The Ice Warriors
This story is not known to exist in its original format
(6 black-and-white 25-minute TV episodes)
in its entirety.
DVD NTSC Region 1
DVD PAL Region 2
VHS Video & Audio CD
(Doctor Who Story No. 39, starring Patrick Troughton)
- written by Brian Hayles
- directed by Derek Martinus
- produced by Innes Lloyd
- music by Dudley Simpson
- 6 episodes @ 25 minutes each
Story: The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria
land in the year 3000 A.D.
amongst the British members of a world
wide project to use ionization to hold back
the advancing glaciers of a new ice age.
Is their leader
Clent responsible for making their chief
scientist Penley abandon the project?
What is the nature of the mysterious
armoured warrior they have found frozen
in the ice?
DVD Features include:
- Four digitally remastered complete original episodes (#1, 4, 5, 6)
- New animated recreations of the two missing episodes (#2 & 3),
synchronized to the original television sound.
- Plus extra features:
- Audio commentary for episodes 1, 4, 5, & 6 by actors
Frazer Hines (Jamie), Deborah Watling (Victoria),
Sonny Caldinez (Turoc),
designer Jeremy Davies, and
grams operator Pat Heigham.
- Audio commentary for episode 2 using archive recordings of
writer Brian Hayles, director Derek Martinus,
actors Bernard Bresslaw (Varga), Peter Barkworth (Clent),
Wendy Gifford (Miss Garrett),
costume designer Martin Baugh, and
make-up designer Sylvia James.
- Audio commentary for episode 3 by Patrick Troughton's son Michael.
- "Cold Fusion" making-of featurette (25 min.)
with Hines, Watling, Caldinez, Davies, and
Bernard Bresslaw's son James.
- "Beneath the Ice" (11 min.) on the making of the new animated episodes.
- Frazer Hines interview part two (2004, 14 min.)
- Pop-Up Production Note Subtitles
- Photo Gallery (4 min.)
- Older VHS recreation of episodes Two-and-Three (1998, 18 min.)
- Blue Peter Design-a-Monster competition (1967, 10 min.)
The VHS Packages include:
- Four complete episodes: #1, 4, 5, 6
- a special 18-minute sequence
recounting the missing episodes 2 and 3.
- The full-length sound from episodes 2 and 3
on audio CD, without narration.
Buyers' Guide Review
by Martin Izsak
(A more in-depth analysis, containing "SPOILERS" and intended
for those who have already seen the program, can be accessed
Another good monster story pits humans against
a battle-hardened alien species, with lots of
harsh nature elements thrown in to randomize things.
"The Ice Warriors" also manages to tackle a thematic struggle,
surrounding the relationship between Penley and Leader Clent
and the nature of working in groups.
The TARDIS landing is original, and no effects were skimped
on concerning the police box anywhere in the story, however it's
a bit dodgy artistically - going for the funny bone of the long-time
fan, and doing little to give newer members of the audience any clue
as to who the main characters are or what they're about. A further
early scene gives us more of what we need: Victoria's advice not
to dance into danger allows the Doctor to show that his curiosity
is a stronger driving force, one of his definitive ones at that.
Jamie and Victoria fair best in the early episodes, especially
the first, where their values and viewpoints clash humorously.
The Doctor is his typical commanding-heroic self, fully
capable of solving all of the problems in this time-space location.
However, instead of merely giving these people a fish to feed them for
the day at hand, he more maturely teaches some of the local characters
how to fish, thus feeding them for a lifetime.
Interesting dynamic.
Pat Troughton's Doctor is in fine form throughout the adventure.
The role of Penley seems to be just slightly out of Peter Sallis's
range, either physically or in terms of personality. I can't decide
which, but something just doesn't ring right about it. Apart from
that, I think Sallis's attempt at Penley is pretty good and gets the
job done at the end of the day.
Peter Barkworth does a remarkable performance as Leader Clent,
the chief antagonist amongst the good-guys. Such a role is becoming
an archetype for Doctor Who's base-defense stories - as such Clent
is one of the more interesting ones. Barkworth takes him very
believably into hysteria and back again while the character continues
to be credible and watchable. The outbursts are quite reasonably
motivated and one of the biggest aids for the Clent character are
right in the script - he often recognizes his own mistakes after the
fact and can discuss them rationally, allowing him to earn back much
of the trust he may have lost.
