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Season Seven:
-252-253: "Descent"
-254: "Liaisons"
-256-257: "Gambit"
-263: "Parallels"
-265: "Homeward"
-266: "Sub Rosa"
-268: "Thine Own Self"
-272: "Journey's End"
-273: "Firstborn"
-276: "Preemptive Strike"
-277-278: "All Good Things..."

-Season 7 Rankings

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All Good Things...

(Star Trek - TNG episode production codes 277 & 278...
The Next Generation's 7th season series finale)
  • written by Ronald D. Moore & Brannon Braga
  • directed by Winrich Kolbe
  • music by Dennis McCarthy

All Good Things....

Anticipation for a really grand two-part finale to this hit series reached phenomenal heights just before this story was first broadcast. In terms of character, the story pulled a brilliant stroke in merging the crew's present time with both the past of the pilot episode that allowed them to bring back some favourite characters, and a future that showed what might happen to them all 25 years hence. A grand idea. But Star Trek once more stepped into time travel to accomplish this, and ended up with something icky stuck to its boot. The writers themselves really never did a good job of wrapping their heads around their temporal creation, making Q's comments about where the real exploration is seem a bit off the point. They might have been better off studying a nebula - in fact, from the graphics we get, it looks as if they did.

Okay, let's cut right to the biggest and most obvious brain fart in the whole piece. Our temporal phenomenon, which unsurprisingly looks like the usual Brannon Braga cloud in space, is formed by the convergence of inverse tachyon pulses in three separate time zones, all of which are fired by a ship at the request of the Jean-Luc Picard on board. And we know that this thing is growing backwards in time, therefore it's bigger in the past and smaller in the future. But now, think about what this really means for the future time zone all on its own. The cloud should be visible before the tachyon burst here, because it grows backwards in time, and it should not exist at all after the tachyon pulse, because it does not grow forward in time. On screen, we are shown the opposite. Cause and effect should be in a different order for the cloud versus our characters, yet the writers didn't get it in time to put that into their script. Of course, this kind of dual direction narrative can be a real pain in the butt to make work. For my money, the season two "Sliders" episode "As Time Goes By" did a somewhat better job of it, without really getting everything right there either.


There are other problems like this scattered throughout the story as well. The earliest time period has the Enterprise divert from the Farpoint mission to go to the Devron system, yet the crewmembers of the main story's "present" time period have no memory of doing so. This seems to indicate that each time period is on a separate branch of time. So how does the cloud reverse through all of these time periods, while still missing the one that only appears in the story's coda?

The episode plays it a bit fast and loose with memory as well. At one point, Dr. Crusher scans Picard's brain and notes that he has gained two days worth of memories in just a few seconds, which we know represents the experiences he's just had in the other two time periods. Which gets me thinking.... if he suddenly finds himself in the future, and an extra 25 years of political changes, character developments and technological advancements are suddenly part of his memory, how might that affect his brain, and how much of that does he bring back with him into the present, or the past? It's quite a fortuitous writing crutch that his future self has some future version of Alzheimer's.

Another problem has the feel of a leftover from a previous draft that didn't get revised when it should have. At one point, Data (from the "present"?) figures out that there are three inverse tachyon pulses coming together that all seem to have come from the Enterprise. But in the "future" that we witness, it is Beverly's ship the Pasteur that fires the pulse, not Admiral Riker's Enterprise. On the other hand, this could indicate that in some alternate future, it is Riker's Enterprise that triggers the pulse that coincides here. But that expands the scope of the phenomenon beyond anything that our crew is seen to investigate.

Playing for Stakes

My ultimate beef with this story boils down to just one real question. Just what the hell is REALLY at stake here?

Perception of that answer shifts radically from one point of the story to another. I have to say, though the first episode seems a bit too slow for its own good, it leaves off in a REALLY good place, largely because Q does such a good job of dropping all the right clues and riddles and hints to make you think the stakes are HUGE. The trial begun in the pilot episode is still on, and this is a conclusion to a seven-year question. Humanity's wisdom and philosophy and intelligence are being tested. They are about to cause catastrophe instead.... and they've done it before, and they'll do it again.... making it sound like some kind of habitual pattern that they can't break out of even if they wanted to. Then the two-part version sticks its cliffhanger right there, and the viewer cannot wait to see what will unfold in part two. Clever. The stakes seem huge.

