-Home Page
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Science Fiction
reviews, guides, & catalogues:
-Doctor Who
-Star Trek
-The Fourth Density
-The Maldek Files
-Recipe for Health
-Political Evolution
-Animal Whispering
-E=mc2 Page
-Green Control
-Monetary Reform
-Dr. Deepak Chopra
-Dr. Stephen Covey
-Dr. Bruce Lipton
-Powertalk Interviews
-Flax Oil Secrets
-The Future of Food
-Archive Page
-What the Bleep Do We Know at Lyratek.com?
Doctor Who Episode Guide Catalogues
William Hartnell Era 1963-1966, BW
Patrick Troughton Era 1966-1969, BW
Jon Pertwee Era 1970-1974, Colour
Tom Baker Era 1975-1981, Colour
Peter Davison Era
1981-1984, Colour
Colin Baker Era
1984-1986, Colour
Sylvester McCoy Era
1987-1989, Colour
Christopher Eccleston Era
2005, Colour
David Tennant Era
2005-2009, Colour
NEW for February 2006:
-Contact Page
Episode Guide Catalogues of Available Doctor Who DVD's, Videos, & Music Releases
William Hartnell Era 1963-1966, BW |
Jon Pertwee Era 1970-1974, Colour |
Tom Baker Era 1975-1981, Colour |
Christopher Eccleston
/ David Tennant Era
2005-2006, Colour |
NEW for March 7, 2006:
-Site Map
NEW for March 20, 2006:
NEW for April 3, 2006:
-Update Archive page (You are here.)
-Plus, reviews of the rest of Season Twelve of Doctor Who:
-The Sontaran Experiment
-Revenge of the Cybermen
NEW for April 19, 2006:
The Christopher Eccleston 2005 season reviews begin....
Plus, the following mini updates:
A review of the sci-fi channel Doctor Who broadcast
for April 21, 2006:
The Long Game (story No. 166).
A review of the sci-fi channel Doctor Who broadcast
for April 28, 2006:
Father's Day (story No. 167).
Watch for further reviews of the 2005 Christopher Eccleston
season weekly as the sci-fi channel broadcasts them.
NEW for May 9, 2006:
Plus the following mini update
for May 19, 2006:
Reviews for the Christopher Eccleston
2005 season continue with:
story no. 163
"The Unquiet Dead"
story no. 164
"Aliens of London"
and this week's sci-fi channel
Doctor Who broadcast (May 19, 2006):
story no. 169
"Boom Town"
NEW for June, 2006:
NEW for July 2, 2006:
New for July 17-18, 2006:
New for August 2, 2006:
The Fourth Density
In this article, we discuss
the nature of the evolution of
human consciousness, which sits at
the heart of the New Age movement,
and the business and personal development
worlds. For all those interested in
the optimistic vision of the future... |
Dr. Stephen Covey Page
Dr. Covey is famous for The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People, a landmark
book and subsequent series of lectures
and material for evolving human endeavours
in personal and business arenas, amongst
others. Read more about his ideas and
principles in our article... |
The Earthrace Project
A really cool boat from New Zealand is attempting
to set a new record speed for motor boating
around the entire globe - AND they're doing it
completely on a renewable energy source called
Biodiesel to help raise awareness of
renewable energies and biofuels. Awesome! :-)
Check them out....
Review: "The Christmas Invasion"
A Special 2005 Holiday
Doctor Who Episode.
David Tennant shines despite
all the usual problems of a
regeneration story.
Also new for August 6, 2006:
New for September 3, 2006:
Dr. Bruce Lipton
Discover the scientific mechanisms by which
intelligence and perception govern genetics,
adaptation, and evolution....
Plus the beginnings of Doctor Who season six: |
Review: "The Dominators"
only on VHS
An all-too-typical alien
planet hero story with a bit of
old-style charm.
Review: "The Mind Robber"
Now on DVD
A mental puzzler, fan favourite,
and candy-horror classic,
featuring the DW debut of director
David Maloney.
Review: "The Invasion"
The 1968 eight-episode
formation of U.N.I.T. is
now complete, with animation synced
to the original soundtrack of the
two missing episodes.
Coming to Region 2 PAL DVD
for November 6, 2006.
