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The core premise behind this film is just too cool and
too correct not to appear on screen. As was the case
previously in
the original Battlestar Galactica,
the Erich von Däniken
influence can be felt, and helps the film resonate
with audiences and sci-fi buffs alike.
The characters are less impressive, but work alright in this
single film and are played entertainingly enough
by Kurt Russell and James Spader. While the ideas
and cultural bits flesh out the opening and center of the
film, it all soon becomes a big action-fest, and a fairly
satisfying one at that.
The story begins here, but of course the big success
was the major sci-fi legacy that the film later spawned....
Stargate SG-1
This television series picks up where the
feature film left off, with Richard Dean Anderson
taking over Kurt Russell's role, and
Michael Shanks taking over James Spader's.
Why this was done is a bit puzzling, since their
characters in the film didn't really have
enough appeal to command a long running television
I'd have restarted this with brand new characters.
Indeed, the otherwise successful and
entertaining pilot for the series seems to be
tripping up a bit going to extremely horrific and graphic
lengths to undo the film's resolution in an
unnecessary attempt to motivate the series.
Really, they only needed the drive to explore with curiosity,
and it seemed science fiction was overdoing it with
military and pseudo-military protagonists in the 1990's.
That said, Jay Acovone's Kowalski was the one character
in the pilot that seemed to have the right amount
of charm to be a draw for the series....
But after a half-dozen or so formulaic episodes,
along came "Cold Lazarus", the first episode to
fulfill the sci-fi potential that the stargate
vehicle had primed the show for. And then
this series started to gel, and the central characters
developed enough new facets to become interesting
and compelling, while long-term arcs sank their
hooks in and left audiences hungry for more....
much more....
Season One:
double-length pilot +
20 episodes
@ 45 min. each, on 5 discs.
| Canada
| U.K.
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- "Behind the Scenes with the Producers" featurette (5 min.):
Executives Brad Wright and
Jonathan Glassner recount how they joined
forces to develop the feature film's premise
into the pilot episode and the SG-1 series.
- Cast and Crew featurette (4 min.) interviewing
Richard Dean Anderson (Col. Jack O'Neill),
Don S. Davis (General Hammond),
Amanda Tapping (Captain Samantha Carter),
Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson),
Christopher Judge (Teal'c),
executive producers Brad Wright
& Jonathan Glassner,
and production designer Richard Hudolin.
- Featurette: Profile on General Hammond (6 min., contains spoilers
for future seasons)
- Featurette: Profile on Captain Carter (5 min., contains spoilers
for future seasons)
- Costume Design featurette (5 min.)
- promotional trailers (2.5 min.)
Season Two:
(1998-1999) ....
22 episodes
@ 45 min. each
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Profile: Production Designer Richard Hudolin (7 min., contains spoilers
for seasons 3 & 4)
- Featurette: Profile on Dr. Daniel Jackson (9 min., contains spoilers
for seasons 3 & 4) with Michael Shanks.
- Featurette: Profile on Teal'c (10 min., contains spoilers
for seasons 3 & 4) with Christopher Judge.
- 46-second Promotional trailers for all 22 episodes.
Season Three:
(1999-2000) ....
22 episodes @ 45 min. each
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Secret SGC Files - "Col. Jack O'Neill" featurette (14 min.
with spoilers for next season)
- Secret SGC Files - "The Stargate Universe" featurette (16 min.
with spoilers for next season)
- Secret SGC Files - "Personnel Files" featurette (17 min.
with spoilers)
including Kurt Russell's tour of the sets.
Season Four:
(2000-2001) ....
22 episodes @ 45 min. each
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on every episode, with:
- Director Martin Wood,
director of photography Jim Menard,
vis-FX supervisor James Tichenor on:
- Episode 1: Small Victories
- Episode 3: Upgrades
- Episode 5: Divide and Conquer
- Episode 7: Watergate
- Episode 9: Scorched Earth
- Episode 14: The Serpent's Venom
- Episode 15: Chain Reaction
- Director Peter DeLuise and
visual effects supervisor James Tichenor on:
- Episode 2: The Other Side
- Episode 4: Crossroads
- Episode 6: Window of Opportunity
- Episode 10: Beneath the Surface
- Episode 12: Tangent
- Writer / Director Peter DeLuise on:
- Episode 8: The First Ones
- Writers Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie,
director William Gereghty, d.o.p. Jim Menard on:
- Episode 11: Point of No Return
- Visual FX supervisor James Tichenor on:
- Episode 13: The Curse - with
director Andy Mikita and
director of photography Peter Woeste.
