The Wheel in Space
This story is not known to exist in its original format
(6 black-and-white 25-minute TV episodes)
in its entirety.
See below for episodes available
on DVD / video
CD Audio - 2 discs
(Doctor Who Story No. 43, starring Patrick Troughton)
- written by David Whitaker, from a story by Kit Pedler
- directed by Tristan de Vere Cole
- produced by Peter Bryant
- music by Brian Hodgson
- 6 episodes @ 25 minutes each
Story: The TARDIS interior collapses, depositing
the Doctor and Jamie on an abandoned "Silver Carrier" rocket
that had failed to reach its scheduled destination 9 weeks ago.
What has happened to her four-person crew? What is the purpose
of the dangerous servo robot patrolling its corridors? Why has
it gone so far off course, now approaching a circular
space-station known as "The Wheel"? As the crew of the Wheel
regard the rocket as a possible threat, their commander favours
shooting it down. With the Doctor suffering concussion, will
Jamie be able to find an ally in Astrophysicist Zoe Herriot,
so that they can identify the real invaders of the Wheel?
Buyers' Guide Review
by Martin Izsak
(A more in-depth analysis, containing "SPOILERS" and intended
for those who have already seen the program, can be accessed
Unfortunately, this tale leaves former story editor David Whitaker
holding the writer's Wooden Turkey Award at the end of season five.
His scripts for
"The Enemy of the World" (story no. 40) and
"The Wheel in Space" are
not really bad, but are easily surpassed by the rest of the offerings.
This cyber-adventure set somewhere in space has a very twisted and
illogical plot, and more unwatchable characters than anywhere else
in the season.
Jarvis Bennett is such a single-minded ineffective old fruit,
it is a great wonder how he ever could have gained command of a space
station. Leo Ryan and Tanya Lernov ooze romantic clichés so
badly and so profusely that you know you are watching a third rate drama
instead of real life. And so on, and so on..... the basic formula
Whitaker seems to be using for creating characters is to take a
normal average Joe or Jane out of the factory mould, and dent them
with some kind of serious flaw, usually an emotional issue so big
that it will cloud their common sense.
Episode one is less plagued than other episodes, since the
guest characters' debut is only a brief scene or two at the end. Extra
music from Brian Hodgson helps make this lonely exploration
of a derelict rocket quite moody. The Doctor and Jamie's quest for
mercury is a sad re-run plot element stolen from
"The Daleks" (story no. 2), but
at least the collapse of the limitless interior of the TARDIS throws
a new and interesting angle into the works.
Music by Brian Hodgson
is available on:
Audio CD - Doctor Who
at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Volume 1:
The Early Years 1963-1969
Find out more here.
As this story progressed, I cringed and grew apprehensive each time
Jarvis Bennett was present in a scene, knowing it would go to the dogs,
and it pretty much always does. Though the other characters
do ask the question of how Bennett ever got command, and there is
an answer, it's completely unconvincing. Jarvis is a character
type who might buy, inherit, or schmooze his way into a high position,
and then not really be up to it - which could work in
a historical story. Going into space, with his
total lack of thinking ability, he'll be lucky to get higher up than
the janitor, let alone the top position on any particular crew.
Episode two is Doctor-less, yet if we must have Doctor-less
episodes, at least we're not in danger of marring a classic in
this story. An unconscious Doctor is much better than one missing
in action, as his companions need waste no time "looking" for him
aimlessly and can keep the main plot rolling. Episode two is still
strong with Jamie meeting Zoe for the first time, in a series of scenes
that work quite well. Thankfully, Zoe is a considerable exception
among the new characters, sporting extra abilities and enthusiasm which
do her credit. Her character is both useful and entertaining, able to
jump with both feet into the exploration and adventure that Doctor Who
is all about much better than Victoria did.
Episode three aptly demonstrates the poor dynamics at work in
the interaction among the crew of the Space Wheel.
I suppose the details are potential spoilers though,
so I'll save them for the
in-depth analysis version
of this review.
This third rate drama is saved by the fact that Pat Troughton
and Frazer Hines are present to play the Doctor and Jamie, who are
as entertaining as ever. Wendy Padbury's enthusiasm for working with
Troughton spills over into her role, and the three of them are extremely
watchable, as they begin to investigate the mysteries at hand, and
discover evidence of who's behind it all.
Pretty much from the moment she meets Troughton's Doctor,
Zoe seems to be less a member of the Wheel's crew, and more
a proper TARDIS time-traveller. She is certainly
a character of a higher calibre than any of the guests from the Wheel.
Still, many of
Whitaker's lines for Zoe display his lack of scientific knowledge,
and Zoe's calculations seem to be based on a false assumption more
than anything else.
Another question: where exactly in space IS the Wheel, and what
is its function? For all the talk about it being in "deep space", it
seems much more likely that it is somewhere in our solar system, if
not in Earth orbit. Again the lack of attention paid to such things
brings the credibility of many of the events of the story into question.
Ultimately, from what we get here, it feels like Whitaker still
believed that the Earth is something big at the center of the
known universe, while by comparison the stars are just little lights
in the sky somewhere.
The entrance of the Cybermen in episode three is well-done, but
the poor Cybermen are not very impressive afterwards. The cyber-planner
is an ill-conceived idea - enemies who design their leaders without any
ability to move just don't seem very bright at all. Then the silly
cyber-planner takes the best cybervoice that we have grown to know
from Peter Hawkins, while Roy Skelton has to do the rest of the cyber
army without a proper buzzing pallet. Something's missing, for sure.
The wobble that he adds to the voice to make up for the missing pallet
makes the Cybermen sound unconfident and weak, which is not good.
