The Celestial Toymaker
This story is not known to exist in its original format
(4 black-and-white 25-minute TV episodes)
in its entirety.
(Doctor Who Story No. 24, starring William Hartnell)
- written by Brian Hayles (and rewritten by Gerry Davis)
- directed by Bill Sellars
- produced by Innes Lloyd
- music by Dudley Simpson
- 4 episodes @ 25 minutes each:
| 1. |
| The Celestial Toyroom |
| 2. |
| The Hall of Dolls |
| 3. |
| The Dancing Floor |
| 4. |
| The Final Test |
Story: The Doctor, Steven, and Dodo find themselves
in the dimension of the Celestial Toymaker, a powerful
being who can alter his realm at will. He forces them to
play a variety of games against his living toys who love to
cheat, while enforcing the rules harshly against the Doctor's
party. Can they win their freedom back fair and square?
One mistake by any of them, and they will all become toys
added to the Toymaker's collection....
Buyers' Guide Review
by Martin Izsak
(A more in-depth analysis, containing "SPOILERS" and intended
for those who have already seen the program, can be accessed
The official writing credits for this story go to Brian Hayles,
but in reality this is much more of a hasty creation by
incoming script editor Gerry Davis,
as he works quickly to mop up the mess left by
previous script editor Donald Tosh's mixed-up methods of
throwing too many conflicting ideas and writers together.
This story's basic idea and characters are good, but I can't say
I care much for the execution, particularly as the plot is so
Episode One - The Celestial Toyroom
The Doctor and his friends have a new environment to explore
and discover, something that usually works well on the series.
The dialogue written for that purpose seems to waste much more
time than necessary though, as the characters seem to talk a lot
and say very little, taking ages to come to the point of their
ideas. The Doctor's train of thought becomes as intangible
as his visual appearance.
Before long, it becomes abundantly clear what this
adventure will be about. After a slight pause to "face up"
to whatever powerful force made the Doctor invisible, the
three travellers are once more motivated solely by getting
back into the TARDIS and leaving. Well, la-dee-da, wake me
up when they do. Seriously, this is not the way to motivate
a Doctor Who story.
Next point - William Hartnell goes off on holiday, again.
Hasn't he already missed enough season three episodes?
Apparently not. Although the bulk of this story will be
without him, and thus the Doctor's role is once more reduced,
the disappearance isn't too bad in this story because it isn't
quite total. We can see by his hand and the trilogic game
and the odd voice-over that he is still present, right beside
the main villain, and his mind is ticking. It's not ideal,
obviously, but if we have to endure his disappearance, this
will do.
Although the first Doctor puts in a good showing in
episode one with his confrontation with the Toymaker,
Steven and Dodo must carry the bulk of this adventure,
and our first taste of the conflict that will occupy them
has the "doll duo" of Carmen Silvera and Campbell Singer
playing mischievous clowns. Silvera's voice is so high pitched
here that understanding her becomes difficult, and Singer's
conversational skills have been reduced to rude blasts of
a prop horn. The obstacle course game that they play isn't
very interesting in itself, and the sequence relies on the
clowns' creativity in cheating for its drama.
At least this sequence finally gets a bit of power from a
shift to a darker tone as it proceeds.
Steven and Dodo
eventually triumph, not surprising as the story would come to
an end if they didn't, and then it is revealed that they will
have to go on to another game before they can achieve their
goals. So, in other words, the audience is left to look
forward to more of the same silliness for three more weeks,
without even a good cliffhanger to entice them. Anticipation,
of quality at least, is once more lacking.
Episode Two - The Hall of Dolls
Episode Three - The Dancing Floor
Thankfully, Silvera and Singer get much better roles in the
middle episodes. The King and Queen of Hearts are much more
interesting characters to listen to, absent-mindedly injecting
humour into an otherwise deadly situation. Later on, they play
Mrs. Wiggs and Sgt. Rugg, also an interesting and humorous pair,
though at times their argumentative side goes too far to
remain tasteful.
"I'll never be able to look at a doll or a playing card again
with an easy mind."
A rare level of intrigue occurs as Cyril makes fleeting
appearances, either as knave, kitchen boy, or school boy,
to further hamper matters and make viewers wonder exactly
what secret mission he may be on, or what subplot surrounds
his character.
