Story |
Videos |
Story Soundtracks |
Music Soundtracks |
Story No. 1
An Unearthly Child
Story: Highschool student Susan Foreman displays
unusual abilities and gaps in her knowledge. Teachers
Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright decide to investigate
reports that she lives with her grandfather, a Doctor,
inside a police box in a junkyard. The quartet soon find
100 000 years in the past, where the re-discovery
of the secret of fire could decide leadership in a tribe
of primitive humans.
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis Review WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 4 episodes:
Music by Norman Kay
Story No. 2
The Daleks
Story: The TARDIS lands in a petrified forest
on a post-apocalyptic alien planet. Is the nearby
city as deserted and lifeless as it appears? Or should
the Doctor and his friends be more afraid of the
new creatures approaching through the forest?
This atmospheric, philosophically rich version of the
story first put Doctor Who on the map and ensured the
program's popularity and longevity.
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 7 episodes:
Music by Tristram Cary
Audio CD
Devils' Planets:
The Music of
Tristram Cary |
Tell me more...
Story No. 3
The Edge of Destruction
Story: Attempting to return
to Earth's Solar System, the TARDIS crashes
to a dead stop in space, the controls
refusing to respond. Some of the crew
begin to act strange, and distrust one another.
Has one of them become a saboteur, as the Doctor
suspects? Or has an alien presence found its
way aboard the TARDIS?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 2 episodes:
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 4
Marco Polo
When the TARDIS malfunctions on the icy heights of the
Himalayas in 1289 A.D., the Doctor and his friends are
forced to join one of Marco Polo's later caravan journeys
into China, taking the TARDIS along with them until it
can be repaired. But is the accompanying warlord Tegana
really an emissary of peace from Kublai Khan's old enemy
Noghai? If not, what is he really after?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
There are many black and white Doctor Who episodes
no longer known to exist anywhere in the world,
and story no. 4: "Marco Polo" is the first casualty.
All seven episodes have been lost.
However, the audio portions of all missing episodes
are preserved and now available on CD
in the column to the right,
thanks to fans with tape recorders and
the devotion of audio wizard Mark Ayres and the Doctor
Who Restoration team at the BBC.
Incomplete stories and missing episodes are usually
indicated with grey backgrounds on these pages
for easier reference, with links to more information...
What has survived?
Where is it available?
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
Marco Polo
BBC Radio Collection
(3 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by William Russell
- mp3 version with no narration
Music by Tristram Cary
Story No. 5
The Keys of Marinus
Story: Materializing on a mysterious island, the
Doctor and friends are persuaded to embark on a quest
to recover five unique code keys from their secret locations
on the various continents of the planet Marinus. But who is
the dark lord Yartek? Why do he and his Voord underlings also
seek the keys? And what secrets lay behind the planet's laws
that the keys might help unlock?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 6 episodes:
Music by Norman Kay
Story No. 6
The Aztecs
Story: Barbara is mistaken for the
reincarnation of the Aztec goddess Yetaxa,
and puts the TARDIS crew in extra jeopardy
when, despite the Doctor's warnings,
she decides to use her position to remove
the violent aspects of Aztec culture and
create a new version of history.
An extremely well written and executed drama,
possibly the very best of the William Hartnell era.
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Compare with original edition details
Music by Richard Rodney Bennett
Story No. 7
The Sensorites
Story: The Doctor and friends find themselves on
a spacecraft orbiting a planet known as the Sense Sphere.
The ship's human crew are found in a catatonic state induced
by strange attacks from the Sensorites, mysterious hidden
beings from the planet below. Have the humans done or
discovered anything to provoke these mental battles? Do the
Sensorites conceal hidden agendas of their own? In the midst
of this web of intrigue, the Doctor finds that loyalties
amongst his fellow TARDIS travelers are tested as well....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 6 episodes:
Music by Norman Kay
Story No. 8
The Reign of Terror
Story: Claiming he has brought Ian and Barbara
home, the Doctor soon discovers that he alone must
try to rescue his friends and his granddaughter Susan
from the events of the French Revolution before they
get swept away with the tide. Meanwhile, Ian makes
a promise to deliver a message to a secret agent
with an unknown false identity, dragging them deeper
into a web of intrigue and closer to key historical figures....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Season One Rankings
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Reign of Terror
(2 discs).
- CD audio version, narrated by
Carole Ann Ford.
- bonus interview of
Carole Ann Ford discussing the making of the program.
