The Vampires of Venice
DVD NTSC Region 1
13-episode box set
DVD PAL Region 2
13-episode box set
DVD PAL Region 2
3-episode volume
See below for Blu-Ray options
(Doctor Who Story No. 212, starring Matt Smith)
- written by Toby Whithouse
- directed by Jonny Campbell
- produced by Tracie Simpson and Patrick Schweitzer
- music by Murray Gold
- 1 episode @ 47 minutes
Story: The Doctor takes Amy and Rory to the romantic
city of Venice in 1580 A.D., only to discover that
the city's rulers, headed by the Calvierra family,
are recruiting young women into a cult.
Will the time-traveling trio be able to rescue Guido's daughter?
What are the Calvierras' real plans for the cult?
And what kind of creatures are they that they don't mind
being mistaken for vampires?
DVD Extras (box sets only) include:
- Picture-in-picture commentary by
writer Toby Whithouse,
director Jonny Campbell,
and actor Alex Price (Francesco Calvierra).
- Dr. Who Confidential featurette: Death in Venice (14 min.) with
Whithouse, Campbell,
Matt Smith (The Doctor),
Karen Gillan (Amy Pond),
Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams),
executive producers Steven Moffat and Beth Willis,
Venetian historian Francesco Da Mosto,
visual effects supervisor Dave Houghton, and
1st assistant director John Bennett.
Narrated by Alex Price.
- Outtakes & Bloopers
- Story Trailer
In-Depth Analysis Review
by Martin Izsak
WARNING: This review contains "SPOILERS", and is intended for
those who have already seen the program. To avoid the spoilers,
read the Buyers' Guide to the season instead.
Hooray! Another good one! Although I must admit, I was a bit nervous
about where this one appeared to be going at first.
Of course, with the season arcs having become so PREDICTABLE lately,
one comes to expect that after the companion introduction episode,
future episode, and past episode, there comes the inevitable return
to the companion's domestic concerns on present day Earth, England.
When we're really unlucky, they make a two-parter out of it.
I was still bracing for that when, lo and behold, they crammed that
between last story's coda and this story's intro, and then moved on
to another adventure. Nice structural move.
And though the triangle between the Doctor, Amy, and Rory may
not have been the best idea for the season, this is the episode that
truly makes the best of it and has me laughing and loving the regular
characters - all of them. In retrospect, they are the best part of this
episode, providing most of the entertainment value. Smith, Gillan,
and newly acquired Arthur Darvill have superb comic timing,
and they work really well off of each other. Whatever my hopes
for the outcome of this triangle, I think the Doctor is even more
endearing by trying to get the other two back together, and I'm really glad
he pursued that angle. Good one.
Next bonus: Toby Whithouse FINALLY comes back to write another episode,
and it's about time. It's been too long since
"School Reunion" (story no. 174).
From the banter between the regulars to the confrontations with the villains,
this one is really nicely written, and leads to a decent climax.
Another bonus: Gorgeous international European location footage
abounds. It's used really well in the story, and there's plenty of it.
This is an episode that looks really good.
Mind you, I could have done with a TARDIS materialization for the
main landing in the opening, but, what the heck, it's a small point.
The villain is one of the better played female villains on
Doctor Who these days - rising above the usual head-bobbing and
nagging tone of voice. Nicely the character explores believable options of
cooperation with the Doctor that can't be dismissed too easily.
A rich tapestry. Alex Price as Francesco has his moments as well,
especially near the end.
Music by Murray Gold
The new title music,
theme for the 11th Doctor,
and a full suite of music from the story
are available on the 2-disc audio CD album:
I find myself asking how historically accurate it is to have a black
family working in Venice, asking favours at court, in 1580. Maybe it
actually does work but.... it begs the question - so I don't know if it was
the best casting choice. But at least it helps two of the supporting
characters stand out a bit, and you never forget who they are or
how they relate,
so maybe we gain more than we sacrifice with this choice.
Another bonus: A William Hartnell library card, with Matt Smith
playing off of it. Excellent! Classy! Hilarious! Sweet. I can't
help imagining for the rest of the episode (series?) that Hartnell is
inside Smith somewhere, wanting to bust out, wanting to treat
Amy and Rory like Sir Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright,
which is more insight into his character. Hartnell's got that much
residual screen presence with me. I like it.
Now, I'm not big on vampires, so that creepy aspect of the story
wasn't really a draw for me. But that didn't matter. There was so much
other good stuff that I did enjoy here, I just took it as it came
and loved the episode.
I suppose we should point out here that it is a bit of a re-run
to discover that these villains are here doing what they're doing because
of the season finale challenge... that was season 30's run-on gag,
and season 27's.... and you have to wonder why creatures like these always
think Earth is THE place to go whenever something happens in the
galaxy. Oh well, it's a small nit, since everything does work so nicely
in this story.
Well, there's not too much more to say here. This is one of the
good ones. Have fun watching it!
International Titles:
Deutsch: "Die Vampire von Venedig"
Magyar: "Vámpírok Velencében"
Français: "Les Vampires de Venise"
Русский: "Вампиры Венеции"
Italiano: "I vampiri di Venezia"
This story has become available on DVD.
Click on the Amazon symbol for the location nearest you
for pricing and availability:
DVD NTSC Region 1
13-episode box set
for the North American market:
in the U.S.
in Canada
DVD PAL Region 2
13-episode box set
for the U.K.:
(Limited Edition)
DVD PAL Region 2
3-episode volume
for the U.K.:
Blu-Ray NTSC Region 1
13-episode box set
for the North American market:
in the U.S.
in Canada
Blu-Ray PAL Region 2
13-episode box set
for the U.K.
(Limited Edition)
Note: The full season sets
contain commentaries, behind-the-scenes
featurettes, and other extras.
The smaller volumes only feature the plain episodes.
Comments on this article are welcome. You may contact
the author from this page:
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Read the In-depth Analysis Review for the next story:
"Amy's Choice"