Only in part two does the phenomenon that grows backwards in time reveal itself. It looks like it is about to stop all life in the galaxy from forming in the first place.... but in what percentage of the infinite number of possible different timelines? Really, if you pick any of the three major time/space/choice periods that Picard visits in this adventure, the galaxy is populated by all the usual races, and the phenomenon gets smaller as they all move into the future, and about 25 years after the "present", it will disappear entirely. So.... what's really at stake in any of those periods?

Recently I compared my oft-watched two-part version of this story with my rarely-watched all-in-one first broadcast version where I had missed the first 30 minutes desperately trying to find a channel that was actually bringing this "special TV event" in May 1994. As I suspected, the need to re-cap part one and show another title sequence eats up some extra running time, which means that there are a number of scenes in the second half of the adventure that had been cut out of the two-part version, scenes that now seemed and felt to me either extended or brand new. In particular, one of the sickbay scenes seems to have really needed the extra footage before Picard enters of Geordi incapacitated in bed and Ogawa losing her baby in order to sufficiently emphasize a certain weird idea of growth reversing itself as time moves forward, and get that idea to pop for me consciously as a partial answer to what was at stake. Time is really colliding with "anti-time", smashing up, and going haywire, eh? Hmmm. And yet it still misses the time period of the coda.... In fact, it doesn't seem to operate in the Yar/O'Brien past or the Pasteur future either. I'm not convinced this is explored enough or properly, but it's an improvement.

I've gotten into the habit of excusing a lot of the dialogue explaining temporal phenomena in Star Trek, because the dialogue and the characters' understanding of such things is usually ludicrously limited and often informs poor philosophical choices. If the events themselves as shown on screen can be explained in more acceptable ways, a Star Trek story can get a caveated pass from me anyway. Yes, there are other possible explanations for what we see here that can make better sense of it all. But this story won't get a pass so easily, precisely because Q makes such a pivotal speech about how the understanding of such phenomena is what humanity's real growth should be all about. So, the fact that pretty much all the dialogue treats time as one big rewriteable line, with discontinuities that they can't begin to account for, I'd have to say Picard's crew didn't score so high on the understanding meter, while Moore and Braga seemed to have understood it even less.

Worst of all, the idea is really most at home in an anthology series like "The Twilight Zone", where all you have to do is discover the mess, and you can profoundly leave your protagonists stuck in it forever, thus leaving your audience thinking. But because, even for a finale, this is still a continuing franchise with a lot of studio money invested in it, the writers must still put their toys back and clean their room before bedtime. So they magically hit the reset button, and it was all as if nothing had happened.

Maybe Picard just dreamed the whole thing. If so, this story helps perpetuate one of the stupidest clichés for exiting a dream: suicide. Could they really think of nothing better than blowing up all three Enterprises, plus the Pasteur? This involves more discontinuity, because if the earliest Enterprise blows up and takes Picard and crew with it, they won't be around to blow up again in the present, and again in the future. If these are separate timelines without a common root, you've missed a key part of the exploration of the phenomenon once more. Exactly how does it grow backwards in time if it can't follow a branch of time back to its common root? And really, if Picard can blow himself and his ship and crew up three times and still come out of it, what the hell was really at stake?

I think I'd have much preferred a solution to the episode's puzzle that did not involve destroying the Enterprise(s), which had been done and annulled so often already that it just seemed like a lazy way to attempt to create excitement. In particular, I think it should be most important that the middle, present-day Enterprise should survive, and continue into the coda, with the characters we continue to follow having all experienced this adventure along its middle time-period. Actual events, investigations, and learnings to add to the canon. A big part of what it's all about, according to Q, n'est-ce pas? That one move could have really improved this adventure's ranking in my book. A story's final fix is a big element in how I rate it, and I'm not that impressed by loads of technobabble, huge explosions with annulled impact, and a complete reset of everything. Lazy and unimpressive.

But, but... if the Enterprise(s) don't blow up, then what else do you do to make the ending exciting? Well, there is one Romulan warbird in there with them investigating the present-time anomaly, a warbird that everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten about. Use it somehow; be creative. Tomalok is such a great adversary/rival for Picard, it's boggling how underused he was both in this story and in the rest of TNG as a whole. I wish he could have got more to do, and that his presence could remain canon instead of "alternate universe". Indeed, actor Andreas Katsulas is credited on both parts 1 & 2, even though his one and only scene is in the second half.

As for some of the other scenes that only show up in the all-in-one movie length version of the adventure, the one that got the biggest eye-popping reaction from me was the scene where Q showed up as an old man. Very bizarre, and reinforcing the idea that he is trying to mirror Picard at every opportunity for some strange reason. No doubt this was dropped because Q here merely gives us the same information we had got earlier in the show.