- Episode 16: 2010 - with
director Andy Mikita and
director of photography Peter Woeste.
- Episode 18: The Light - with
production manager Andy Mikita and
director Peter F. Woeste.
- Episode 20: Entity - with
director Allan Lee.
- Episode 21: Double Jeopardy - with
director Michael Shanks (Dr. Daniel Jackson).
- Episode 22: Exodus - with
co-writer Joseph Mallozzi and
director of photography Jim Menard.
- Director Peter DeLuise on:
- Episode 17: Absolute Power - with
writer Robert C. Cooper
- Episode 19: Prodigy - with
co-writers Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie.
- Secret SGC Files - "Enhanced Visual Effects" featurette (16 min.)
- Secret SGC Files - "Alien Species: Friend & Foe" featurette (17 min.)
- Timeline documentary, Part 1 of 3 - "Legacy of the Gate" (25 min.)
Season Five:
(2001-2002) ....
22 episodes @ 45 min. each
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on every episode, with:
- Director Martin Wood and
visual effects producer James Tichenor on:
- Episode 1: Enemies
- Episode 3: Ascension - with
Amanda Tapping (Carter).
- Episode 5: Red Sky - with
Amanda Tapping (Carter).
- Episode 7: Beast of Burden - with
director of photography Jim Menard.
- Episode 15: Summit [Part 1 of 2] - with
co-writer Joseph Mallozzi.
- Episode 16: Last Stand [Part 2 of 2] - with
writer Robert C. Cooper.
- Episode 19: Menace
- Episode 22: Revelations - with
writers Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie.
- Director Peter DeLuise and
visual effects producer James Tichenor on:
- Episode 2: Threshold - with
Christopher Judge (Teal'c).
- Episode 6: Rite of Passage
- Episode 10: 2001 - with
supervising producer Joseph Mallozzi.
- Episode 12: Wormhole X-treme! - with
co-writer Joseph Mallozzi.
- Director Peter DeLuise on:
- Episode 4: The Fifth Man - with
writers Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie.
- Episode 8: The Tomb - with
writers Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie.
- Episode 20: The Sentinel - with
actor Gary Jones (Walter/Norman/Davis).
- Director / co-writer Peter DeLuise and
stunt co-ordinator Dan Shea (Sgt. Siler) on:
- Visual effects supervisor James Tichenor and
director of photography Jim Menard on:
- Episode 9: Between Two Fires - with
director William Gereghty.
- Episode 11: Desperate Measures - with
director William Gereghty.
- Episode 13: Proving Ground - with
director Andy Mikita.
- Episode 17: Fail Safe - with
director Andy Mikita and
co-writer Paul Mullie.
- Director Peter F. Woeste and
director of photography Andrew D. Wilson on:
- Director William Waring and
director of photography Jim Menard on:
- SG-1 Video Diaries from:
- Amanda Tapping (12 min.)
- Christopher Judge (10 min.) [specifically on his episode "The Warrior"]
- Michael Shanks (11 min.)
- Inside the Tomb featurette (6 min.) with director Peter DeLuise
- Tribute featurette (6 min.)
Season Six:
(2002-2003) ....
22 episodes @ 45 min. each
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on every episode, featuring:
- visual effects producer James Tichenor
- directors Martin Wood, Peter DeLuise,
Andy Mikita, William Waring
- director / d.o.p. Peter F. Woeste
- writer Christopher Judge (Teal'c)
- actors Don S. Davis (General Hammond) and
Gary Jones (Technician Walter/Norman/Davis)
- writers Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie,
Damian Kindler, Robert C. Cooper
- executive producer Michael Greenburg
- directors of photography Jim Menard and Andrew D. Wilson
- chief lighting technician Rick Dean
- SG-1 Directors Series featurettes for
- The first 11 episodes of the season
- Episode 16: Metamorphosis
- Episode 22: Full Circle
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on every episode, featuring:
- actors Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson) and
Gary Jones (Technician Walter/Norman/Davis).
- directors Amanda Tapping (Samantha Carter),
Martin Wood, Peter DeLuise, and
Andy Mikita.
- writers Damian Kindler, Paul Mullie, and
Robert C. Cooper.