New for November, 2006:
Dr. Budwig's Flax Oil Secrets
Learn to harness the true functions of
unsaturated fats and oils within the body,
to energize yourself and your power to heal.
New for March, 2007:
A freeware program from Lyratek Arts, allowing user's of C-Lab's
Notator sequencer to view .son files stored on their PC.
Check out LookSon, version 0.1
New for November 2007:
Our Doctor Who reviews finally delve into the ever-enjoyable
Peter Davison era, beginning with the DVD boxed set trilogy
that launched his Doctor....
Review: "The Keeper of Traken"
Now on DVD
Don't miss this classic season 18 dystopian
drama that escalates exquisitely....
Review: "Logopolis"
Now on DVD
The unusual, mythological
conclusion to the Tom Baker era
packs a powerful
climactic punch as two
arch-enemies collide.
Review: "Castrovalva"
Now on DVD
Peter Davison debuts in this gentle
classic tale, exploring the depths
of the TARDIS interior, as the ship
is hurtled towards the beginning of
time and beyond....
Review: "Four to Doomsday"
only on VHS
Find out what links this
underrated Doctor Who story with
a highly atmospheric Walt Disney sci-fi
feature from 1979....
New for December 8, 2007:
All New
David Tennant Episode Guide Catalogue
The current Doctor's info gets a massive
update and splits off
from his predecessor's (still available
as the
Christopher Eccleston Episode Guide Catalogue).
Review: "New Earth"
Now on DVD
Our "new new Doctor" sets off on his
first proper adventure in this opener
for the 2006 season, where exploration,
intrigue, action, and emotionally moving
scenes combine into a near perfect and
extremely satisfying mix.
Review: "Kinda"
Only on VHS
Fascinatingly bizarre acting performances
create a minor triumph in this
oft-overlooked but rewarding
studio-bound tale.
Review: "Time-Flight"
Now on DVD
A loud raspberry to the simplistic
horror fans,
as this story courageously enters
intangible territory in the
sci-fi/mystery/fantasy genres,
tackles complex subject matter,
and survives a loosening plot through its
enjoyable characters and high spirits.
New for December 29, 2007:
Medical student Martha Jones discovers
the Doctor and climbs aboard the TARDIS
for a roller coaster of interplanetary
time-travel, adventure, and non-stop
excitement in these opening three
stories for the 2007 season.
"Destiny of the Daleks"
Coming to DVD
An entertaining, flawed story from an
under-praised era inches
Doctor Who mythology forward.
Decent and highly
New for January 20, 2008:
Review: "The Visitation"
Now on DVD
Is this solid historical
alien tale a bit too simplistic,
or just a great "ripping yarn"?
Find out in our review....
Review: "Black Orchid"
Coming to DVD
This tale of historical doubles abandons
the usual tensions for fun and games....
Welcome to the party, and bring your own
cricketing suit.
Review: "Earthshock"
Now on DVD
Easily the showstopper of season 19...
How flawless is it? How perfect? How classic?
Find out in our review....
Review: "Arc of Infinity"
Now on DVD
This Season 20 opener is a surprisingly
strong sci-fi drama, and we gladly point
out where it trips up while thoroughly
enjoying its stronger points.
This completes our reviews for season 19; look for
our rankings on the update for its final
New for February 1, 2008:
Review: "The Time Warrior"
Coming to DVD
A deadly alien warrior and a humourous
band of freeloading medieval swordsmen
make an entertaining combination in
this highly enjoyable season 11
opener that introduced Sarah Jane
Smith to the show.
Review: "Terror of the Zygons"
Only on VHS
Tom Baker's best U.N.I.T. story
delivers substance with its style
and comes out on top of the highly
over-rated 13th season.
Review: "Planet of Evil"
Now on DVD
This highly atmospheric story
filled with all the right elements
is only missing a few effects and
a bit of character logic....
Review: "Pyramids of Mars"
Now on DVD
This exceptional visual treat
of a story offers a solid plot
and dynamic ending, but suffers
a sleepy pace and a number of
blandly fanatical characters.
The gothic season has spoken.
New for March 16, 2008:
New for April 19, 2008:
New for May 5, 2008:
Star Trek: Examining The Prime Directive
The improvements most needed in
the philosophy behind
Starfleet's General Order #1
get some of their strongest imagery ever
in this Next Generation tour-de-force,
and so we begin our Prime Directive
review articles with
"Who Watches the Watchers?"
