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- TNG Season Five
- TNG Season Six
- TNG Season Seven
Season Five:
-200-201: "Redemption"
-202: "Darmok"
-203: "Ensign Ro"
-207: "Unification"
-209: "A Matter of Time"
-213: "The Masterpiece Society"
-216: "Ethics"
-217: "The Outcast"
-218: "Cause and Effect"
-221: "The Perfect Mate"
-223: "I, Borg"
-225: "The Inner Light"
-226-227: "Time's Arrow"
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(Star Trek - TNG episode production codes 200 & 201)
(the 2-part season 4 cliffhanger / season 5 opener)
- written by Ronald D. Moore
- part 1 directed by Cliff Bole
- part 2 directed by David Carson
- music by Dennis McCarthy
- 2 episodes @ 45 minutes each
Ever since the block-buster two-part Borg cliffhanger that ended
season 3 and started season 4, Star Trek fans wondered
how the franchise would ever top that. Even today, some polls
suggest that perhaps they never did - at least, not in terms
of TNG TV episodes. The question became particularly acute
each time another season attempted to end on a cliffhanger
to be resolved by the opening episode of the subsequent season.
In that respect, I think "Redemption" stands out as a damn fine
effort, being a completely different and unique story that doesn't
copy "The Best of Both Worlds" in any major way, yet has enough
of its own highly-charged intrigue to be truly worthwhile
as a cliffhanger. Good job.
To be fair, a lot of the impact depends on the viewer having
seen a fair amount of the show previously, as it draws on
a lot of prior story threads. At this stage
after four seasons, that isn't such a bad thing.
If any thing feels weird about it, it is that 3/4 of a Federation year
has passed between "Reunion" and the opening of this episode,
when it seems it would have been more natural for the events of the
opening to have been an immediate follow-up. Oh well.
This won't hurt things too badly.
Although this story doesn't quite manage to mention the Prime Directive
by name, it heavily discusses the non-interference policy of the
Federation at the widest scope it will probably see - concerning
relations with its two largest rival interstellar organizations.
As long as there is dissent only within the Klingon Empire,
they believe they must remain uninvolved. However, if the Romulans
are found to be meddling in the conflict, the Federation will see
fit to weigh in as well.
In many ways, this finally clears up a few points that have been
hounding The Prime Directive since
first season Next Generation stories like "Too Short A Season".
On the other hand, is the philosophy here truly more enlightened
than the disaster witnessed in
"A Private Little War"?
I think we are on good ground in "Redemption",
in that the Captain feels at home in respecting the wishes
of the past Klingon leader in arbitrating the succession,
but resists armed combat.
And even when prepared to do more in the end, they still never
actually get around to fighting - spending their time instead
exposing secrets. All good.
Pretty much all of the non-interference discussions are over and done
with in the first episode, but even in the second,
the plot is still hinging on the Federation's position on the issue.
I must say, one point I found quite strange was the sudden escalation
from a basically diplomatic story centering in the High Council Chamber
in the Klingon Capital City to a space battle fought with armadas of
ships - the geography of the conflict seemed like it didn't really
need to go beyond a few city blocks of the Council Chamber to
be decided, at least not unless the principle figures of one side or
the other make a desperate escape and then need to fight their way
back to the Capitol. Additionally, the declaration of the Capitol City
as "neutral territory", where one can drink with one's enemies before
returning to attack his spaceship with one's own... is all a bit too
weird. It pretty much takes all logic out of the logistics of the war,
and impedes the structure of goals vs. barriers in the main plot,
defusing audience interest and emotional engagement in the tale.
Thankfully, the Federation/Romulan portions are still working well enough
to hold everything together.
The second episode actually reopens a time-travel conundrum
from a previous episode. What is interesting about this
particular piece of backstory is that,
as far as the regular Next Generation characters are concerned,
it was one of those "Adventures That Never Happened".
Notice how much more awkward it is for them to deal with it now,
as they can't even talk about it properly.
This should be another good nail in the coffin
for writing those kinds of conundrums in the first place.
Thankfully, Guinan has some sense of what happened,
but even then, she remains far less articulate than a
proper exploring "slider" ideally should be.
Season 5 of the Next Generation is, in my opinion,
the year of gimmicks
- and I don't mean that in a particularly bad way,
just an honest one.
Season 5 is full of ideas with great marketability,
meaning it was excellent at getting people excited about the
episodes and getting them to tune in and watch.
It was a bit more hit and miss as to whether those ideas
actually produced satisfying stories.
Denise Crosby as "Sela" is really the first season 5 gimmick.
Though her character works well within the main plot,
the story beat of her coming aboard the Enterprise D
just to babble on about her backstory feels a bit too tacked on
and out of place in this narrative, though of course fan interest
would and does demand it be dealt with.
The biggest flaw in "Redemption" is probably the simple fact that
the Enterprise crew largely feel like bit players in this story.
Troi and Dr. Crusher have virtually nothing to do at all,
while Geordi's contributions don't come about until the second half.
Even though Riker gets his share of lines and scenes, he remains
on the periphery of the story's concerns.
This really is a story for Picard and Worf, focusing on these two
quite heavily and successfully. Data at least gets an interesting
sub-plot in the second half, but its emotional subject matter feels
a bit too forced. On that note, one wonders why the Federation
is able to supply so many ships that have crews
but no captains of their own.