Music by Stanley Myers
Story No. 9
Planet of Giants
Story: The Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan find that
they have landed amongst some incredibly large and primitive
animals, most of which appear to have been killed. What deadly
experiments are being carried out here? How far will the instigators
go to keep everything a secret? While Barbara's fate hangs in
the balance, the Doctor and friends realize
that they alone must attempt to thwart their gigantic adversaries...
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story:
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 10
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Story: The TARDIS lands in London, 2164. The city
has been devastated by bombs, and the Daleks are enslaving
mankind. What is their real purpose in coming to planet
Earth? And what secret project are they undertaking in
the mines of Bedfordshire? It soon becomes apparent to the
Doctor that life will never be the same again for his
granddaughter Susan....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 6 episodes:
Music by Francis Chagrin
Theatrical remake of Story No. 10
starring Peter Cushing
Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
Story: During an emergency,
policeman Tom Campbell discovers
Dr. Who's time machine - TARDIS - and is transported
along with Dr. Who, his granddaughter Susan,
and his niece Louise
to London, 2150 A.D.
The city has been devastated by bombs,
and the Daleks are enslaving mankind.
What is their real purpose in coming to planet Earth?
And what secret project are they undertaking
in the mines of Bedfordshire?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Widescreen colour feature film:
Music by Bill McGuffie & Barry Gray
is available on:
Audio CD
Doctor Who -
Music from the
Peter Cushing
Dalek Feature Films
More info & buying options
Theatrical remake of Story No. 2
starring Peter Cushing
Dr. Who & the Daleks
Story: Dr. Who demonstrates his latest invention
- TARDIS - to his two granddaughters Barbara and Susan,
and Barbara's boyfriend Ian. The machine takes them to
a petrified forest
on a post-apocalyptic alien planet. Is the nearby
city as deserted and lifeless as it appears? Or should
Dr. Who and his friends be more afraid of the
new creatures approaching through the forest?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Widescreen colour feature film:
Music by Malcolm Lockyer & Barry Gray
is available on:
Audio CD
Doctor Who -
Music from the
Peter Cushing
Dalek Feature Films
More info & buying options
Theatrical remakes of
Story Nos. 2 & 10
Peter Cushing
Doctor Who Collection
- Dr. Who and the Daleks
- Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150
- Dalekmania documentary
(See above for individual reviews
of each movie in this set)
Widescreen colour feature films:
DVD NTSC Region 1 U.S.
DVD NTSC Region 1 Canada
DVD PAL Region 2 U.K.
Music by Malcolm Lockyer, Bill McGuffie,
& Barry Gray
is available on:
Audio CD
Doctor Who -
Music from the
Peter Cushing
Dalek Feature Films
More info & buying options
Story No. 11
The Rescue
Story: The TARDIS crew discover Vicki and Bennett,
two survivors of a space rocket that has crashed on the
planet Dido, who are now being harassed by an alien named
Koquillion. But the Doctor is deeply disturbed by the
disappearance of Dido's peaceful natural inhabitants,
and suspects there is more going on than meets the eye....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 2 episodes:
Music by Tristram Cary
(Re-used cues from "The Daleks")
Audio CD -
Devils' Planets -
The Music of Tristram Cary |
Tell me more...
Story No. 12
The Romans
Story: After a month of decadent lounging
in an abandoned Roman Empire mansion, the Doctor
and Vicki decide to enter Rome itself in hopes of
meeting Emperor Nero. While they become embroiled in a
web of courtly mischief, Ian and Barbara find themselves
in a more deadly predicament.... Will the two parties be able
to find each other and help each other out in the ensuing comedy
of errors?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 4 episodes:
Music by Raymond Jones
Story No. 13
The Web Planet
Story: The TARDIS is pulled down onto the planet
Vortis, a moon-like world with a thin oxygen atmosphere.
Investigating a means of freeing their ship, the Doctor
and company become embroiled in a battle between several
species of human-sized insects, and soon discover the
hidden power seeking to make slaves of them all....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 6 episodes:
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 14
The Crusade
Story: Landing in the midst of the historical
conflict of the Crusades, Barbara is captured by Saracen
warriors, prompting Ian to lead a noble rescue attempt.
Meanwhile, the Doctor and Vicki become ever more entangled
in a web of court intrigue involving
King Richard the Lionheart (Julian Glover)
and his sister Joanna (Jean Marsh).
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Crusade.
