Planet of the Spiders
DVD NTSC Region 1
DVD PAL Region 2
VHS Video
(Doctor Who Story No. 74, starring Jon Pertwee)
- written by Robert Sloman
- produced and directed by Barry Letts
- music by Dudley Simpson
- 6 episodes @ 25 minutes each
Story: While the Doctor investigates untapped mental
powers that lie dormant inside every human being, Mike Yates
discovers that some members of the meditation sanctuary
he has joined are invoking darker powers during their
secret sessions. Why has the Doctor's blue crystal
from Metebelis Three suddenly become the center of a web
of psychic intrigue? What is the true extent of its powers?
The Doctor soon has his hands full trying to free the societies
of two planets from the oppression of giant spiders....
DVD Extras (on 2 discs no less) include:
- Audio commentary by Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith),
Richard Franklin (Mike Yates),
Nicholas Courtney (The Brigadier),
producer/director Barry Letts, and
script editor Terrance Dicks.
- "The Final Curtain" making-of / era retrospective featurette (38 min.) with
Franklin, Letts, Dicks,
the late Jon Pertwee (The Doctor),
designer Rochelle Selwyn,
visual effects assistant Mat Irvine,
and fan Mark Gatiss.
- "Directing Who" interview with producer Barry Letts
documenting his directing work. (15 min.)
- Now & Then location featurette (7 min.)
- Retrospective interview of actor John Kane (Tommy) (13 min.)
- Pop-up Production Note Subtitles
- Photo Gallery
- "Planet of the Spiders" Omnibus Edition (105 minutes, unrestored)
- Omnibus trailer (2 min.)
Buyers' Guide Review
by Martin Izsak
(A more in-depth analysis, containing "SPOILERS" and intended
for those who have already seen the program, can be accessed
Lastly we come to the ambitious, somewhat under-achieving finale
for the Pertwee/Letts/Dicks era. It would be easy to start into
a long list of its technical and artistic faults, but like
"The Evil of the Daleks" (story no. 36)
in trying to give the viewers so much, many of its
offerings end up hitting the mark, keeping it interesting and even
profound on subsequent viewings.
Deviations from Formula
This is Robert Sloman's last script for Doctor Who, and he has
a well established formula he usually starts off with. This time,
however, he stretches and rearranges it - perhaps not actually
to best effect. To avoid spoilers, we'll save the detailed dissection
of plot structure for the
in-depth analysis version of this review.
The story does showcase a major chase sequence, including
tons of location footage of strange new vehicles that blew the
budget on the story. But despite all the movement and stunts in the
visuals, the pace is rather slow. Thankfully though, the folly of it all
actually fits the philosophical style of the rest of the story.
This is a point where
a musician can step up to the plate and deliver something unusually
bold and memorable, a point where, on the silent copy of this story
I was stuck with for a few years, I had dubbed on
a lot of fast-paced and lively music. Dudley Simpson's score
remains boring during this sequence, continuing to rely on a cheesy
synth effect that whines up and down for the Spiders here as all
throughout the score, which is pretty irritating and not much
more inventive than playing the notes for
the last story's
ice-wind effect on new instrumentation. One easy, simple remedy
might have been to pull out the variation on UNIT's theme backing
Liz Shaw's car chase from
"The Ambassadors of Death" (story no. 53)
- it would have
been very thematically appropriate and more supportive of the required
mood of the sequence. Or a recurrence of Bessie's theme could have
been a good idea. Alas, no such indulgence here.
Interestingly, the surprise reveal of a suite of music cues from Part 2 of this story
indicates that the music was built up in layers. Presented on the CD are chiefly
the portions played on real orchestral instruments, which are fairly satisfying.
The whiny, cheesy synth effects were patched on over top for the TV broadcast version,
but thankfully do not appear at all in the CD track. This makes a nice improvement
on the music, and increases the repeat-listening value of the CD. Excellent!
A suite of music from
"Planet of the Spiders" Part 2
lasting (2:44) was released on:
Audio CD -
Doctor Who:
The 50th Anniversary Collection
11-disc version (2014)
More info
Misfocused Main Conflict
Sarah, Mike Yates,
and Lupton continue to be the central exploring characters,
while the Doctor struggles to keep up with
them. John Dearth's Lupton in particular gets the focus of
many chunks of screen time to himself, which at least nicely
reveals the motivation at the heart of his character.