- director / d.o.p. Peter F. Woeste
- director / camera operator Will Waring
- directors of photography Jim Menard and Andy Wilson
- set decorators Mark Davidson and Robert Davidson
- visual effects producer James Tichenor
- executive producer Michael Greenburg
- SG-1 Directors Series featurettes for
- Episode 3: Fragile Balance
- Episode 8: Space Race
- Episode 9: Avenger 2.0
- Episode 16: Death Knell
- Episodes 21-22: Lost City (season finale)
- SG-1 Beyond the Gate featurettes for
Michael Shanks, Christopher Judge,
Richard Dean Anderson, and Amanda Tapping
- Photo Galleries on each disc
- Fan Club info
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on all episodes except #18 "Threads", featuring:
- directors Andy Mikita, Will Waring, Peter Woeste,
Martin Wood, Peter DeLuise
- actors Amanda Tapping (Samantha Carter),
Claudia Black (Vala), and
Gary Jones (Technician Walter)
- writers Christopher Judge (Teal'c) and
Paul Mullie
- stunt co-ordinator Dan Shea (Sgt. Siler)
- director of photography Jim Menard
- producer John Lenic
- SG-1 Directors Series featurettes for
- Episode 6: Avatar (9 min.)
- Episode 8: Covenant (8 min.)
- Episodes 16-17: Reckoning (17 min.)
- SG-1 Beyond the Gate featurettes:
- An Air Force Experience with Richard Dean Anderson (Jack O'Neill) (12 min.)
- A Convention Experience with Christopher Judge (14 min.)
- Super Soldier - The Making of a Monster featurette (15 min.)
- Photo Galleries on each disc
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on all episodes, featuring:
- directors Andy Mikita, Will Waring,
Martin Wood, Peter DeLuise,
Robert C. Cooper.
- writers Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie,
Martin Gero, Damian Kindler,
Alan McCullough.
- actors Amanda Tapping (Carter), Gary Jones (Walter),
Barclay Hope (Col. Pendergast)
- directors of photography Jim Menard, Peter Woeste
- visual effects personnel Michelle Comens, Mark Savela, James Rorick
- SG-1 Directors Series featurettes for
- Episodes 1-2: Avalon (11 min.)
- Episode 5: The Powers That Be (11 min.)
- Episode 9: Prototype (14 min.)
- Episode 15: Ethon (15 min.)
- Episode 19: Crusade (15 min.)
- An Introduction to Ben Browder and his character Cameron Mitchell (21 min.)
- Profile On: Creator/Writer Brad Wright (21 min.)
- It Takes a Crew to Raise a Village (14 min.)
- Inside the Stargate Prop Department (15 min.)
- Inside the Stargate Special Effects Department (18 min.)
- Photo Galleries on each disc
| Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on most episodes, featuring:
- directors Will Waring,
Andy Mikita,
Peter F. Woeste,
Martin Wood.
- writers Robert C. Cooper,
Brad Wright,
Joseph Mallozzi,
Paul Mullie,
Alan McCullough.
- actors Amanda Tapping (Carter) and Christopher Judge (Teal'C)
- director of photography Jim Menard
- producer John G. Lenic
- SG-1 Directors Series featurettes for
- Episode 4: Insiders (12 min.)
- Episode 8: Memento Mori (12 min.)
- Episode 9: Company of Thieves (10 min.)
- Episode 14: The Shroud (11 min.)
- Episode 20: Unending (15 min.)
- The Ori: A New Enemy (18 min.)
- Behind the 200th (18 min.)
- "Life as a Tech" with Gary Jones (Walter Harriman) (20 min.)
- "Setting the Mood" with director of photography Jim Menard (23 min.)
- Deleted Scenes (23 min.) with introduction and
- optional commentary by writer/producer Joseph Mallozzi
- Photo Galleries on each disc
Stargate Atlantis
An opportunity to send a team to an ancient city
in the Pegasus Galaxy results in the team being stranded
there indefinitely, with a new enemy to defend against,
new friends to discover, and many new worlds in the Pegasus Galaxy
to explore. A much more gorgeously designed gate-room allows
the "puddle-jumper" shuttles to fly in and out, and the
"Atlantis" city itself holds many secrets to discover.
This highly entertaining spin-off branched out of the 8th season
of the SG-1 series in 2004, and occasionally featured storylines
crossing over between the two series....
Stargate: Atlantis - Season One:
(2004) ....
double-length pilot +
18 episodes
@ 45 min. each
| Canada
Blu-ray U.S.
| Blu-ray Canada
| Blu-ray U.K.
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on some episodes:
- 1. "Rising" (double-length pilot) with Joe Flanigan (Major Sheppard),
and director Martin Wood.