New for June 15, 2008: The MALDEK FILES!
The Maldek Files: The Fifth Planet
An investigation into the histories and
theories about Maldek: the original fifth
planet of our solar system, orbiting
between Mars and Jupiter, where now
only an asteroid belt remains....
The Doctor must pull out all the scientific
stops to prevent the Swarm from taking over
the solar system, a visually ambitious odyssey
that takes him
from the moons of Saturn to a hospital for
the mining colonies in the asteroid remains
of the planet Maldek, and introduces him to a
robot dog named K9....
Review: "Image of the Fendahl"
Only on VHS
The Doctor has his hands full keeping
the Earth free of an ancient force that
devastated its original homeworld:
the fifth planet, Maldek.
New for July 5, 2008:
Doctor Who Reviews:
"Fear Her",
Now on DVD
The fun doesn't really start until the
mythologically rich two-part finale begins....
but then, hold on to your hat!
"The Sun Makers"
Only on VHS
Sublime satirical writing
and acting
elevate this interplanetary
rebellion against taxes
above its production limitations.
Only on VHS
Visually exquisite effects
combat deficiencies of
character and dialogue in this
smorgasbord of
sci-fi ideas.
"The Invasion of Time"
Coming to DVD
This highly entertaining
cornerstone of Doctor Who
mythology only needed a more
focused ending and fewer gags
to top its era.
New for July 18, 2008:
Review: "The Runaway Bride"
Now on DVD
Can Doctor Who survive the extra
Earth-bound domestication of
a "rebound" companion and
a wedding added to its new Christmas Special
format? Alien & scientific elements
struggle to uphold its appeal with some
New for September 16, 2008:
New for October 2008:
New Section:
"The Evolution of Political Ideals"
A new page that will be continually updated
with information and links to
our new series of articles highlighting
the philosophical underpinnings in our
politics and governmental systems.
Also, meet the 2008 Federal Candidates for
Parry Sound / Muskoka....
Article: "Green Control"
Are "government-knows-best" and tax-punishment
policies really the best methods of achieving
harmony between man, nature and the environment?
Join us in our quest to put a better "Green Shift"
on the cards than what has so far been proposed.
Monetary Reform Page
Here we outline what publicly accountable
governments could do to reclaim their power
over the banks and end the debt-based
financial shell games and budgetary
concerns that affect
ability to deal with nearly EVERY
other issue of importance.
Do this year's
scare tactics reflect all the historical
hall-marks of
yet another public banking scam?
New for November 1, 2008:
"Human Nature",
Now on DVD
Both the strong emotional heart and the
most freakish intellectual puzzle of
Season 29 arrive on this not-to-be-missed
disc! Find out more in our review....
Review: "The War Machines"
Coming to DVD
Warp back to 1966 for the most complete
story amongst Season Three's gems, and watch
the program carve out a new format for itself
while demonstrating more fascinating
science than even it may realize...
New for November 23, 2008 - The Master's Journey:
The anticipation builds to a crescendo
as the end of Season 29 draws near,
but can the season finale deliver?
We examine all the targets and count the
score in our reviews....
Would these two stories have worked better
as one big one? Find out in our full
reviews of these groundbreaking 1971 adventures
that originally introduced Doctor Who's
arch nemesis.
The 2008 David Tennant season (season 30)
is now on
Region 1 and 2 DVD
released November 17-18, 2008!
Catherine Tate's Donna Noble is back,
joining David Tennant's Doctor for 2008.
Discover new secrets of
science and sociology, and
transport yourself across the universe,
through time, and into incredible heroic adventures
with Doctor Who. And long live the cliffhanger.
Get your copy of this DVD box set
from the links below:
Region 1, NTSC, U.S.
Region 1, NTSC, Canada
Region 2, PAL, U.K.
New for March 7, 2009:
New for April 11, 2009:
Mind Over Mara - Templates for Health & Wellbeing
Recipe for Health
A feature article on the relationship between
leading practices and philosophies of
mind, body, health and wellbeing.
Deepak Chopra Page
An introduction to one of the world's
leading experts in Mind/Body medicine
and holistic life integration, celebrating
his popular works and latest projects.