By contrast, the Doctor gives us some disappointing character
dynamics in the middle of the story,
while set design becomes a particular let-down in many areas.
It's not until very late in the story that
the Doctor can finally come to true grips with
the issues of real importance to the story.
Some of the action is unbearably limited and poor, barely hanging
on to the bare necessities of visual literacy just to let the audience
know what is happening.
One good thing about the action is that it often utilizes
a very tangible superimposed video effect which seems to line
up with the footage really well all the time. The sound effect is
a bit too high-pitched to carry enough power to suit my tastes, but
it still works well enough.
Very strange story structures still abound between episode
five's lead up to the cliffhanger, and episode six's lengthy
re-edited reprise. In some ways, for many reasons including
required timings, it has to be a little weird in the end. Then
again, look at the noticeably short episode timings in
"The Mind Robber" (story no. 45),
"The Leisure Hive" (story no. 110),
and indeed much of season eighteen,
and you may wonder why Barry Letts didn't let a shorter episode
go by here or there. I will simply suggest two things that work
better for me.... but only in the
in-depth analysis version of the review,
of course.
Returning to a Proper Focus for the Final Episode
Hopefully the middle portions of the adventure have been a bit of fun,
combining typical Doctor Who racing through cheap corridor sets
and funny superimposition and CSO effects with Pertwee era triumphs
like gadgets and vehicles and Terry Walsh stunt fights, not to mention
the typical Pertwee era faults such as padded dialogue, prisoner
dynamic delay tactics,
a hint of doomsaying,
and the one and only
Man of Sleep.
But both the beginning and ending sections of the tale
deal more readily and successfully with
the heart of this story - an exploration of a few common truths
about mental power, and ultimately
a hero's solution to the attempted subjugation of the mind.
Doctor is now firmly re-established as the main character of the
story, and our main character is gently prodded by his old mentor
to face his own issues and confront the crisis properly.
The character of Tommy actually turns out to be one of the
story's critical assets.
I don't know why Sloman later felt that Tommy's character was a
mistake. I was never tempted to laugh at him, but rather, thanks
to a solid performance from John Kane, I find myself empathizing
with him. (Perhaps the music I added to my dubbed version helps too.)
The dynamics of the story's conclusion
work far better here than in Sloman's other scripts.
For once, some of his favourite themes are used
in the right story.
The final scenes work well, and the drama is spot on.
The story's structure, bizarre as
it may have been at times, still manages to build up to this moment
Regeneration itself is explained in this final
episode better than in any other spot in Doctor Who, so even completely
new viewers are suitably prepped. It even manages to offer
an explanation for the rather bizarre regeneration in
"Logopolis" (story no. 116).
Sure, lots of things could have been better with this story.
But the story's got heart too, and intends to show the Doctor's
faults as well as his strengths, bring them into balance, and make
you nostalgic for it all. I think it achieves that, and manages to
be both dramatically moving and fun. What can I say, but that I'm
a fan of the series, and of this story as well. In the end, it's
thumbs up from me.
Season Eleven Rankings:
Best Story:
- The Time Warrior
- The Monster of Peladon
- Planet of the Spiders
- Invasion of the Dinosaurs
- Death to the Daleks
Best Writer:
- Robert Holmes
- Brian Hayles
- Robert Sloman
- Malcolm Hulke
- Terry Nation
Best Director:
- Alan Bromly
- Lennie Mayne
- Michael Briant
- Barry Letts
- Paddy Russell
Best Music:
- "Florana"
- Death to the Daleks
- The Monster of Peladon
- Planet of the Spiders
- The Time Warrior
- the rest of Invasion of the Dinosaurs
This story is available on DVD and VHS video.
Click on the Amazon symbol for the location nearest you
for pricing and availability:
DVD NTSC Region 1
for the North American market:
in the U.S.
in Canada
DVD PAL Region 2
for the U.K.
VHS Video
in the U.S.
in the U.S.
in Canada
for the U.K.
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Read the Buyers' Guide Review for the next story: