: The Q and the Grey (7:23)
Season 4 - 179: Concerning Flight (6:51)
Season 6 - 224: Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy (9:48)
Season 7 - 262-3: Workforce (16:00)
Disc Three (74:58) - Music by David Bell and Paul B.:
Season 5 - 209-210: Dark Frontier (David Bell, 54:33)
Season 2 - 135: Lifesigns (Paul Baillargeon, 19:32)
Disc Four (77:19) - Fan Favourites:
Season 3/4 - 168-9: Scorpion (Jay Chattaway, 31:43)
Season 4 - 176-7: Year of Hell (D.McCarthy, 43:24)
End Credits - Star Trek Voyager (Jerry Goldsmith, 1:19)
Star Trek - Enterprise
Broken Bow
Original soundtrack
music composed by
Dennis McCarthy
Audio CD
All Tracks by Dennis McCarthy,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Where My Heart Will Take Me (4:10) (Diane Warren)
2. New Enterprise (1:45)
3. Klingon Chase / Shotgunned (2:05)
4. Enterprise First Flight (2:52)
5. Klang-napped (2:12)
6. Morph-o Mama / Suli-nabbed (2:47)
7. Phaser Fight (5:54)
8. Breakthrough (2:02)
9. Grappled (4:11)
10. The Rescue (6:41)
11. Temporal Battle (8:07)
12. Blood Work (2:12)
13. New Horizons (1:27)
14. Archer's Theme (1:25)
15. Where My Heart Will Take Me - TV Version (1:31) (Warren)
Total Time: 49:30
Star Trek
Enterprise Collection
Zero Hour /
In a Mirror, Darkly
4-disc box set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Dennis McCarthy,
Jay Chattaway,
Brian Tyler,
Velton Ray Bunch,
Paul Baillargeon,
and others....
Limited Edition
Audio CD set
Star Trek: Enterprise Collection (4-CD Set)
Music from the following episodes:
Disc One (70:52) - Music by Dennis McCarthy:
Main Title - Season 1-2 (Warren/Watson) (1:25)
Season 1 - 026: Shockwave, Part 1 (12:56)
Season 2 - 027: Shockwave, Part 2 (6:47)
Season 2 - 052: The Expanse (8:01)
Season 3 - 057: Impulse (4:59)
Season 3 - 060: Twilight (10:44)
Season 3 - 063: Carpenter Street (3:05)
with Kevin Kiner:
Season 4 - 085: Kir'Shara * (3:29)
Season 3 - 075: Countdown * (7:43)
Season 4 - 078: Storm Front, Part 2 * (10:25)
End credits Instrumental (Diane Warren) (1:03)
Disc Two (70:59) - Music by Jay Chattaway:
Main Titles - Seasons 3-4 (Warren/Watson, 1:22)
Season 1 - 009: Civilization (6:16)
Season 2 - 038: The Catwalk (7:43)
Season 3 - 061: North Star (6:17)
Season 3 - 076: Zero Hour (14:32)
Season 4 - 077: Storm Front, Part 1 (2:50)
Season 4 - 084: Awakening (8:40)
Season 4 - 093: Bound (12:54)
Season 4 - 097: Terra Prime (7:32)
Season 2 - 038: The Catwalk Bonus Track (0:32)
End credits instrumental (Warren, 0:49)
Disc Three (79:09) - Music by "Veterans & New Recruits":
Archer's Theme (Unused Main Title by D.McCarthy) (1:24)
Season 2 - 046: Horizon (Mark McKenzie, 13:57)
Season 1 - 006: Terra Nova (David Bell, 1:48)
Season 1 - 013: Dear Doctor (David Bell, 3:46)
Season 1 - 007: The Andorian Incident (Paul Baillargeon, 3:19)
Season 1 - 022: Vox Sola (Paul Baillargeon, 3:28)
Season 2 - 050: First Flight (Paul Baillargeon, 5:15)
Season 3 - 065: Proving Ground (John Frizzell, 5:44)
Season 1 - 012: Silent Enemy (Velton Ray Bunch, 7:46)
Season 1 - 024: Desert Crossing (Velton Ray Bunch, 9:28)
Season 3 - 062: Similitude (Velton Ray Bunch, 7:42)
Season 4 - 082: The Augments (Velton Ray Bunch, 5:57)
Archer's Theme (End Credits, Dennis McCarthy, 0:39)
Disc Four (72:04) - Fan "Favorites":
Season 4 - 094/95: In a Mirror, Darkly (McCarthy & Kiner, 38:58)
Season 2 - 049: Regeneration (Brian Tyler, 21:27)
Season 4 - 098: These are the Voyages (McCarthy & Kiner, 10:48)
Archer's Theme (McCarthy) / Paramount Logo (Schifrin) (0:51)
Star Trek
Enterprise Collection Volume 2
Fight or Flight / Hatchery /
The Council / Divergence
4-disc box set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Dennis McCarthy,
Jay Chattaway,
Paul Baillargeon,
Velton Ray Bunch,
Brian Tyler,
and others....