Episode three's cliffhanger is finally half-decent,
creating a sense of escalation and
doing a good job to sell viewers on the final episode.
These middle episodes do get points for style, but
their impact on the main plot is minimal at best. If episode
one is re-discovered, I suggest the story can easily be
syndicated with or without episodes two and/or three, especially
if stories like
"Planet of the Daleks" (story no. 68) and
"Invasion of the Dinosaurs" (story no. 71)
can be syndicated without an episode simply because
they didn't have it in colour at the time.
Episode Four - The Final Test
Cyril's role in this episode
is not quite as interesting as before, and the level of
intrigue drops as Steven and Dodo have fewer characters to
interact with than in any other episode in this adventure.
Episode Four's game is better than episode one's, but not
as good as episode two's or three's.
The trilogic game is accurately portrayed, and is
an interesting mental diversion for those interested enough
to find out more about it. As a dramatic device, I do find
it a bit lacking however. There are some holes
here I'm sure, but I won't nit-pick too much, because in the end
Gerry Davis manages to make this game work within the story.
William Hartnell comes back, allowing the Doctor a
full-visual final confrontation with the Toymaker. Now things
get really interesting, although the dialogue is once more
over-flowery and taking a little too much time to get to the
point. The points do get well made though, and I prefer the
over-explanation here to the under-explanation of later
stories like
"Ghost Light" (story no. 157).
The last dilemma and its final resolution are actually
very satisfying. I think Bill Sellars
was right to shoot it the way he did. Was the doll-house
wall of the set erected for this half-hour? It only seems
to appear in cut-away shots. If it was erected, Sellars should
have allowed it to appear in the shots a little more - the
Toymaker's office appears quite bland without it, even though
the sets and props are really quite good if you take time to
look at them carefully.
The Candy-Horror Sub-Genre in Doctor Who
While early years of Doctor Who are famous for their flip-flop
between historical and sci-fi stories, this adventure clearly
does not fit either pattern too well. It is more of a genre
I would call "candy-horror", in which the rules of normal
reality don't seem to apply, and things one would normally
regard as cute or sweet are now much more deadly. Although
this may not be the best example of the genre in Doctor Who,
this story is easily understandable, and it all gains credibility
from the constant mention of mental power and discipline,
suggesting that it all exists this way specifically because
the powerful Toymaker wills it so.
Michael Gough's presence is what really gives the Toymaker
his appeal, as there isn't all that much plot or action for
the character to develop from. His acting job is superb.
Also adding to his import are the Doctor's mentionings that
he has met the Toymaker before, and expects to meet him again.
Thus all in one story we have the feeling of meeting a recurring
villain without it actually being so, nor perhaps should it be
Although this kind of silly story is not actually too bad,
it commits the sin of being largely Doctor-less, and season
three is full of much better stories anyway. Sylvester McCoy
introduces the final episode on
"The Hartnell Years" VHS video tape
by saying
that many fans regard this adventure as a classic. Well, some
fans may regard every adventure as a classic. I don't really
believe "The Celestial Toymaker" has earned that label. I'd
rather just regard Davis's hasty re-write as a successful
catch of the dropped ball, and rate the story somewhere between
mediocre and okay.
It certainly did not go far to improve ratings or
lift season three out of "the dregs".
This story is not known to exist in its original format
(4 black-and-white 25-minute TV episodes) in its entirety.
Doctor Who: Lost in Time - William Hartnell
1 DVD disc
(also included in Lost in Time Boxed Sets) |
Coverage on The Celestial Toymaker includes:
- One complete episode:
- Episode 4: The Final Test
More details & buying options for "Lost in Time" DVD's
This 2 CD set features the complete audio tracks of all
4 television episodes of this story:
- The CD Audio version features narration by
actor Peter Purves (who also played Steven Taylor)
to help listeners follow what used to be visual aspects
of the story. This version spans both discs
and is playable in any normal audio CD player.
Doctor Who: The Hartnell Years
introduced by Sylvester McCoy
1 VHS video tape |
Coverage on The Celestial Toymaker includes:
- One complete episode:
- Episode 4: The Final Test
More details & buying options for missing episode VHS videos
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