Story |
Videos |
Story Soundtracks |
Music Soundtracks |
SEASON FOUR (continued...) |
(1966-1967) |
Story No. 30
The Power of the Daleks
Story: Ben and Polly are at odds trying to decide
if the new, younger, dark-haired man in the TARDIS with
them could really still be the Doctor....
Having landed on the planet Vulcan, the trio soon discovers
a human colony with a murder mystery to be solved. What soon
becomes even more worrying are the colony's robotic servants,
reactivated survivors of a crashed alien ship who
repeatedly chant, "I am your servant." Have these Daleks
malfunctioned severely, or do they have some insidious
long-term reason for their strange behaviour?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Reconstructed presentation - 100% animated version:
Audio CD -
The Power of the Daleks.
- CD audio version
narrated by Anneke Wills
Music by Tristram Cary
(Re-used cues from "The Daleks")
Audio CD:
Devils' Planets
The Music of Tristram Cary |
info & options
Story No. 31
The Highlanders
Story: The TARDIS brings the Doctor,
Ben and Polly to the aftermath of
the battle of Culloden Moor,
where they soon try to help
Scottish piper Jamie McCrimmon tend to
the remaining members of his clan.
But evading cold enemy officers and corrupt
sea captains isn't easy. How many disguises
will the Doctor need to adopt to successfully
achieve everyone's freedom? Can another battle
be avoided?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD -
The Highlanders
(2 discs).
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 32
The Underwater Menace
Story: The TARDIS lands on a volcanic island,
and the Doctor, Ben, Polly, and Jamie discover a way down
to a ritualistic and ancient underwater society. Have they
discovered Atlantis? Who is the mad scientist Professor Zaroff,
and why does the underwater society allow him to create
fish people? Will Atlantis rise again? Or what is
Zaroff's ultimate experiment really going to do?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material - with still photo reconstruction:
Audio CD
The Underwater Menace
narrated by Anneke Wills
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 33
The Moonbase
Story: The Doctor and friends land on the moon
in the year 2070, discovering an international
weather control base. Personnel at the base are gradually
becoming bed-ridden, jeopardizing the guaranteed good
weather that Earth now depends on. The Doctor struggles
to find the answers, but is it really
an illness that is affecting the crew? When many awake
and act like zombies when demanding to return to work,
it becomes apparent that another force has landed on
the moon, determined to "save" humanity from its
organic frailties....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material - with animated reconstruction:
Audio CD
The Moonbase
(2 discs).
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 34
The Macra Terror
Story: Ben and Polly are pleased to enjoy the good life
and holiday pampering offered to them by an idyllic society
on a colonized planet in the future, but the Doctor and Jamie
are more skeptical. Why are those who protest sent to
a mental correction center? What exactly is the "hard work" that
the colony's inhabitants so joyfully put their hearts and souls
into? What is their refined gas used for, if not for heating
or fuel? Is it true that giant crab-like creatures lurk and crawl
through the streets at night? Is it just colony propaganda that
there are no such things as "Macra"?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Reconstructed presentation - 100% animated version:
Audio CD
The Macra Terror.
- CD audio version
narrated by Colin Baker
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 35
The Faceless Ones
Story: Landing on a runway at the busy
Gatwick airport in the 1960's, the four time/space
travelers soon accidentally witness suspicious and
murderous activities in the hangar for Chameleon Tours.
When Ben and Polly soon go missing, the Doctor and Jamie
team up with Samantha Briggs, who claims that her brother
is one of hundreds of young passengers who never really
arrived at their foreign destinations. What secrets are
the sinister Captain Blade and his Chameleon Tour crews hiding?
And where do his planes take the passengers?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
100% animated version, plus two original episodes:
Audio CD
The Faceless Ones
(2 discs).
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 36
The Evil of the Daleks
Story: The theft of the TARDIS from Gatwick airport
puts the Doctor and Jamie on the trail of the mysterious
antique dealer Edward Waterfield. But the truth continues
to elude them in the mansion of scientific sponsor
Theodore Maxtible in 1866, where Jamie embarks on a mission
to rescue Waterfield's daughter Victoria, and the Doctor
is coerced into helping the Daleks isolate "The Human Factor"
with their experiments. But what is the real aim
of the Emperor Dalek on the planet Skaro? The Doctor has little
time to find out, as the mansion's occupants are further isolated
and outnumbered...