- CD audio version, narrated by William Russell
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 15
The Space Museum
When a host of space/time anomalies
prevents the four time travelers from interacting
normally with the environment and inhabitants
of a museum on an alien planet, the Doctor suspects
something must have gone wrong with the TARDIS's
materialization. After witnessing a glimpse of
their disastrous personal future, the travelers
must try and find a way of changing it, or they will
remain in the museum forever....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 4 episodes:
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 16
The Chase
Story: During an exploration of the
planet Aridius, the Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Vicki
make a horrific discovery - the Daleks have constructed
their own time machine, and are now pursuing the TARDIS
to exterminate the Doctor for interfering with their
plans in previous adventures! Will a hurried odyssey
through time and space throw the Daleks off their
trail and end the chase? Or will the Doctor and his
friends need to make a final stand against their
greatest enemies?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story:
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 17
The Time Meddler
Story: Vicki finds it hard to convince
new crewmember
Steven Taylor that the TARDIS can travel
in time as well as space, and that it has brought them
to England, 1066 A.D., just prior to the Battle of Hastings.
But the Doctor is disturbed by an abundance of anachronisms,
and believes that he recognizes the charmingly amiable
extra-terrestrial force
determined to interfere violently with human history....
Don't miss Peter Butterworth's outstanding performance
as the title character, one of the great landmarks of the
original show.
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Season Two Rankings
The complete story:
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 18
Galaxy Four
Story: Materializing on a desolate alien planet,
the Doctor, Steven, and Vicki are soon rescued from
enigmatic robots by a race of young female soldiers
called Drahvins. The Drahvins have been in a fight for
survival against the hideous Rills and their "Chumbley" machines
ever since each side crashed here, and the Drahvins
are desperate to find a way off the planet before its
decaying orbital conditions cause it to explode. Will the
Doctor and his friends be able to help the Drahvins without
getting caught in the cross-fire? How much are the Drahvins
willing to say about what the Rills are really after?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
Galaxy Four
BBC Radio Collection
(2 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Peter Purves
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 19
Mission to the Unknown
(Prologue to "The Dalek Masterplan")
Story: Special Security Service agent Marc Cory (Edward de Souza)
leads a small expedition to the deadly jungle planet Kembel,
where his worst fears are confirmed: The Daleks are forging
a hostile alliance, and several other races have greedily
joined. Will Cory have a chance to warn the Earth before
the adaptive Varga plants take over his entire expedition?
What is the Daleks' latest plan?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Daleks' Master Plan
BBC Radio Collection
(5 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Peter Purves
- mp3 version with no narration
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 20
The Myth Makers
Story: The Doctor is mistaken for Zeus
when he lands amidst a group of warring Greeks,
who soon pressure him to help them find a strategy
for conquering the nearby city of Troy. But the
Doctor and Steven have their own reasons for wanting
to get into the city, as Vicki and the TARDIS
have been taken inside its walls as well....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Myth Makers
BBC Radio Collection
(2 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Peter Purves
Music by Humphrey Searle
Story No. 21
The Dalek Masterplan
(aka "The Daleks' Master Plan")
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Story: Having traveled inside the Doctor's
wondrous "temple", Trojan handmaiden Katarina finds
herself on the jungle planet Kembel with the Doctor,
Steven, and SSS agent Bret Vyon in the 41st century.
In a brave move to thwart the growing Dalek Alliance's
latest master plan, they make off with the vital
Tarranium core, and are relentlessly pursued across
space and time. But Vyon has been labeled a traitor,
and soon has fellow agent Sara Kingdom and
Solar System Guardian Mavic Chen joining in the chase....
Who is really pulling the strings in this interstellar
game of treachery? Will the Doctor be able to find
any help from a familiar face from his own planet?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Daleks' Master Plan
BBC Radio Collection
(5 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Peter Purves
- mp3 version with no narration
Music by Tristram Cary
Audio CD
Devils' Planets:
The Music of
Tristram Cary |
Tell me more...
Story No. 22
The Massacre
(... of St. Bartholomew's Eve)
Story: Landing in Paris in August of 1572,
the Doctor decides to pay a visit to biologist
Charles Preslin to discuss his discovery of germs.
As Steven becomes more and more worried about
the Doctor's prolonged absence, he finds himself
getting more deeply embroiled in the rising religious
tensions between Protestant Huguenots and Catholics.