What is the chief conflict between Clent and Penley?
Well, I could spoil that for you here, but I'll save that kernel
for the in-depth analysis version
of this review. Let Clent and Penley argue, however,
and they pile a lot of red herrings on top of this, clouding the issue
to no end. Side issues obscure a main one, as complexly as
it would in real life.
With our secondary hero Penley being such an important character,
it boggles the mind as to why the 18-minute recreation of
episodes "two and three" on the official VHS videotape release
manages to cut out every single scene of Penley from episode two!
His presence is important for continuity reasons, as well as
helping the atmosphere in key places....
Many of these old stories are padded, in which case scene trimming
usually works better than scene discarding, but "The Ice Warriors"
works much better with episodes two and three at their full length.
I also can't say that I'm keen on the narrator's voice or the quiet
visual transitions in and out of the communicator lying in the snow,
both of which break up the mood and pace of the story a little too much.
Besides, the communicator isn't a recognizable "Ice Warriors" artefact
until AFTER one has seen episode four, making it a poor identification
device for preceding episodes. This is likely a moot point now
that a full-length version has been construction for the DVD release,
but back then at least the original intact soundtrack was also
included on CD, so no fan had to totally miss out on such good bits.
Let's not forget the Ice Warriors themselves. Varga's voice is
unmistakeably Bernard Bresslaw's, as the accomplished "Carry On...."
comedy actor leaves an inimitable mark on the role of lead Ice Warrior,
getting good support from his second in command Zondal. Sonny Caldinez,
who plays the archetype Ice Warrior in the three sequels, is sadly
relegated to a third rate Ice Warrior costume for the limited role
of Turoc. Varga and Zondal steal the show this time around.
The music starts out in questionable taste with a high-pitched
vocalist piercing our ears over the opening titles of episode one,
but things improve after that, until Dudley Simpson has managed to
deliver one of his most creatively interesting and inventive scores
to date. The titles for the remaining five episodes have a much
better musical backing, and particularly of note is a suspense
track debuting in the third episode, which swipes in something like
Tristram Cary's Dalek Ambush music and continues with variations
of hollow percussion notes, soft moody musings, and much more careful
dashes of our vocalist's skills. A very powerful cue, nicely
dominating episode four with memorable repetition.
Derek Martinus does some particularly good direction during the
suspense / action scenes in the middle episodes, and episode four
boasts a brilliant shot sequence introducing a key effect,
while other portions give us
a beautiful display of superimposition
effects of the period that manage to look realistic
and be an accurate prediction of future popular technology. The very
end of the story is not too strong visually - crying out for
some effects shots which are sadly nowhere to be found.
Character resolutions
take over and work fairly well, ensuring a satisfying finish.
"The Ice Warriors" represents a rather typical outing for the
monster season, a good strong story with an above average execution.
By no means perfect, but most enjoyable nonetheless.
"The Ice Warriors" is not known to exist in its original format
(6 black-and-white 25-minute TV episodes) in its entirety.
The four existing episodes from this story
are now available on DVD:
DVD NTSC Region 1 U.S.
NEW for Sept. 17, 2013.
DVD NTSC Region 1 Canada
NEW for Sept. 17, 2013.
DVD PAL Region 2
for the U.K.
NEW for August 26, 2013.
DVD Coverage on The Ice Warriors includes:
- Four digitally remastered complete original episodes (#1, 4, 5, 6)
- New animated recreations of the two missing episodes (#2 & 3),
synchronized to the original television sound.
- Plus extra features, see top of page for full list.
This story has also been partially available on VHS video and audio CD:
Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors
- NTSC version:
- 1 VHS video tape
- 1 audio CD
- PAL version:
- 2 VHS video tapes
- 1 audio CD
Coverage on The Ice Warriors includes:
- Four complete episodes:
- Episode 1
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- a special 18-minute sequence
recounting the missing episodes 2 and 3.
- The full-length sound from episodes 2 and 3
on audio CD, without narration.
More details & buying options for missing episode VHS videos
This audio CD set features the complete audio tracks of all
6 television episodes of this story, narrated by
actor Frazer Hines (who also played Jamie McCrimmon)
to help listeners follow what used to be visual aspects
of the story.
This version
is playable in any normal audio CD player.
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