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New for November 6, 2017:
How well do modern scientists really know their Einstein?
How many of the popular oft-recited mantras
actually CONTRADICT his theories?
"NASA: 50 Years of Space Exploration"
This 5-disc DVD set of vintage NASA films proves to be tremendously
entertaining and informative, despite its disappointing lack of
restoration on much of the picture/sound quality. Our content guide
reviews each piece on the set (sometimes more than one film per chapter)
to give readers an idea of what to expect from each film....
Burnham's Celestial Handbook
An Observer's Guide to the Universe Beyond the Solar System
I first discovered this awesome tome in the science library
attached to York University's observatory. When I say I borrowed it,
I mean I lost myself in it, kept it as long as I dared, then borrowed
it again, and again, and again, until it was spending more time
with me than with the library. Finally, I decided it made more sense
to just go buy my own copy.
It is a friendly, joyous reference manual to hundreds of fascinating
objects in the heavens, divided into three thick volumes.
After an extensive introductory section that will get readers familiar
with concepts like the light year,
Flamsteed and Bayer notation for identifying stars,
and locating things in the sky using right ascension and declination,
the bulk of the book proceeds through all 88 constellations
in alphabetical order,
listing double stars, variable stars, nebulae, and galaxies,
and putting prose to many of the famous bright stars while recounting their
vital statistics. If the star has a proper name, it is given, with details
of how the name arose through mythology. If there is any controversy
surrounding the star, it is detailed.
One thing I absolutely loved that put this book ahead of so many other sources
of information was that it often tackled the question of how far away
each star is. As you may know, for anything further than about 100 light years away
(and most objects are further), triangulation is no longer reliable, and science
is really just making its best educated guesstimate. Burnham's book will often
list the various estimates for a single object, along with who did the guessing
and what it was based on, and which one he feels is most correct... but allowing
the reader to form his own judgment.
These books are also available on Kindle.
Just click on the amazon symbols above to go to the page in your area for the physical books,
then switch to the Kindle edition.
New for October 13, 2017:
New for Sept. 27, 2017:
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The "Far End of the Universe" documentary reviews:
New for June 19, 2017:
From an examination of our fluctuating ambitions towards exploring Mars,
to an investigation of long-term atomic construction
in many different types of stars and other phenomena,
Cosmos delivers some of its best and most popular episodes:
New for June 18, 2016:
Lyratek's coverage of Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" gets a makeover, with newer, more in-depth reviews,
and music cue lists tailored to modern presentations of his classic series...
New for April 3, 2016:
Today, we shift right back to the beginning of
"The Universe" TV series with the episodes:
"Secrets of the Sun" and
"Mars: The Red Planet".
Season One's initial tour of the solar system begins with the powerful
energy source at the heart of it all, then moves on to one of the
planets that has always held a special fascination for Mankind.
New for February 26, 2015:
Our new Astronomy section at Lyratek.com launches with
Episode Guide Catalogues for two documentary series:
"The Universe"
A lively, informative, favourite documentary series
featuring scientist interviews and very cool CGI graphics.
Common topics include new discoveries of exoplanets,
features and conditions on planets and moons within our solar system,
and various principles of physics and biology with cosmic significance.
"How the Universe Works"
A simpler, beginner's documentary series, again
featuring scientist interviews and cool CGI graphics.
Common topics include the basic properties,
features, and conditions on planets and moons within our solar system.
Many of the same scientists from "The Universe" make unique
contributions here.
New for November 28, 2015:
New for June 10, 2015:
Planets and the Universe - Data Capsule reviews:
Also New for March 13, 2015:
Individual Data Capsule reviews for the astronomy documentaries:
New for February 26, 2015:
Individual Data Capsule reviews for the astronomy documentaries:
New for March 13, 2015:
Our episode guide catalogue for
This is a classic documentary series from 1980, starring and
primarily written by one of the most famous astronomers of our time.
Why do these original 13 episodes still inspire fan loyalty
over and above many more modern series? One big key has to be
the carefully calibrated tone of the show, instilling thoughtfulness
and wonder in the audience, while avoiding sensationalism.
In 2014, a second set of episodes came out hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson,
assisted by Sagan's co-writers from the original show.
Our data capsule reviews begin with
Episode 1:
The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean.
Much of the most popular music from this show is also available
for purchase / download. Scroll down to the bottom of
our Cosmos episode guide catalogue for details.