Discover some of its
hidden wisdoms and modern relevance
as we explore its high concepts
in greater depth in our review....
New for April 25, 2009:
Doctor Who reviews:
The E-Space Trilogy:
"Full Circle",
"State of Decay", and
"Warriors' Gate"
Now on DVD
Learn how these classic stories from
the heart of season 18 in turn:
showcase emotionally moving sci-fi mystery,
transcend subject matter with structural
versatility, and sadly fail a noble
metaphysical experiment.
New for June 6, 2009:
Doctor Who Reviews:
"The Rescue",
"The Romans" (story nos. 11 & 12)
Coming to DVD
A bizarre mystery on an alien planet
brings excellence out of the Doctor in
"The Rescue".
And his first tv visit to the
Roman Empire is still his best, as William
Hartnell's comic touch rules all....
Enjoy the top stories of Season Two (1964-65)
restored to DVD with tons of extras....
Star Trek Parallel Opposites
Star Trek's early parallel universe stories
range from excellent to mediocre, yet fail
to inspire a cure for the franchise's bad
time travel theory. Read our full reviews
for "The Alternative Factor" and
"Mirror, Mirror".....
Prime Directive Origins
Our search for the initial origin of
Star Trek's highest ranking philosophical
principle - the Prime Directive -
takes us through underdeveloped scripts
for the second pilot before leading us to
"The Return of the Archons",
"Errand of Mercy", and "The Galileo Seven".
The Rise of the Prime Directive
Prime Directive issues abound during
Star Trek's second season, yet a proper
introduction story for this fascinating
"highest law" continues to remain elusive.
Join us as we closely examine "Friday's Child",
"Who Mourns for Adonais?", "The Apple",
"Bread and Circuses", "A Private Little War",
"The Gamesters of Triskelion",
"A Piece of the Action", "Patterns of Force",
and finally the Prime Directive holy grail:
"The Omega Glory".
New for August 29, 2009:
Reviews for the explosive 30th Season of Doctor Who begin:
The somewhat bumpy beginning to Season 30
produces a few surprising gems, and the
tension builds....
New for October 4, 2009:
"Star Trek Time Travel Season Two"
Star Trek's characters keep their bad
time travel theories in their heads
while dramatic substance withers away
in "Assignment: Earth".
New for October 31, 2009 - the latest Doctor Who:
Reviews for stories 200 & 201:
"Silence in the Library",
Now on DVD
Doctor Who Season 30 rides the wave
with another epic classic from
writer Steven Moffat...
Review for story 204:
"The Next Doctor"
Now on DVD
A nice little 1851 Christmas story
complete with cybernetic industrialization
and.... a glimpse of a future Doctor?
Review for story 205:
"Planet of the Dead"
Now on DVD and Blu-Ray
Deadly wormholes, alien deserts,
military taskforces, and secret pasts....
a rough start for the 2009 specials.
...or start reading our Season 30 reviews from the beginning
with the previously published:
"Time Crash".
New for November 29, 2009:
Doctor Who Reviews:
"Mawdryn Undead",
Now on DVD in
The Black Guardian Trilogy box set.
The heart of Season 20 combines
good and bad Peter Davison stories,
but saves the very best for last....
New for December 14, 2009:
"Star Trek Prime Directive:
Season Three"
A quick look at season three's ideal launch
vehicle "Elaan of Troyius", before examining
the Prime Directive issues in
"The Paradise Syndrome", "The Empath", and
"For the World Is Hollow And I Have Touched the Sky".
New for January 29, 2010:
"Star Trek Time Travel - Season Four"
Written by the same writers as the original series,
Animated Star Trek continued to solidify
the bad time travel theories already at work
in the franchise. Join us as we consider
"Yesteryear", "The Time Trap", and
"The Counter-Clock Incident".
"Star Trek Prime Directive - Season Four"
Already having introduced and developed the prime directive
in the original series, Star Trek's writers
seem now to have figured out how best to use
and showcase it.
Join us as we celebrate
"The Magicks of Megas-Tu", "Bem", and
"How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth".
New for February 19, 2010:
Review: "The Waters of Mars"
Now on DVD and Blu-Ray
The most promising setting
and plot mechanics of the
"season of specials" gets tripped up
by unnecessarily depressing character motivations.