Limited Edition
Audio CD set
2016 Sept 30
Star Trek: Enterprise Collection 2 (4-CD Set)
Music from the following episodes:
Disc One (75:28) - Music by Dennis McCarthy:
Main Title - Season 3 (Warren/Watson) (1:21)
Season 1 - 008: Breaking the Ice (2:03)
Season 1 - 015: Sleeping Dogs (1:49)
Season 2 - 034: The Communicator (6:51)
Season 2 - 040: Stigma (3:11)
Season 2 - 042: Future Tense (6:36)
Season 2 - 048: Cogenitor (6:47)
Season 3 - 053: The Xindi (6:13)
with Kevin Kiner:
Season 3 - 068: Doctor's Orders (4:44)
Season 3 - 071: Damage (9:16)
Season 4 - 087: Observer Effect (12:53)
Season 4 - 090: The Aenar (10:14)
Disc Two (75:14) - Music by Jay Chattaway:
Bumper - Archer's Theme (0:07)
Season 1 - 003: Fight or Flight (11:28)
Season 1 - 021: Detained (6:09)
Season 2 - 027: Carbon Creek (10:40)
Season 3 - 054: Anomaly - The Sphere (1:20)
Season 3 - 073: E Squared (17:58)
Season 4 - 081: Cold Station 12 (7:40)
Season 4 - 092: Divergence (18:53)
Disc Three (74:44) - Music by "Veterans":
Bumper #1 - Where My Heart Will Take Me (0:07)
Season 1 - 017: Fusion (David Bell, 3:48)
Season 2 - 039: Dawn (David Bell, 9:35)
Season 2 - 044: The Crossing (Paul Baillargeon, 23:18)
Season 3 - 056: Rajiin (Paul Baillargeon, 5:09)
Season 3 - 064: Chosen Realm (Paul Baillargeon, 8:18)
Season 3 - 069: Hatchery (Paul Baillargeon, 12:25)
Season 3 - 072: The Forgotten (Paul Baillargeon, 11:01)
Disc Four (78:17) - Music by "New Recruits":
Season 2 - 043: Canamar (Brian Tyler, 16:08)
Season 4 - 083: The Forge (John Frizzell, 10:16)
Season 1 - 019: Acquisition (Velton Ray Bunch, 15:07)
Season 3 - 058: Exile (Velton Ray Bunch, 8:56)
Season 3 - 074: The Council (Velton Ray Bunch, 11:53)
Season 4 - 091: Affliction (Velton Ray Bunch, 13:43)
Star Trek
50th Anniversary Collection
Animated Series Library /
The Hunted / Qpid
4-disc box set
Original music soundtracks
composed by
Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael,
Dennis McCarthy,
Fred Steiner,
and others....