This is truly bizarre and awkward, and something that I don't think
is ever repeated anywhere else when Star Trek has shown multiple
ships getting together. This would be a great situation for
Picard to be promoted to Commodore, where he still commands Enterprise D,
yet also outranks all those other captains. Having him continue
to outrank the leaders of all the other ships simply because none of them
are captains... not so believable.
At any rate, one really good thing about this story is that we finally
get off of the Enterprise D for a bit, and get plenty of scenes
in other places - something that modern Trek didn't do nearly enough of.
"Redemption" excels in that, and should be celebrated for it.
All in all, this is one of the good stories of The Next Generation
that you can't afford to miss. Enjoy.
"Redemption" is available as an edited-together movie on Blu-ray.
* Locked for Region A only
Click on the Amazon symbol for the desired disc format
and location nearest you for pricing and availability:
Redemption - The Movie Edit: |
1 movie @ 86 minutes.
Both episodes of "Redemption" are available in the Star Trek Klingon standard DVD box set.
Click on the Amazon symbol for the desired disc format
and location nearest you for pricing and availability:
Star Trek Fan Collective - Klingon Box Set: |
13 episode "hours" @ 45 minutes each.
Get your copy of this 4-disc DVD set
from the links below:
Region 1, NTSC, U.S.
Region 1, NTSC, Canada
Region 2, PAL, U.K.
DVD includes:
- Enterprise: Broken Bow (double-length)
- TOS: Errand of Mercy
- TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles
- TNG: A Matter of Honor
- TNG: Sins of the Father
- TNG: Redemption (in 2 parts)
- DS9: The Way of the Warrior (double-length)
- DS9: The Sword of Kahless
- DS9: Trials and Tribble-ations
- Voyager: Barge of the Dead
"Redemption" - PART ONE ONLY - is available in the
standard season four box sets,
which include cast and crew interviews discussing
the creation of the episode.
Click on the Amazon symbol for the desired disc format
and location nearest you for pricing and availability:
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Four (1990-1991):
Includes 26 episodes @ 45 minutes each.
Click on the Amazon symbol for the desired disc format
and location nearest you for more information:
DVD Canada
7-disc DVD set
DVD Canada
DVD Extras include 5 featurettes:
- Mission Overview (16 min.)
- Selected Crew Analysis (17 min.)
- Departmental Briefing: Production (16 min.)
- New Life and New Civilizations (13 min.)
- Chronicles From the Final Frontier (18 min.)
Blu-ray U.S.
NEW for July 30, 2013.
| Blu-ray Canada
NEW for July 30, 2013.
| Blu-ray U.K.
NEW for July 29, 2013.
Blu-ray features add:
- 2 Audio Commentaries:
- "Brothers" by director Rob Bowman and
scenic/graphic artists Mike and Denise Okuda.
- "Reunion" by writers Ronald D. Moore and
Brannon Braga,
and the Okudas.
- Multi-part documentary "Relativity: The Family Saga of ST:TNG" (HD, 60 min.)
with Patrick Stewart (Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Riker),
Brent Spiner (Data), Michael Dorn (Worf),
Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Wil Wheaton (Wes),
Ron Moore, and make-up artist Michael Westmore.
- In Conversation: The Art Department (HD, 65 min.) with
designer Hermann Zimmerman, the Okudas,
make-up artist Doug Drexler, and
visual effects supervisor Dan Curry.
- Gag Reel (HD)
- Deleted Scenes (HD)
- Archival Mission Log: Select Historical Data
- Archival Mission Log: Inside the Star Trek Archives
- Episodic Promos
- plus, all featurettes from the DVD version.
"Redemption" - PART TWO ONLY - is available in the
standard season five box sets.
Click on the Amazon symbol for the desired disc format
and location nearest you for pricing and availability:
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Five (1991-1992):
Features 26 episodes @ 45 minutes each, including both parts of "Unification".
Click on the Amazon symbol for the desired disc format
and location nearest you for more information:
DVD Canada
7-disc DVD set
DVD Canada
DVD Extras include:
- Mission Overview: Year Five
- Production & Visual Effects
- Memorable Missions: Year Five
- A Tribute to Gene Roddenberry
- "Intergalactic Guest Stars" clip
- "Alien Speak" alien writings and speech
Blu-ray U.S.
NEW for Nov. 19, 2013.
| Blu-ray Canada
NEW for Nov. 19, 2013.
| Blu-ray U.K.
NEW for Nov. 18, 2013.
Blu-ray features add:
- 4 Audio Commentaries:
- "Cause and Effect" by writer Brannon Braga and
moderator Seth MacFarlane.
- "The First Duty" by writers Ronald D. Moore and
Naren Shankar.
- "I, Borg" by writer René Echevarria and
scenic/graphic artists Mike and Denise Okuda.
- "The Inner Light" by co-writer Morgan Gendel and the Okudas.
- Two-part documentary "Requiem: A Remembrance of ST:TNG" (HD, 59 min. total) with
1981 interview clips of the late Gene Roddenberry, plus
Patrick Stewart (Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Riker),
Marina Sirtis (Troi), Michael Dorn (Worf),
writers Moore, Braga, and Shankar, and executive producer Rick Berman.
- In Conversation: The Music of ST:TNG (HD, 65 min.) with
composers Ron Jones, Dennis McCarthy, and Jay Chattaway,
and host Jeff Bond.
- Deleted Scenes (HD)
- Gag Reel (HD)
- Episodic Promos
- plus, all featurettes from the DVD version.
Article written by Martin Izsak.
Comments on this article are welcome. You may contact
the author from this page:
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