Let's find out how to REALLY inspire the future....
Review: "The End of Time"
Now on DVD and Blu-Ray
Russell T. Davies pulls out all the stops
once more to give the Tenth Doctor's finale
a great emotional ride and challenge the show's
long mythology once more. Hang on and enjoy!
...or start reading our Season 30 reviews from the beginning
with the previously published:
"Time Crash".
New for March 2, 2010:
"The Curse of Peladon"
Now on DVD
Doctor Who's 9th season comes alive with
a fun classic that helped define the
well-traveled side
of Jon Pertwee's Doctor....
"The Monster of Peladon"
Now on DVD
Back for a longer, second helping of a
good thing, this season 11 sequel almost
manages to be as good as the original, while
adding some of its own unique charms....
New for March 21, 2010:
...or start reading our Season 1 reviews from the beginning
with the previously published:
"An Unearthly Child".
New for April 17, 2010:
"The Time Monster"
Now on DVD
A tour-de-force from Roger Delgado as
the Master in this season 9 classic....
New for May 8, 2010:
Review: "The War Games"
Now on DVD
This truly epic finale to season six
is a groundbreaking milestone in the
Doctor Who saga. Discover what makes it
one of the show's best stories ever in
our review....
New for June 16, 2010:
New for July 3, 2010 - Our final Tom Baker Doctor Who reviews:
"Planet of Giants"
Too cute? Too slow?
This off-beat story still
delivers the essentials....
New for July 24, 2010:
New for August 2, 2010:
New for August 31, 2010:
"Star Trek Prime Directive:
The Genesis Project"
Is there really any way that terraforming can
obey the Prime Directive, if all matter is created
out of a unified field of intelligence
in the first place? Join us as we examine
the implications of this subplot of
Star Trek feature films 2 and 3....
Full In-depth Analysis Review:
"Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home"
Star Trek's first
time travel big screen feature
stays refreshingly clean, focusing instead
on high philosophies and undeniably
non-human species.
New for September 21, 2010:
"Star Trek Prime Directive - The Next Generation Season One"
Skipping ahead into a new century,
the Star Trek franchise initially gave
the Federation some scope to further evolve
its high philosophies and laws.
Did the Prime Directive improve at all as well?
Join us as we scrutinize
"Encounter At Farpoint", "Code of Honor",
"Justice", "Too Short a Season",
"Angel One", "Home Soil",
and most importantly of all: "Symbiosis".
"Star Trek Time Travel - The Next Generation Season One"
The crew of Enterprise D witness the time/space/choice
continuum being twisted and folded in all new ways.
Join us as we examine
"Where No One Has Gone Before", "The Battle",
and "We'll Always Have Paris".
New for October 15, 2010:
New for October 25, 2010:
"The map is not the territory,"
a profound truth releasing many pieces
of time travel fiction from the artificial bonds
their writers may have inflicted upon them.
From finally honing in on successful
time travel / prime directive models,
to completely missing the point
(and misusing the freedom) of getting
such things right,
each of these "Next Generation" feature films
earned a full in-depth analysis review:
New for November 14, 2010:
"The Tenth Planet"
William Hartnell's milestone finale
changed Doctor Who forever. This lost
holy grail's release on VHS remains
the best example yet of how
an incomplete Doctor Who story should be
reconstructed & restored to full length....
New for December 2, 2010:
New for January 7, 2011:
Review Articles:
"Star Trek Prime Directive - TNG Season Two"
Star Trek finds some new and bizarre ways to side-step
its most famous limiting law. Should the crew's
ongoing debates find a venue to chuck the Prime Directive
for good?
"Star Trek Time Travel - TNG Season Two"
Three mistakes all time travel stories should avoid
are all committed by Next Gen's "Time Squared" episode,
while we also reveal what we believe are the three
best episodes of TNG's second season....
New for February 1, 2011:
Our reviews for Season 23 -
"The Trial of a Time Lord":
Review: "The Mutants"
One of Jon Pertwee's best written
stories receives a hit and miss
production that still shines bright
in season nine....
New for February 8, 2011:
It's time for an update
to one of our most popular articles:
"The Fourth Density"
New additions include
more details about what it is,
and what its philosophical principles are,
as well as some new resources
for achieving fourth density in
your own life....