Has the Doctor been caught up as well? Trouble seems
to escalate as the familiar face of the antagonistic
Abbot of Amboise is revealed, and historical events
veer towards catastrophe....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Massacre
BBC Radio Collection
(2 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Peter Purves
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 23
The Ark
Story: Taking her first trip in the TARDIS,
Dorothea "Dodo" Chaplet accompanies the Doctor and Steven Taylor
into the far future and onto a large spacecraft carrying a variety
of creatures from Earth and beyond, who plan to colonize
the planet Refusis. But all is not going well. Is the ship's
commanding Guardian being too smug about the tensions rising
amongst the personnel? Are the Monoids really content to play
subservient roles? Has the Doctor's visit inadvertently
triggered the collapse of this society? Or will they all encounter
the greatest challenge yet when they finally come face to face
with the unknowns and denied truths on the new planet?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story:
Music by Tristram Cary
(Re-used cues from "The Daleks")
Audio CD -
Devils' Planets -
The Music of Tristram Cary |
Tell me more...
Story No. 24
The Celestial Toymaker
Story: The Doctor, Steven, and Dodo find themselves
in the dimension of the Celestial Toymaker, a powerful
being who can alter his realm at will. He forces them to
play a variety of games against his living toys who love to
cheat, while enforcing the rules harshly against the Doctor's
party. Can they win their freedom back fair and square?
One mistake by any of them, and they will all become toys
added to the Toymaker's collection....
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Celestial Toymaker
BBC Radio Collection
(2 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Peter Purves
Music by Dudley Simpson
Story No. 25
The Gunfighters
Story: Much to Steven and Dodo's initial delight,
the Doctor decides 19th century Tombstone, Arizona is as
good as anywhere to find a dentist to cure his broken tooth,
except that the Clanton gang has come looking for
Wyatt Earp and dentist Doc Holiday, and the stage is
set for some comedic but deadly mistaken identity.
With the Doctor's distaste for guns and violence coming
to the fore, will he be able to act as a deputy lawman
and keep the peace in the wild west?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story:
Music by Tristram Cary
Story No. 26
The Savages
Story: The Doctor, Steven, and Dodo land on a planet
in a distant age of peace and prosperity, and they are welcomed
by the advanced humanoids living in a magnificent city
who have everything they could wish for. But why are only guards
allowed to leave the city? Who are the stone age savages
living in the rocks and scrubland beyond? And what is the
"energy exchange" at the heart of this civilization's culture?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Savages
BBC Radio Collection
(2 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Peter Purves
Music by Raymond Jones
Story No. 27
The War Machines
Story: The Doctor and Dodo land in London near the
monumental Post Office tower just after its completion
in the 1960's. But the Doctor has ominous feelings about
the new WOTAN computer that Earth authorities are about
to hand control over to - a computer that soon exercises
hypnotic control over any human mind that comes too close.
Is it already too late for Dodo? What dangerous machines is WOTAN
having built in a disused factory? Ben Jackson and Polly
make their Doctor Who debuts.
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
The complete story in 4 episodes:
Library Music Tracks
Story No. 28
The Smugglers
Story: The Doctor has his hands full getting Ben and Polly
to respect the 17th century customs of a coastal English town
while convincing them that they have traveled through time.
But when the church warden imparts a secret riddle to the Doctor,
and is later found murdered, Ben and Polly find themselves accused
by law enforcers, while the Doctor becomes a much sought-after
figure at the center of a pirate treasure hunt. How many of the
locals are after a share of the treasure? Which of them are
involved in the secret smuggling ring? Who can be trusted,
and who will stop at nothing for Avery's gold?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Smugglers
BBC Radio Collection
(2 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by Anneke Wills
No Music
Story No. 29
The Tenth Planet
Story: The Doctor, Ben, and Polly land in Antarctica
in 1986, discovering an international space mission control base.
As the crew observe a new planet approaching Earth,
creating havoc with pre-planned orbital flights, the Doctor
recognizes this as a turning point in history, predicting that
they are about to have "visitors". But the Doctor's own health
is fading fast. Will he last long enough to help humanity
survive first contact with the Cybermen of Mondas?
Buyers' Guide Review
In-depth Analysis WITH SPOILERS
Season Three+ Rankings
Surviving Material:
Audio CD
Doctor Who:
The Tenth Planet
BBC Radio Collection
(2 discs).
- CD audio version narrated by
Anneke Wills
Library Music Tracks
Audio CD -
Dr. Who -
Music from The Tenth Planet |
Tell me more...