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Season Four Rankings
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
The Evil of the Daleks.
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 37
The Tomb of the Cybermen
Story: Victoria joins the Doctor
and Jamie in the TARDIS. They travel to
the planet Telos, where an archeological
expedition from Earth has just discovered
a long lost city believed to be the
final resting place of the deadly and
dehumanizing Cybermen. But
the Doctor suspects some members of the
party have a hidden agenda, and he becomes
determined to find out what it is....
The great introductory classic of the
Patrick Troughton era.
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 38
The Abominable Snowmen
Story: The Doctor has a holy relic to return
to the Detsen Monastery in the Himalayan mountains
of Tibet, but the monks are suspicious. Mysterious
attacks have become more frequent, and the European
Professor Travers suspects the Doctor of sabotaging
his expedition to find the elusive Yeti: the Abominable Snowmen.
Have the Yeti shed their timid reputation? Is the monk
leadership unwittingly playing into the attackers' hands?
And what kind of creature have Jamie and Victoria run into
in a mysterious mountainside cave?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD -
The Abominable Snowmen
(2 discs).
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 39
The Ice Warriors
Story: The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria
land in the year 3000 A.D.
amongst the British members of a world
wide project to use ionization to hold back
the advancing glaciers of a new ice age.
Is their leader
Clent responsible for making their chief
scientist Penley abandon the project?
What is the nature of the mysterious
armoured warrior they have found frozen
in the ice?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material - with animated reconstruction:
Audio CD
The Ice Warriors.
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 40
The Enemy of the World
Story: Landing on a beach in Australia
in the 2010's, and quickly swept up in a deadly
spy game, the Doctor discovers that he is the
spitting image of a sly Latin-American politician
who is suspiciously rising to greater and greater
power. How is Salamander able to predict natural
weather disasters with such accuracy? Will Budapest
hand over control of the central European zone next?
And will the Doctor agree to impersonate Salamander
to discover the truth?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story - 6 plain episodes:
DVD NTSC Region 1 U.S.
NEW for May 20, 2014
DVD NTSC Region 1 Canada
NEW for May 20, 2014
DVD PAL Region 2 U.K.
NEW for Nov. 25, 2013
The complete story - Special Edition with extras: |
Will this special edition ever get a proper North American release? |
DVD NTSC Region 1 U.S.
Special Edition
DVD NTSC Region 1 Canada
Special Edition
DVD PAL Region 2 U.K.
Special Edition
NEW for March 26, 2018
Audio CD
The Enemy of the World
(2 discs).
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Classical Music Tracks
Story No. 41
The Web of Fear
Story: Growing wisps of web in space
ensnare the TARDIS, forcing the Doctor,
Jamie, and Victoria into a nightmare in
the London Underground subway train system.
The army is working with Professor Travers
and his daughter Anne to combat the spread of
the Web over the city, suspecting that the
Yeti and the Great Intelligence
are once more involved. As their every
move to keep the tunnels clear is thwarted,
they know there is a traitor in their midst.
Can it be Colonel Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart,
arriving late to take charge?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material - with animation & full extras:
DVD NTSC Region 1 U.S.
NEW for Feb. 1, 2022!
DVD NTSC Region 1 Canada
NEW for Feb. 1, 2022!
DVD PAL Region 2 U.K.
NEW for Aug. 16, 2021!
Surviving Material - plain: |
DVD NTSC Region 1 U.S.
NEW for Apr. 22, 2014
DVD NTSC Region 1 Canada
NEW for Apr. 22, 2014
DVD PAL Region 2 U.K.
NEW for Feb. 24, 2014
What has survived?
Where is it available?
Audio CD
The Web of Fear
(3 discs).
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 42
Fury From the Deep
Story: Jamie discovers the properties of
the sonic screwdriver
as the Doctor investigates a mysterious pulsing sound in a
pipe on a seaside natural gas rig,
before he and his companions are accused of tampering
by the rig's crew. Have their recent emergencies been caused
by some form of marine life getting into the machinery?