The best "so-forgotten-it's-new-to-me" pop-up scene though has to be the extension of the wrap-up between Picard and Q in the courtroom. If you can believe it, the two-part version leaves out the bit where Q admits his responsibility in making the entire conundrum possible, which, if you think about it, makes the conundrum hypocritical as a test of Humanity, the Federation, or anything outside of the Q continuum itself. Also interesting is the "added" tidbit of the differences of opinion that John de Lancie's Q apparently had with the rest of the Q concerning all this. These bits really shouldn't have been dropped from the two-part version, as they help clarify a lot. In fact, they nicely re-inforce my central opinion of the whole thing, that perhaps this entire adventure along with its biggest threat, up to this point, only really happened in the minds of Picard and the Q, if indeed those really are separate minds....

And now, the coda. As we move forward into The Next Generation feature films, and Deep Space Nine and Voyager, what can we say actually happened in this adventure, in our timeline? Worf and Troi almost kissed, Picard ran around in his nightgown apparently for nothing, and he sat in on his first poker game with the rest of his crew. The only real events happen in the coda. "All Good Things...." has to be the biggest, most hyped "Adventure That Never Really Happened" in sci-fi history. They never even really went to the Devron system to have words with Romulan Commander Tomalok, not really. This is all very sad. I do like the final scenes very much. I just wish more had actually happened. Was anything ever really at stake?

Perhaps all we really get is a bit of understanding. The Riker-Troi-Worf triangle seems to move to a better place (also known as oblivion), and that perhaps is something. But... was it really going anywhere before that is different to where it ends up, if what we saw in this future was no more accurate than any of the other alternate timelines we witnessed in the story "Parallels"? I'm also looking at John de Lancie's Q, arguably the most interesting character in this piece, and more and more I'm thinking he is actually some repressed figment of Picard's own consciousness, the jovial, playful, rude side that he keeps hidden, somehow exploding and coming out to taunt him and test his philosophy, every day, nonstop. THAT may be worth exploring far more than failed temporal theory or nebulas. That theory has never felt more right in any other adventure... possibly because this adventure has been relegated exclusively to Picard's mind.

The largest swath of music from Dennis McCarthy's score for "All Good Things..." is available here:
Star Trek
Bride of Chaotica
Audio CD

Find out more....

So, yes, this story is entertaining, but ultimately feels quite trivial and underwhelming, causing me to look back to previous recent episodes to find the last true television adventure of our Enterprise D and crew.

Season Seven Rankings:

  1. The Pegasus (An easy winner, including a race with a prize, political intrigue, and a tight drama with an outstanding guest star. Oddly, the episode promotes doing "the right thing" even at risk of disobeying a higher ranking officer, yet shouldn't it equally consider doing "the right thing" at risk of disobeying a crap treaty? A healthy debate should yet ensue over which set of overhead command structures should prevail, if any. Is it the right thing to side with the command structures that keep your enemy happy? The real bigger picture here may have more to do with truth vs. secrecy, and as our characters side with exposing secrets and being truthful to all, I think they end up on the right side of things, without writer Ron Moore being able to explain it quite so cleanly.)
  2. Parallels
  3. Gambit, parts 1 & 2
  4. Homeward (thought-provoking, pleasant, and heroic. This one lands quite firmly on the feel-good side.)
  5. Journey's End (This first chapter in the Maquis plotline enacts the actual best small-scale solution to that saga's central debacle, plus this is a refreshing return to real events with lasting impact after so many altered- and/or symbolic-reality episodes that reset themselves. While most characters make a VERY worthwhile and memorable journey in this one, the route is clumsy - some scenes miss the mark completely, while most scenes, particularly at the end, finally do reach their objectives nicely.)
  6. All Good Things... (Despite a host of problems, some of which threaten to de-rail the central concept and the canon status of the adventure, this story is still a most enjoyable viewing experience, with many top-notch moments.)
  7. Lower Decks (It's a brilliant, fresh, enjoyable move to shift an episode's perspective to lower ranking crewmembers, but the levels of ACTIVE secrecy our regulars bring into play, just to service some cruddy alpha quadrant politics and frankly a CRAP mission, bring the episode down a few notches in these rankings.)
  8. Dark Page (this is a good, tasteful exploration of a culture with different mental abilities and customs, and it's a compelling personal mystery as well. Very nicely done.)