The acting of the extras encased in cyber-costumes or space suits is
not very riveting.
Musically, only one mood seems to be prominently given voice
throughout the episodes: that the Cybermen are cooking up something
creepy. Well, that's very good. But can that cover all the
bases? It often seems to leave a sort of sleepy, hypnotic haze
over the story. Lullaby time again.
Episode Six is an improvement over number three, mostly because
there are more action and special effects sequences which
director Tristan de Vere Cole did fairly well on.
The Doctor is up and about, being heroically busy.
Good job.
"You know our ways."
Yes, the good guys pretty much have to know the Cybermen's ways if
they're going to make any sense out of this plot. This is the main
drawback of "The Wheel in Space" - the Cybermen's plans are
not so much investigated
and discovered as they are theorized and predicted, based on the most
illogical pieces of "evidence". This approach really does not work
well this time, as it has not been properly thought out. The Cybermen
are not anywhere near as interesting here, because they are such known
quantities. Contrast this with their excellent debut
"The Tenth Planet" (story no. 29),
in which Cybermen were culturally explored and treated with
first contact etiquette (even despite the fact that the Doctor had
historical fore-knowledge about them), and you will find that bringing
back a character, or species of character, is not as important as
bringing back the dynamics of interaction that made that character a
Perhaps this is why Robert Holmes always preferred new villains to
old ones: their freshness allows the Doctor and friends to continue
to explore them and ask questions about them.....
The characters on the Wheel seem to get a little better during the
final 2 episodes, barring Jarvis Bennett who never works at any point.
Others noticeably do seem more balanced when
watching/listening to episodes 5 and 6 together, rather than just
episode 6 on its own. Zoe's character still shines best,
hinting in the missing episodes 4 and 5 how the human side of
the usual Kit Pedler cybernization theme might be playing out in
this particular tale.... Too bad it feels tacked on amongst all the
other unsatisfying character distractions evidenced here.
If there's a character to truly enjoy here amongst the guests,
I nominate the burly Irishman Sean Flannigan, who has more fun with his
"international accent" than any other character, and who can actually
induce a bit of a chuckle in the audience. Sadly, it seems his
best bits are in some of the missing episodes.
"You won't explain?"
Whitaker's dialogue gets lamer and lamer. Why is Jamie scrounging
for excuses instead of telling Zoe that he's leaving in the Doctor's
time machine? Why? What is it about secrecy that Whitaker feels
all of his characters should instinctively pollute their relationships
with it, thus lowering their integrity and making for less watchable
scenes? The TARDIS is not aptly demonstrated here, nor is the
concept of Doctor Who adventure really sold to a fresh audience.
The clip of
"The Evil of the Daleks" (story no. 36)
is more "murderous monster spectacle"
with cheap special effects than anything enticing one to explore the
"The Wheel in Space" just doesn't cut the mustard with me.
(Or perk the cyber-coffee for that matter.) David Whitaker is good
when writing about history or culture or stories that develop out of
character flaws, but he is not the right man to try to expand
Kit Pedler's very scientifically based story notes - the character
flaws really only get in the way of the story telling here, until
neither works properly. This adventure still beats many others
from seasons four and six, and certainly has an effectively lonely,
creepy atmosphere it can fall back on, which it often does.
Favourite adversaries, a new interesting companion,
and a very visually creative directing job by Tristan de Vere Cole
bring many good highlights to the story closing off Doctor Who's
most consistently good season to date, but "The Wheel in Space"
is unfortunately the least effective story of the bunch.
Rankings for Season Five
Best Stories:
- The Tomb of the Cybermen
- The Web of Fear
- The Ice Warriors
- Fury From the Deep
- The Abominable Snowmen
- The Enemy of the World
- The Wheel in Space
Best Writers:
- Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis
- Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln
- Brian Hayles
- Victor Pemberton
- David Whitaker (poor plots)
Best Directors (everybody did well this season):
- Morris Barry
- Douglas Camfield
- Derek Martinus
- Hugh David
- Gerald Blake
- Tristan de Vere Cole
- Barry Letts
Best local lead character:
- Col. Lethbridge Stewart (Nicholas Courtney)
- Clent (Peter Barkworth)
- Professor Parry (Aubrey Richards)
- Professor Travers (Jack Watling)
- Captain Knight (Ralph Watson)
- Khrisong (Norman Jones)
- Robson (Victor Maddern)
- Giles Kent (Bill Kerr)
- Donald Bruce (Colin Douglas)
- Jarvis Bennett (Michael Turner)
Best Music:
- The Tomb of the Cybermen
- The Web of Fear
- The Ice Warriors (Dudley Simpson)
- Fury From The Deep (Dudley Simpson)
- The Wheel in Space (Brian Hodgson)
- The Enemy of the World
Doctor Who: Lost in Time - Patrick Troughton
2 DVD discs
(also included in Lost in Time Boxed Sets) |
Coverage on The Wheel in Space includes:
- Episode 3
- censor clips from episodes 4 & 5 (30 sec.)
- Episode 6
- (episode 6 with optional commentary
by story editor Derrick Sherwin,
and director Tristan de Vere Cole)
More details & buying options for "Lost in Time" DVD's
This audio CD set features the complete audio tracks of all
6 television episodes of this story, narrated by
actress Wendy Padbury (who also played Zoe)
to help listeners follow what used to be visual aspects
of the story.
This version
is playable in any normal audio CD player.
Doctor Who: Cybermen - The Early Years
introduced by Colin Baker
1 VHS video tape |
Coverage on The Wheel in Space includes:
- Two complete episodes:
- interviews with actress Wendy Padbury (Zoe),
and Cyber voice Roy Skelton.
More details & buying options for missing episode VHS videos
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