Will the rig's commander Robson be able to maintain his
perfect gas flow record? What has happened to the oddly-behaving
crews of similar rigs in the area? As the number of horrific
events increases, Victoria reluctantly faces a life-changing
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
100% animated version:
Audio CD
Fury From the Deep
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 43
The Wheel in Space
Story: The TARDIS interior collapses, depositing
the Doctor and Jamie on an abandoned "Silver Carrier" rocket
that had failed to reach its scheduled destination 9 weeks ago.
What has happened to her four-person crew?
Why has it gone so far off course, now approaching a circular
space-station known as "The Wheel"? As the crew of the Wheel
regard the rocket as a possible threat, their commander favours
shooting it down. With the Doctor suffering concussion, will
Jamie be able to find an ally in Astrophysicist Zoe Herriot,
so that they can identify the real invaders of the Wheel?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Season Five Rankings
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
The Wheel in Space.
- CD audio version
narrated by Wendy Padbury
Music by Brian Hodgson
Audio CD -
Doctor Who at the
BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Volume 1 |
info & options
Story No. 44
The Dominators
Story: When galactic conquerors
invade the planet Dulkis via a seldom-visited
island, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe get
caught in the middle. Can they convince
the passively peaceful Dulcians to defend
their planet against the Dominators and
their robotic Quark servants, or will the
time-traveling trio have to outwit the
aliens all by themselves? And what is
so special about the island that the Dominators
have concentrated their efforts there?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 5 episodes:
Music by Brian Hodgson
Audio CD -
Doctor Who at the
BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Volume 1 |
info & options
Story No. 45
The Mind Robber
Story: Desperate to escape
an erupting volcano, the Doctor
takes the TARDIS out of space/time reality.
He and Jamie and Zoe find themselves
in a bizarre struggle to maintain
their identity and their control over
their own minds, as they are confronted
by all-too-familiar people, creatures,
and settings that shouldn't really exist....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 5 episodes:
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 46
The Invasion
Story: Seeking Professor Travers' help in repairing
one of the TARDIS's electronic components, the Doctor is
led to a leading electronics manufacturer named Tobias Vaughn.
But Vaughn is hatching sinister plots with off-world allies,
and coming under the suspicion of the newly formed United Nations'
Intelligence Taskforce, or U.N.I.T. Is it already too late
for the Doctor and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart to prevent
the invasion?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material - with animated reconstruction:
Audio CD
The Invasion.
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Music by Don Harper
Audio CD -
The Invasion
info & options
NEW for 2018 Sept.
Story No. 47
The Krotons
Story: The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe visit a planet
whose inhabitants regularly send their two brightest
students into a crystalline machine to serve their
unseen masters, the Krotons. Although the Doctor
is suspicious of this process from the beginning,
his concerns escalate when Zoe becomes the next
new servant called into the machine....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 4 episodes:
Music by Brian Hodgson
Audio CD -
Doctor Who at the
BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Volume 1 |
info & options
Audio CD -
The Krotons
info & options
Story No. 48
The Seeds of Death
Story: All matter transmission beams on a futuristic
Earth come to a standstill when the controlling base on the moon
is hijacked. The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe agree to pilot a rocket
to the moon to help sort out the trouble. Who is responsible
for this catastrophe? And what is the purpose of the alien
seeds that suddenly begin to beam into the trans-mat booths
in every major city on Earth?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Compare with original edition details
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 49
The Space Pirates
Story: The Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe land right
in the middle of a pirate attack on Beacon Alpha Four,
and are soon adrift on one of the most sought-after
argonite structures in space. Will General Hermack's
authoritative tactics crack the case and put an end
to the pirates' schemes? Is old prospector Milo Clancey
one of the victims of the piracy, or could he be the
ringleader of the gang? And what mysterious connections
to his past are to be found on the planet Ta?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
The Space Pirates.
- CD audio version
narrated by Frazer Hines
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 50
The War Games
Story: The Doctor finds himself in the
midst of trench warfare between English and German
forces. But many of the participants are suffering
very selective memory losses, and the Doctor becomes
determined to find out who is manipulating events
from behind the scenes, and why. As the overwhelming
scope and nature of the operation is revealed, the Doctor
finds he can no longer hide his origins from Jamie
and Zoe's curiosity....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Season Six Rankings
The complete story in 10 episodes:
Music by Dudley Simpson