Limited Edition
Audio CD set
2016 Dec. 2
This 4 disc set contains a wide variety of items
covering some areas of Star Trek that hadn't had
their share of music releases yet, or patching up
some holes in the previous coverage.
For example, of course we want the epilogue from
The Wrath of Khan without narration when we buy a CD.
If we wanted it with narration, we'd be
siphoning it from the movie's final mix instead.
One of the nicest bits here is the inclusion of
the most requested cues from
the Star Trek Voyager pilot story "Caretaker",
when Tom Paris first lays eyes on the ship,
and Jay Chattaway weaved Jerry Goldsmith's
main theme right into the episode score. We all
cried foul when these cues were left off of the
official CD album for Voyager's Caretaker.
Well, here they are, finally, on disc 4, track 35.
But possibly the most unique thing that this set can boast
is the huge swath of music from
The Animated Series - music that was used time and again
on every episode of the whole series. It sees its first
major release here. Mr. Arex would give this three thumbs up,
I'm sure.
Star Trek: Enterprise Collection (4-CD Set)
Music from the following episodes:
Disc One (76:13) - TOS Music:
Main Title - Season 3 Soprano version (1:14)
Season 1 Library - LM4 Love Scene (1:15)
Season 2 Library cues (30:23)
Season 3 Spock's Brain - cues from Acts 1-2 (2:31)
Season 3 Library cues (25:03)
Format music - Bumpers & I.D.'s (0:40)
The Motion Picture - Inner Workings alternate mix (4:03)
The Wrath of Khan - Epilogue / End Credits - no narration (8:41)
Disc Two (77:23) - Music from the Animated Series:
(composed by Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael)
1. Title Theme (1:01)
2. Captain's Log (1:19)
3. Something Ahead (0:54)
4. Evasive Maneuvers (1:07)
5. Sensor Data (1:07)
6. Intercept Course (0:14)
7. Fire Phasers (0:50)
8. Enterprise Attacked (1:32)
9. Illogical (0:13)
10. Briefing (0:43)
11. On the Viewscreen (1:02)
12. New Heading (0:19)
13. Scanning (0:54)
14. Deflector Shields (0:19)
15. Red Alert (0:33)
16. Battle Stations (0:41)
17. Surprise (0:07)
18. Supplemental Log (0:49)
19. Kirk's Command (1:11)
20. Sickbay (0:38)
21. Library Computer (0:44)
22. Full Power (0:28)
23. Approaching Coordinates (0:08)
24. The Bigger Meaning (1:15)
25. Trouble in Engineering (0:29)
26. Spock's Analysis (0:42)
27. Enterprise Wins the Space Race (0:43)
28. McCoy's Summary (0:16)
29. Just Another Stardate (0:39)
30. Ongoing Mission (0:18)
31. Title Theme (alternate mix) (1:01)
32. Sensor Data (alternate mix) (1:02)
33. Enterprise Attacked (alternate opening) (1:42)
34. Scanning (alternate mix) (0:54)
35. Turbolift Music (0:29)
36. Mr. Arex Lends an Extra Hand (0:38)
37. Fascinating (0:17)
38. Don't Mess With M'Ress (0:22)
39. Oh My (0:17)
40. Spock's Quick Analysis (0:22)
41. Yellow Alert (0:26)
42. Off Duty (0:15)
43. Suite: Stingers and Act-Out Music (2:03)
(Animated Series total time: 32:05)
44-46. Ron Jones Inspirations (total 13:32)
47-61. Star Trek Borg music by Dennis McCarthy (total 31:36)
Disc Three (78:57) - Music from TNG:
Star Trek TNG Season 1 Title alternate take (1:48)
(All episode cues by Dennis McCarthy)
Season 1 - 119: Coming of Age (9:57)
Season 1 - 123: Symbiosis (6:17)
Season 2 - 133: Unnatural Selection (1:10)
Season 2 - 135: The Measure of a Man - Memories (1:19)
Season 2 - 137: Contagion (5:56)
Season 3 - 151: The Survivors - Diversion (2:16)
Season 3 - 153: The Bonding (6:05)
Season 3 - 155: The Enemy (3:01)
Season 3 - 159: The Hunted (11:44)
Season 3 - 165: Sins of the Father (1:22)
Season 3 - 173: Transfigurations (10:43)
Season 4 - 182: Future Imperfect (4:08)
Season 6 - 241: Tapestry (5:23)
Season 7 - 263: Parallels (5:51)