- 2. "Hide and Seek" with Torri Higginson (Dr. Elizabeth Weir),
Paul McGillion (the very Scottish Dr. Carson Beckett), and
Rachel Luttrell (Teyla Emmagan).
- 3. "Thirty-Eight Minutes" with McGillion and Luttrell
- 5. "Childhood's End" with Luttrell,
Rainbow Sun Francks (Ltn. Ford),
and writer Martin Gero.
- 9. "The Storm" and 10. "The Eye" with
David Hewlett (Canadian scientist Dr. Rodney McKay),
writer Martin Gero, and director Martin Wood.
- 11. "The Defiant One" with director Peter DeLuise
and stunt co-ordinator Dan Shea (Sgt. Siler).
- 12. "Hot Zone" with writer Martin Gero, and actors
McGillion, Francks, and Luttrell.
- 13. "Sanctuary" with Higginson and Luttrell.
- 15. "The Brotherhood" with Hewlett, Wood, and writer Martin Gero.
- 17. "The Gift" with DeLuise and actor Gary Jones
(Technician Walter/Norman/Davis).
- 18. "The Siege, Part 1" with Gero, Wood, and Hewlett.
- 19. "The Siege, Part 2" with Gero, Wood, Hewlett, and Flanigan.
- Set Tour with directors Martin Wood and Peter DeLuise (11 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "The Storm / The Eye" (6 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "Sanctuary" (11 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "Before I Sleep" (14 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "The Siege" (11 min.)
- "A Look Back on Season 1" featurette with writer / story editor Martin Gero (17 min.)
- Wraithal Discrimination featurette: "It's Not Easy Being Green" (11 min.)
- Diary of Rainbow Sun Francks (9 min.)
- Photo Galleries on each disc
Stargate: Atlantis - Season Two:
| Canada
Blu-ray U.S.
| Blu-ray Canada
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries, featuring:
- actors Joe Flanigan (Ltn.Colonel John Sheppard),
David Hewlett (Dr. Rodney McKay),
Torri Higginson (Dr. Elizabeth Weir),
Amanda Tapping (Samantha Carter),
Rachel Luttrell (Teyla), and
Gary Jones (Technician Walter).
- directors Martin Wood,
Peter DeLuise,
Andy Mikita, and
Neil Fearnley.
- writers Martin Gero and
Damian Kindler.
- writer/producer Paul Mullie
- director of photography Brenton Spencer
- Profile On: David Hewlett and his character Dr. Rodney McKay (21 min.)
- Profile On: Paul McGillion and his character Dr. Carson Beckett (21 min.)
- Introduction to a Character: Ronon Dex (15 min.)
with actor Jason Momoa (Ronon Dex),
writer/producer Robert C. Cooper and director Martin Wood.
- Mission Directive featurette for "The Siege Part III" (11 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "The Intruder" (11 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "Instinct" (15 min.)
- Stargate Atlantis Stunts (18 min.)
- Road to a Dream featurette (19 min.)
- Photo Galleries & Production Design Galleries on each disc
Stargate: Atlantis - Season Three:
| Canada
Blu-ray U.S.
| Blu-ray Canada
| Blu-ray U.K.
Region 1 DVD Box Set Extras include:
- Audio commentaries on every episode except "The Real World", featuring:
- directors Martin Wood,
Andy Mikita,
Robert C. Cooper, and
William Waring.
- writers Martin Gero and
Carl Binder
- executive producer Paul Mullie
- directors of photography Michael Blundell and
Brenton Spencer.
- VFX Supervisor Mark Savela
- creature effects designer Todd Masters
- Profile On: Rachel Luttrell and her character Teyla Emmagan (15 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "Sateda" (15 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "Progeny" (11 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "Phantoms" (15 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "The Game" (13 min.)
- Mission Directive featurette for "First Strike" (12 min.)
- O'Neill Atlantis featurette (14 min.)
- "Masters of the Alien" make-up effects department featurette (18 min.)
- Inside the Stargate Atlantis Visual FX Department (18 min.)
- A Look Back on Season 3 (20 min.)
- Photo Galleries & Production Design Galleries on each disc
Stargate: Atlantis - Season Four:
| Canada
Blu-ray U.S.
| Blu-ray Canada
| Blu-ray U.K.
Stargate: Atlantis - Season Five:
| Canada
Blu-ray U.S.
| Blu-ray Canada
Stargate: Atlantis - Complete Five Season Mega-Set:
Blu-ray U.S.
| Blu-ray Canada
| Blu-ray U.K.
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