Article: "Animal Whispering
and the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Densities"
What a fun way for a human to better
understand balance! Our article details
how Cesar Millan's techniques for communication
between 2nd and 3rd density can
help human viewers prepare for and trigger
the fourth density. Bonuses include
managing your energy,
promoting a calm-assertive stance,
and living in the moment.
New for February 19, 2011:
Or, read our season 11 reviews from the beginning with
"The Time Warrior".
New for March 14, 2011:
Our reviews for Season 24:
Doctor Who tops off its fourth season
with a couple of Patrick Troughton classics....
New for April 27, 2011:
Our reviews for Doctor Who Season 25:
Patrick Troughton's Doctor settles down
and gets somewhat more serious in these
lost season four classics....
New for May 26, 2011:
Our reviews for Doctor Who Season 26:
Review: "The 1996 Untitled
Paul McGann TV Movie"
An attempt to revive Doctor Who
via American co-production sees
the show's heart being rewritten
and a lot of money spent on its new look.
Our review looks at the lessons to be learned
from this exercise....
New for June 9, 2011:
New for June 28, 2011:
Doctor Who's sci-fi ambitions launch
its third season to an exciting start
and an epic length main event....
New for July 27, 2011:
Story review - "Redemption":
The story threads getting tied up in
Next Gen's fourth season finale
and subsequent opener
hinge on non-interference, and are somewhat
hindered by prior time-travel problems....
New for August 8, 2011 - Time Conundrums: Fiction mirroring Fact?
The Philadelphia Experiment
A brief primer on what this was,
how far its time travel research
may have gone, and how all this might
best fit in with human social growth....
"Day of the Daleks".
Coming to DVD...
Doctor Who Season 9 begins with
a gripping and poignant
temporal conundrum involving
the Doctor's arch enemies,
with optional new 2011 upgrades
in effects and voiceovers.
New for August 15, 2011:
The Patrick Troughton era of Doctor Who
gets off to a
rough start, but receives some help
from a popular returning enemy....
New for August 21, 2011:
"The Beast Below"
"Victory of the Daleks"
Amy's initial TARDIS tour of future and past
is a bit too formulaic for a modern
Doctor Who season. Find out what still works
and what doesn't in our reviews....
"Colony in Space",
"The Daemons"
Can a character's beliefs change believably?
These two stories from
Doctor Who Season 8 demonstrate polar opposite
philosophies, while both having their own
unique charm.
New for September 2, 2011:
Or read our reviews for the entire 31st season from the beginning with
"The Eleventh Hour".
Coming for the New Year:
New for October 24, 2011:
New for November 3, 2011:
New for November 24, 2011:
Season 32: story nos. 218 - 229
Season 32 (2011) starring Matt Smith
has arrived on
Region 1 and 2 DVD
in a full box set loaded with extras
for November 21-22, 2011.
River Song's secrets will be revealed as you
transport yourself across the universe,
through time, and into incredible heroic adventures
with Doctor Who. And long live the cliffhanger.
Get your copy of this DVD box set
from the links below:
Region 1, NTSC, U.S.
Region 1, NTSC, Canada
Region 2, PAL, U.K.
Region 2, PAL, U.K. (Limited Edition)
also available in Blu-ray high definition:
Blu-ray Region 1, NTSC, U.S.
Blu-ray Region 1, NTSC, Canada
Blu-ray Region 2, PAL, U.K.
Blu-ray Region 2, PAL, U.K. (Limited Edition)
New for December 14, 2011:
Doctor Who Season 32 Reviews:
"A Christmas Carol" -
Now in the full season DVD box set.
A classic Christmas story gets an enjoyable,
if flawed, modern sci-fi update: shifting
time, memory, and choice into
dangerous waters,
while buoyed up by a sense of fairy-tale fun.
New for December 2011 - January 2012:
All Doctor Who Season 32 reviews are here,
"A Christmas Carol" and
"The Impossible Astronaut"
"The Wedding of River Song".
Season 32 breaks the mould with a heavily
mythological 2-part opener, and continues
to deliver new twists and
staple sci-fi elements,
quickly building to some of the best stories
Matt Smith's Doctor has ever had.