Next Generation Trailer Background Theme Music (0:33)
Disc Four (78:57) - Music from TNG, DS9, & Voyager:
Gene Roddenberry 1921-1991 (unused alternate, 0:10)
Season 3 - 168: Tin Man (Jay Chattaway's debut, 6:25)
More Dennis McCarthy cues:
Season 3 - 161: Deja Q (4:56)
Season 3 - 167: Captain's Holiday (1:12)
Season 4 - 194: Qpid (8:54)
Season 2 - 129: Elementary Dear Data (4:52)
Season 6 - 238: Ship in a Bottle - Holo Tolodo! (4:02)
Season 4 - 188: Clues (1:39)
source music:
Season 2 - 145: Manhunt (7:05)
Star Trek 8: First Contact - Moonlight Becomes You (2:55)
Season 5 - 207: Unification 2 (2:24)
Season 6 - 245: Lessons (6:58)
The Experience - Klingon Encounter (4:24)
Borg Invasion 4D (7:22)
DS9 Main Title Demo (1:59)
DS9 Single Bridge Demo (2:24)
Voyager Main Title Demo (1:51)
Voyager - Caretaker - "Lookover / Maiden Voyager" (1:34)
Voyager - 234: Virtuoso - Opera Alla Alienosity (1:11)
Enterprise - Broken Bow - Dance-O-Matic (2:28)
TNG Trailer Music - Communique (David Reilly, 2:33)
Star Trek
City of Prague
re-recorded music soundtrack.
Audio CD
1-disc Edition:
Music Of Star Trek
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek The Motion Picture - End Titles (3:56) (J. Goldsmith)
2. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan - End Titles (6:32)
3. Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock - Bird of Prey Decloaks (3:36)
4. Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home - End Titles (3:35)
5. Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier - Life's A Dream (4:04)
6. Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country - End Titles (6:31)
7. Star Trek 7: Generations - End Titles (4:41)
8. Star Trek 8: First Contact - End Titles (5:11)
9. Star Trek 9: Insurrection - End Titles (5:06)
10. Star Trek 10: Nemesis - End Titles (7:38)
11. Star Trek 11 - Hella Bar Talk / Enterprising Young Men (4:22)
12. Star Trek - TV Theme (2:23)
13. Star Trek: The Next Generation - Theme (2:57)
14. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - Theme (3:55)
15. Star Trek: Voyager - Theme (2:00)
16. Star Trek: Enterprise - Where My Heart Will Take Me (3:24)
1 disc totaling: 69:51
2-disc Edition:
Music Of Star Trek
Track Listing:
CD ONE (60:35) - FILM
1. Star Trek The Motion Picture - End Titles (3:56) (J. Goldsmith)
2. Star Trek The Motion Picture - Klingon Attack (5:23)
3. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan - End Titles (6:32)
4. Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock - Bird of Prey Decloaks (3:36)
5. Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home - End Titles (3:35)
6. Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier - Life's A Dream (4:04)
7. Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country - End Titles (6:31)
8. Star Trek 7: Generations - End Titles (4:41)
9. Star Trek 8: First Contact - End Titles (5:11)
10. Star Trek 9: Insurrection - End Titles (5:06)
11. Star Trek 10: Nemesis - End Titles (7:38)
12. Star Trek 11 - Hella Bar Talk / Enterprising Young Men (4:22)
1. Star Trek (Original Series Version) (2:23)
2. Star Trek - Season 1: The Menagerie - Suite (6:06)
3. Star Trek: The Next Generation - Theme (2:57)
4. Star Trek TNG Season 1: Tasha's Farewell (Ron Jones, 9:16)
5. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - Theme (3:55)
6. DS9 Season 3: Life Support - He's Toast (Dennis McCarthy, 3:40)
7. DS9 Season 4: The Visitor - One Last Visit (Dennis McCarthy, 3:11)
8. Star Trek: Voyager - Theme (2:00)
9. Star Trek: Enterprise - Where My Heart Will Take Me (3:24)
10. Computer Game: Star Fleet Academy (Ron Jones, 4:09)
2 discs totaling: 101:36
Star Trek 11
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Michael Giacchino.