  9. Attached (a very promising premise resets itself in a bizarrely awkward and disappointing way. It's curiously one-sided also - every action shown during the escape is owned by Beverly. We learn Picard's feelings but not hers. I'm very invested in both of these characters, yet at the end, I'm still not sure what either of them wants. Inconsistency abounds! And why didn't the map take them to the village, which the two of them never even mention once? Still, it's an episode with worthy avenues to explore, and I always enjoy it. Many of Picard and Beverly's past anecdotes debuting here remain burned into my brain.)
  10. Firstborn (fairly solid and satisfying)
  11. Eye of the Beholder (An intriguing, involving psychic mystery produces a fine episode. But the wrap-up jolts us into re-watching most of the episode again in a new light. How much earlier than we thought did we switch from reality to halucination? Worf's awkward questions to Riker in the bar were as far as the romance actually went, eh? I think I prefer that, though it may give "Genesis" more problems. I may yet dock a point for the necessity of the re-watch. But, add a point for showing us something of the most rare and isolated spot on the ship, in one of the nacelle tubes, where no viewer has gone before.)
  12. Phantasms (an intriguing mystery with bizarre imagery, plus lots of good subplots brewing aboard ship. Could have ranked higher if it had left out the knives.)
  13. Thine Own Self (Troi's quest for rank really piqued my interest and stole the show. Data's planetside adventure was okay and decent, but not brilliant and slightly gross.)
  14. Sub Rosa (an unusual mind-power thriller with the cool factor of an off-world Scottish colony setting. This week's brand new family member fits in seamlessly and even manages to be compelling. Another decent season 7 entry.)
  15. Genesis (Okay, I like the main idea of our various characters turning into alternate species further back in the evolutionary process; it produced an episode with good intrigue, jeopardy, and much character humour. Barclay and Ogawa are great as the guest characters. Too bad the writers didn't find a better mechanism for the main idea [a virtual dreamscape might have held up better], and too bad our characters emphasized the bad science as much as they did while making it their main mode of proactively tackling the challenge, but scientific problem-solving is kinda their thing. Spot's clue wasn't important enough to justify the cat's changes several episodes ago either. But bottom line, this episode suitably entertains, had plenty of feel-good moments and oh-my-what's-coming-next moments, and I like it much more than I dislike it. Come on, EVERYONE wants to know what Worf will turn into... the idea is potent. But... Troi and Worf... seem to be continuing something they haven't actually started...)

  16. Emergence (a pleasant sub-par episode advertised as a less interesting idea than what it actually turns out to be. It pulls off a worthwhile, but understated and under-explored concept in the end, but hasn't got great draw. Plenty of dull and stretched-too-thin scenes also.)
  17. Bloodlines (a competently made episode that generates virtually no interest whatsoever... I have no idea what I'm meant to look forward to while watching this. Another possible new family member pops up out of nowhere as the episode guest star; been there and done that way too many times this season, and it was never that great a twist anyway. Cart in an old season 1 enemy to add his old revenge plot, again, and it's all one long bore. Highlights include exploration of a subspace transporting technology, a problem in astronomical flight-path tracking, and an odd scene or two that Patrick Stewart knocks out of the park, despite the entire relationship being too awkward and strained to enjoy. Sad too that all the rock-climbing is confined to the holodeck instead of a real planet. This is definitely not a winner. I don't think many viewers wanted this family member to be real.)
  18. Inheritance (This is where season 7 really jumped the shark with randomly adding brand new family members into our crew's lives as the supposed "draw" and/or revealing twist of an episode. "Family values" indeed. In fact, I long mis-remembered this episode as having badly corrupted the logic of Data's origins, even though it does all required backflips and somersaults to keep everything in order. But I think it tries to rely too heavily on the relationship with Data's "mother" and her plethora of anecdotes, while her existence stretches the audience's credulity and patience. It's all very pleasant, but not at all compelling.)
  19. Descent, parts 1 & 2 (Data's explorations not so pleasant or smart this time. ...And why so much off-point technobabble?)
  20. Liaisons
  21. Masks (The initial archaeological & astronomical ideas are great and give the episode an intriguing first half. But then the litany of psychotic idiots that Data has to channel are dull, boring, and so extremely backward in philosophy, that it becomes a chore to watch our regulars work through such a primitive mess just to find a reset button. Why, after becoming spacefaring, does this backward culture want to push its most primitive boring self onto others anyway? Dull indeed.)
  22. Preemptive Strike (Picard and the regulars must have turned their brains off for this one, to be so active in supporting the wrong side. The treaty most obviously did nothing right, and needs to be re-negotiated from square one; I don't care how long it took the last time. An episode where I can't root for the regulars is no fun. Ro is closer to correct, but marginalized into a strategy that is less effective and less ideal. A sad showing for the last REAL thing our crew gets to do. They won't be back on the ball with this issue until the ninth feature "Insurrection". Here Picard needs and gets a more forceful nudge in that direction, after "Homeward" and "Journey's End".)
  23. Force of Nature (Retarded interactions abound in this slow sleeper episode. Where Geordi and Data should improve their physical & visual communication skills and manage their emotional energy better, they treat their interaction with Spot as a manipulation problem not yet solved and blame the cat instead. [Unfortunate that this episode bears the brunt of Spot's silent switch from he to she as well.] The sister scientist is so determined to be proven right about her predictions of doom that she causes the very disaster she supposedly wants to prevent. And hokey science becomes an excuse for curbing abundance and retarding travel. I used to like this one much more, but this episode of obvious parallels to our society no longer has so noble a cause to champion. Collapsing under its many clumsinesses, its dire warnings remain completely forgotten in future stories and most fans' minds.)

  24. Interface (yes a very neat new sci-fi device, but the writers distastefully flaunt their addiction for grief by injecting it into most of the characters with brainless prematurity, and Geordi's healthy discernment in resisting it receives poor framing by his lack of good discernment in his more immediate investigation. It's an icky mess that's not fun to watch, and a lousy way to "meet" his parents, who have no chance to actually become interesting. Geordi proves himself in his immediate surroundings, but the situation he cares most about bizarrely receives no resolution here or in the rest of the series or the movies. What was the writers' plan, their goal? I keep wondering if Starfleet [off-screen] reacted the same way for Voyager's upcoming disappearance.... WOW! What a disappointing, gross injustice that would be!)

This Next Generation Season Seven story is available on DVD and Blu-ray:

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Seven (1993-1994):

Includes 26 episodes @ 45 minutes each.
Click on the Amazon symbol for the desired disc format and location nearest you for more information:

DVD Canada

7-disc DVD set

DVD Canada


DVD Extras include:

  • Mission Overview: Year Seven
  • A Captain's Tribute
  • Departmental Briefing: Production
  • Starfleet Moments and Memories
  • Special Profiles
  • Inside Starfleet Archives: Dressing the Future
  • The Making of "All Good Things..."
Blu-ray U.S.

NEW for
Dec. 2, 2014.
Blu-ray Canada

NEW for
Dec. 2, 2014.
Blu-ray U.K.

NEW for
Dec. 15, 2014.

Blu-ray features add:

  • 3 Audio Commentaries:
    • "Parallels" by writer Brannon Braga (2008).
    • "Lower Decks" by co-writer René Echevarria and
      scenic/graphic artists Mike and Denise Okuda.
    • "Preemptive Strike" by the Okudas and
      writers René Echevarria and Naren Shankar.
  • Three-part documentary "The Sky's the Limit - The Eclipse of ST:TNG" (HD, 90 min. total) with all seven regular castmembers, plus Wil Wheaton (Wesley), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Natalija Nogulich (Admiral Nechayev), and John de Lancie (Q), writer/producers Rick Berman, Ronald D. Moore, Braga, Echevarria, Shankar, Larry Nemecek, André Bormanis, producer/director David Livingston, and many others.
  • "Journey's End: The Saga of ST:TNG" (45 min.) (1994)
  • "Closed Set: A Tour of the Real Enterprise" (11 min.)
  • "In Conversation: Lensing ST:TNG" (42 min.) with Livingston,
    director James L. Conway, D.O.P. Jonathan West, and
    camera operator Kris Krosskove.
  • Gag Reel (HD, 5 min.)
  • Deleted Scenes (HD) from 15 episodes.
  • Episodic Promos
  • plus, all featurettes from the DVD version.
  • Main audio tracks in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese.

Also sold separately, the double-length series finale:
"All Good Things..."

Blu-ray U.S.

NEW for
Dec. 2, 2014.
Blu-ray Canada


Bonus Features include:

  • Audio Commentary by writers Ronald D. Moore and
    Brannon Braga. Moderated by Roger Lay.
  • "The Unknown Possibilities of Existence" making-of featurette (26 min.), adding all seven regular castmembers, plus John de Lancie (Q), executive producer Rick Berman, and others...
  • Deleted Scenes (8 min.)
  • Episodic Promos

Article written by Martin Izsak. Comments on this article are welcome. You may contact the author from this page:

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