Audio CD - 45 min.
Star Trek 11 - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
All Tracks by Michael Giacchino,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Star Trek (1:03)
2. Nailin' the Kelvin (2:09)
3. Labor of Love (2:51)
4. Hella Bar Talk (1:55)
5. Enterprising Young Men (2:39)
6. Nero Sighted (3:23)
7. Nice To Meld You (3:13)
8. Run and Shoot Offense (2:04)
9. Does It Still McFly? (2:03)
10. Nero Death Experience (5:38)
11. Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns (2:34)
12. Back From Black (0:59)
13. That New Car Smell (4:46)
14. To Boldly Go (0:26) (with Alexander Courage)
15. End Credits (9:11) (with Alexander Courage)
Total Time: 45:26
Star Trek 12
Into Darkness
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Michael Giacchino.
Audio CD
Star Trek Into Darkness
All Tracks by Michael Giacchino,
except as noted.
Track Listing:
1. Logos / Pranking the Natives (3:01)
2. Spock Drops, Kirk Jumps (1:43)
3. Sub Prime Directive (2:23) (with Alexander Courage)
4. London Calling (2:09)
5. Meld-merized (2:40)
6. The Kronos Wartet (5:25)
7. Brigadoom (3:41)
8. Ship to Ship (2:50)
9. Earthbound and Down (2:37)
10. Warp Core Values (2:56)
11. Buying the Space Farm (3:17)
12. The San Fran Hustle (5:00)
13. Kirk Enterprises (3:00) (with A. Courage)
14. Star Trek Main Theme (3:25) (with A. Courage)
Total Time: 47:17
Star Trek 13
Original music soundtrack.
composed by
Michael Giacchino.
Audio CD
Star Trek Beyond
Star Trek
Sound Effects
Original soundtrack effects.
Audio CD
This CD focuses mostly on the "non-orchestral" sound effects of Star Trek which you won't find
on the 15-CD box set at the top of this page.
Between that box set and this CD, your collection of Trek
sound effects will be fairly complete.
Star Trek: Sound Effects From The Original TV Soundtrack
Tracks longer than 30 seconds:
1. Enterprise Bridge Sequence (5:53)
7. Alien Planet Atmosphere (1:35)
12. Enterprise Doors Open Into Bridge (0:58)
17. Main Viewing Screen (0:35)
23. Phasers Striking Deflector Shields (0:35)
27. Sickbay Scanner #2 (Heartbeats) (0:33)
31. Many Tribbles (1:02)
37. Alien Planet Atmosphere #2 (1:55)
40. Romulan Ship Interior (0:33)
41. Garbled Communicator Static (0:44)
45. Garbled Radio Signal #2 (0:37)
49. Garbled Radio signal #3 (Animated series) (0:35)
52. Library Computer on Bridge (0:36)
57. Warp Drive Malfunctioning (0:36)
58. Warp Drive Acceleration #2 (0:42)
59. Warp Drive Acceleration & Deceleration (0:45)
62. Hand Held Medical Scanner (0:55)
64. Bridge Sequence #2 (2:52)
69. Shuttle Craft Interior (0:32)
Total number of Tracks: 69
Total Time: 40:21
Article written by Martin Izsak.
Comments on this article are welcome.
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